Subject: Public Policy
- Taxation w/out Representation
This is how decisions/mega $$$ come about that WE find out about in the news or after-the-fact when the money is spent and the blame/denial game starts.
Milwaukee, WI - Senate Bill 514 is part of the 2009 - 2010 Wisconsin Legislature.
It was introduced on February 3, 2010 − by Senators PLALE, KREITLOW and KANAVAS, cosponsored by Representatives RICHARDS, HINTZ, BLACK and STONE, by
request of State of Wisconsin Building Commission. Referred to Committee on Ethics Reform and Government Operations.
For copy of Senate Bill 514, go to:
Who/What is the Wisconsin Building Commission?
The State of Wisconsin Building Commission is an eight-member body consisting of:
The governor;
Three state senators and three state representatives appointed by legislative
leadership in the same manner as the legislature’s standing committees. In both
state legislative chambers, legislative leaders select two members from the
majority party and one member of the minority party to serve on the Building
Commission, for a total of six legislative members;
One citizen member who is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the
Three non-voting advisory members from the Department of Administration
(DOA): The DOA Secretary, the department’s chief engineer and its ranking
architect. As provided in Building Commission policies, with the concurrence of
the DOA Secretary, the Administrator of DOA’s Division of State Facilities
(DSF) fulfills the DOA Secretary’s duties and serves as Building Commission
For an Introduction of the WI Building Commission, go to:
Who is standing OR talking that represented you?
I mean, had YOUR interest at heart? Think about it.
Did you know about the signing? Did the Governor or Chancellor contact you?
Did the legislators, Senators PLALE, KREITLOW and KANAVAS, cosponsors Representatives RICHARDS, HINTZ, BLACK and STONE contact you?
Yet $176 million, part of $240 million (Milwaukee Initiative) was signed away and those seeking favor or notoriety got pens, slap-on-the-back, smiles, etc. - You got the boot.
You get "the boot" when you are disenfranchised and discriminated against - when your race is not reasonably included in the candidate search, you are not part of the Chancellor search committee, when you are not included/allowed to meet with and ask questions of the next chancellor (a chancellor your dollars will pay) at the receptions or meet and greet, not included in the recruitment of founding and head of department deans, faculty leaders, other staff, speakers, contractors, builders, project leaders, partners, real estate barons, energy contractors, WUWM public radio, student senate, student UWM Post, student recruitment, student campus hiring, neighborhood research and development at the neighborhood-level, neighborhood-level businesses are not partners for classroom benefits(both sides)- and on and on.
$176 Million

The bill, approved by both the Wisconsin State Senate and Assembly, released state capital building funds for four different UWM expansion projects at a total anticipated cost of $176 million:
-- Construction of a School of Freshwater Sciences research building ($50 million) Targeted for the downtown Milwaukee waterfront, this building will be the home for the UWM School of Freshwater Sciences that the State Legislature and Governor Doyle approved in 2009.
-- Construction of a Kenwood Integrated Research Building ($75 million) To be located at or near the northwest corner of Kenwood Boulevard and Maryland Avenue, this five- or six-story building will house facilities that advance science, technology, engineering and math education; research; and outreach.
-- Acquisition of the Columbia St. Mary’s Hospital campus ($31 million) UWM remains engaged in negotiations to acquire and redevelop the 11-acre hospital property adjacent to the university’s current 93-acre campus.
-- Purchase of a replacement for the Neeskay research vessel ($20 million) A 120-foot research vessel capable of hosting larger scientific crews, conducting extended operations, and navigating research sites using dynamic positioning and state-of-the-art handling capabilities is proposed to replace the university’s Korean War-era transport-tug boat.
We are in debt - neighborhoods in Milwaukee are 5-10x higher in unemployment - Emerging business and other economic development is given to every Tom, Dick, Harry, Sue, Sally or Jane that do not live and raise a family in Milwaukee. Does that mean they are paying taxes to nearby cities, villages and towns?
Guess who is consistently BLAMED for the fact Milwaukeeans are "in poverty" and achieving at high levels like Caucasians are?
Even though, by design your funds are high jacked through "identity theft". Words like urban, Milwaukeean, City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Wisconsinites, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, voters, citizens; and, most of all, to get the big dollars - low income, disadvantaged, poverty, and so on are added as deal-makers - while African American, other People of Color and the Work-Challenged remain "povertized" (meaning, left in poverty - Enduring Concentrated Poverty).
Take a look at the video.
This act was committed on May 13, 2010.
Governor Jim Doyle is ex-Governor Doyle and I believe part of the largest law firm in Milwaukee - Foley & Lardner.
Chancellor Santiago is ex-Chancellor of UW-Milwaukee, his new gig is in Washington, DC - YOU are here with this bill to pay. Where is your fair share? Who is looking out for your welfare? Listen up and do stay tuned. We have much to do in the coming days, weeks and months.
Governor Jim Doyle signing/releasing State Capitol Building Funds
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