Lack of investigation and recommendations predictable and raises further statute violations
Milwaukee, WI – June 15, 2011, Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association, received a U.S. Postal letter from the office of Attorney JB Van Hollen – response to April 26, 2011 hand-delivered Formal Complaint, Call for an Investigation and Call for Recommendations for possible violation of the spirit and or letter of state statute 36.01(1)(2), Select UW-Milwaukee Mission and UW-Milwaukee 1956 purpose for reorganization.
Glass hand-delivered over 60 pages and has followed up with additional emails detailing information that were violations, "smoking guns".
This Formal Complaint, a Call for an Investigation and a Call for Recommendations asked that the “spirit” and “letter” of the law be looked at for violations in the 2010-2011 search and selection of the 8th Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. It also asked that appropriate remedies that include intervention and prevention from WI Department of Justice.
However, according to the last sentence of the first paragraph from the office of Attorney General Van Hollen, “You do not specify the type of action you are requesting, if any." The statement immediately set off the distraction alarm.
Paragraph 2 followed with:
"For your information, the legal authority of the Attorney General and the Wisconsin Department of Justice is specifically defined, and limited, by laws passed by the Wisconsin Legislature. Under these laws, our principal function is to act as legal counsel to the Governor the two branches of the Legislature, and state agencies, including the Board of Regents. These laws do not provide us with the general authority to pursue legal action on behalf of prvate parties or investigate complaints of the type you are making."
Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 engaged in "spin" by suggesting and recommended private attorney services, referral service fee and a " wide variety of legal information" on the internet.
The last paragraph, said: "Thank you for contacting us. I regret that we cannot be of more assistance, but hope you can understand that we must act within the constraints of our legal authority."
Sincerely, Sandra L. Tarver, Assistant Attorney General.
Attorney General Van Hollen did not honor his office title, Oath and expected high standards expected for confidence in his office, he fail to respond himself - after 45 days of having the Formal Complaint.
The misrepresentation of the facts in the last sentence of paragraph 1 automatically called for MPA efforts to "move forward" to ensure that the People of Milwaukee, over a half-million trapped in Enduring Concentrated Poverty, are not left out the assets of Education and Technology attainment as well as research and development at the neighborhood level. This includes Senate Bill 514 funding, $176 million, the Innovation Project, Regeneration Project and the Master Plan that provide contracts for businesses, employment on campus and off, procurement (goods and services) and faculty positions.
The process and procedures of All Hands on Deck, WE, Not Me Initiative will not deal with ‘distractions’ or lack of due diligence by our leaders.

It is part of the reason we chose to have an “OPEN COMPLAINT” – for transparency and options; and, why we chose multi-levels (state and federal) of accountability to address the problem,” said Glass. “We have no doubt it will be addressed - it is our Code of Conduct that require outreach for engagement and/or compliance." The 3 bodies, individually and as a group faulted badly in the selection of the 8th Chancellor of UW-Milwaukee; and, they have chosen arrogance as a defense." "We know that everyone will not ‘say no’, nor claim no merit." “So, we continue – We are patient (with verification), thorough and willing to go the distance.”
On June 17, 2011, state leaders from the Wisconsin Senate and Assembly will be asked to “weigh-in”. Attorney General JB Hollen cited legal authority/duty as a reason for his thanks-but-no-thanks.
According to Wis. Stat. § 165.015, Wis. Stat. § 165.25(3) and 59.42(1)(c) the legislators can engage his office without a fee.

Abrupt resignation of ex-Chancellor of UW-Madison and President Carolyn A. Martin, Amherst College, has gotten the attention of Glass for the selection process of the UW-Madison Chancellor process.
Due diligence, due process, neighborhood-level inclusion, inclusion of African American and People of Color in the selection committees and candidates will be a top priority for monitoring and accountability while Calling for Investigation and enforcement of civil rights laws of 1964.
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