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Thursday, July 12, 2012

HYPOCRISY - Penn State Today - How long before UW Regents?

Today, we hear from the Board of Regents/Trustees and President of Penn State, in a "let's be honorable, trustworthy and transparency is the key mode".

This was not the regents/board and president (their) position when the NEWS first came out and even after it was out.

It appeared that "cover-up", silence and disregard of the errored leadership of those selected to monitor for the People.

The report shows incompetence, lack or Risk Management, and Compliance for starters.

The troubling details, Coach Joe Paterno - mascot/high paid deceased coach, Jerry Sandusky - the recently court-tried child molester, conflict of interest factors with others, greed and lack of Code of Conduct is layed out as a result of the investigation.


How Long before the
are next?

When the powerful wrong are entrenched, they begin to crumble by the foolish though t that they are:  "too big to fail and too big to jail.  The arrogance and bad conduct is LOCKSTEP.

It is deadlock, until the moment of truth catches up with them all.  Then, it is the complete unraveling of the scams, the greed, the misrepresentation of the truth, stealing from the People, the cronyism, the conflict of interest, the bullying the brutality, the fraud, abuse, the disregard - the DISCRIMINATION.

Milwaukee Professionals Association has asked the U. S. Office of Justice for a widespread wrong behavior investigation that starts with failure to fufill Wisconsin State Statute 36 and widespread "by-design" DISCRIMINATION against African American and People of Color in the city of Milwaukee. 
An investigation that will look at massive $$millions of government funding through administration and state Bill 514 that has excluded African American recruitment of students-professors-advisors and dean.

Redlining the City of Milwaukee for real estate projects, developers and outsourcing employment-studies-projects through alumni and/or donor for hire groups by the Board of Regents,  Chancellor Michael Lovell and decison makers has a CULTURE of deceit.

And just as the Penn State scandal, everyone is "lock step" in the wrongdoing. 

THEREFORE, they should ALL be brought up on charges of "Derelection of Duty" and other violations surely to be found in a thorough investigation - cronyism in procurement, hiring practices, class placements, training practices, arbitrary and capricious committee decision making, failure to provide public information, conflict of interest and discrimination/ bias/stacked deck hiring of Chancellor Michael Lovell.
We call for scrutiny at ALL level and watch the by design disregard for customer care and moral right. 
UW System Board of Regents and Pres. Kevin P. Reilly, December 2011Seated (left to right): Michael Falbo, Judith Crain, Regent Vice President Brent Smith, Regent President Michael Spector, System President Kevin Reilly, Katherine Pointer, and Mark Tyler
Standing (left to right): Mark Bradley, Troy Sherven, Edmund Manydeeds, Gerald Whitburn, Tony Evers, Gary Roberts, Tim Higgins, Charles Pruitt and Jeffrey Bartell Not Pictured: John Drew, José Vásquez and David Walsh
Just as the
Board of Trustees of Penn State turned their heads and enabled the wrongdoing, the same is true with Wisconsin's 18-member Board of Regents, Dr. Kevin Riley - University of WI System President, Chancellor Michael Lovell and Provost Johannes Britz- University of WI - Milwaukee, UW-Milwaukee cabinet, UW- Milwaukee governing staff and UW-Milwaukee Student Association leaders.
Stay tuned - investigations and large suits.

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