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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Why African Americans can not "Accommodate" Racism

MILWAUKEE - Today is Tuesday, March 27, 2012 the key word in the title of this blog is "accommodate". It means to serve, aid, assist, help, abet -

In other words, when we, African Americans see/hear/feel/read any level of RACISM, it is our duty to confront in a manner that will help expose and remove the source - EXPOSE and REMOVE the source.

Too often, there is the "benefit-of-doubt", "source-imbalance of power", "don't-want-to-rock-the-boat", "fear-of-reprisal" and "lack-of-fight". Yes. Fight.

African Americans have paid their fair share and the FAIR OF PRIVILEGED Americans and non-Americans. They have had generations-after-generations get "unjust" treatment.

We were captured and brought to the American shores and through FORCE-often brutal force, made sub-servient. Over the centuries, we have been able to continue to RISE and STAY in the Game under some of the "worst conditions" - to RISE with dignity, education, professionalism, civility, honor, legacies, as well as victims of crime and wrongdoing. Nevertheless, we have continued to put unmatched SKIN-IN-THE-GAME.

We have taken low, when it should of been high.
We have tried many approaches to "set-us-FREE".

We have built, created from nothing, invented, and brought to market for thievery by those who are suppose to be our brothers - fellow human, fellow citizen.

We have been relegated to separate parts of towns, cities with sub-level housing and quality of life issues.

We have worked long-long hours and produced top grade but given meager earnings by our brothers - fellow human, fellow citizen.

We have been FORCED to be man- and woman-servants while our families "go lacking".
We have been FORCED to "look-down" and "not-in-the-face" of our brothers - fellow human, fellow citizen.

We have been met with harsh treatement, unfair treatment, and laws designed to make us "slaves" and caught in a trap of high priced prisons.

We have our men and women sent off to prison for little to NO reasons but our brothers - fellow human and fellow citizen are not.

We have had our land and share-cropper agreements taken by our brothers - fellow human and fellow citizen.

We have been "beaten" with whips, chains, ropes, straps, batons and sticks by our brothers - fellow human and fellow citizen.

We (our men) have been "hung-by-the-neck" till death for looking at our brother's female counter-part - even though she may have initiated the look.

We (our women) have been RAPED over-and-over for the pleasure of our brothers - fellow human and fellow citizen.

We have (women) NURSED our brothers children.

We have been accused of crimes WE HAVE NOT DONE, but railroaded and trapped in the incarceration system, created by our brothers, fellow human and fellow citizen.

We have been FORCED to not be able to learn to read-write-talk correctly by our brothers - fellow human and fellow citizen.

We have (men, women and children) created the major economy of COTTON for the USA but the spoils always went to our brothers, fellow human and fellow citizen.

We have been FORCED in "conditions" that have bred crab barrel and criminal behaviors that have reached high levels but NO hands on therapeutic address.

We have/are DEMONIZED/stereotyped for not being up-to-par when we have NEVER HAD PAR.

We have been murdered by our law enforcement brothers, fellow human and fellow citizen.
So, back to the beginning, if there is to be CHANGE African Americans can not provide cover for bad behavior - bad behavior on everybody's part.

As WE (all of us) move more into a BLENDED color society - races mixed - creating a color of NO race but maybe looking like this race more than this race. However, when you ask, I will tell you, I am African American.

I see it in my family - my daughter, my nieces, nephews and family members.
They are multi-racial - African American, Latino, Asian, Caucasian and American Indian. They are all called African American.

We do not want for ourselves or the generations to come, to continue down the road that makes us less than our character dictates.

Therefore, we can not and will not "ACCOMMODATE" behavior perpetrated by our Caucasian brother, fellow human and fellow citizen.

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