Where are African American, other People of Color and the Work-Challenged?
They may not be the largest population in Wisconsin, Caucasians are. However, the disproportionate way they have been treated via power-grab (best positions taken - qualified or not - "privileged", discrimination, denials, segregation, pitting-against-each other, greed, impoverish quality of life, stereotyping, law enforcement wrongs and judicial blindness; MPA Calls for INCLUSION.
We challenge the NEW Governor to create the NEW energy with INCLUSIVENESS.
Commerce to Undergo Overhaul Video - Sec. Jadin and Mike Gousha, Channel 12
Transition to the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
Steve Sabatke, Economic Development Consultant
Did you know that employees (390) will be divided? Did you know that Sec. Jadin and those under his command WILL NOT be state employees? Did you know that some will stay with him (110-120) and the rest will move to the Department of Regulations and Licensing as non-state employees?
When I listen to NEW Commerce Secretary Paul Jadin, ex-Mayor of Green Bay, Wisconsin, talk with Mike Gousha, I do not feel he has a "fair command" of what he is to do. He talks about energy, bold initiative, package incentives, excitement, quick response-turnaround, changing the landscape - a significant amount of disjointed terms. Disjointed because I do not hear the infrastructure that includes ALL the people who may want to participate.
For those of us who know that change-reform-overhaul requires time for the participants and end-users to come on board, FOR SETTLING DOWN, I do not hear underpinning statements. Perhaps it is just too early to tell.
I do know that Governor Walker came in with a powered two-body majority legislature that has proven to be a slash/destroy "Machete".

Steven Sabatke, Economic Development Consultant gives a pleasant pitch. However, he is the messenger for Governor Walker, WEDC Committee and Secretary Jadin.
Most importantly, listening to the three: WI Governor Scott Walker on Squawk Box - June 21, 2011, Secretary Paul Jadin, January 30, 2011 and Steve Sabatke, Economic Development Consultant (this include the newly created WEDC Oversight committee of which Governor Walker is the Chair and Corey Hoze is the lone ranger African American, that I know of). We should have full-court of citizenry. this is a NEW development in our state, All Hands on Deck.
Also, why is the Governor on the oversight committee, is this a Conflict of Interest?
Fascade want get it
They have the talking points - They are working on sharpening their presentation. The new ideas around the WEDC could work, I say - could work. However; what they are saying, not saying , is more than enough for our office to Call for the Beef - Actions, transparency, buy-in; a blueprint that will truly impact the economic development climate in the state of Wisconsin that bring ALL to the table. To set a tone long after they are gone from office. Which may be less than a term, said Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association.
They (Governor and Secretary) both are eager to make a name for themselves. That can be dangerous if the "public-private" partnership being tossed around only include the haves, Caucasians, power brokers in the Construction trades, real estate barons, and those that they already call "business partners".
There is suppose to be a balance and always for the betterment of the People and the sustainability of the state.
At the present time, I do not see our elected legislators able to or willing to see that principled-centered leadership - TRUST - CONFIDENCE OF THE PEOPLE, ACCOUNTABILITY, BEST PRACTICES, CUSTOMER CARE be on the table before we open the door in July, 2011.
This must be about Wisconsin.
Not just some Wisconsinites; but ALL Wisconsinites.
Video - Secretary Jadin
When you listen to the video, ask yourself where you, your neighborhood-level businesses, your hidden talent, your submerged and emerging ideas fit in.
When the Secretary talks about "Package Incentives" (creativity, does that include you)?
When he speaks of the second goal of the newly created WEDC - Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, "quick turnaround", do you really believe he is speaking of you in any way of substance?
Yes. African American, other People of Color and the Work-Challenged have a stake in the government tax coffers (those made in Wisconsin and the federal coffers). The state of Wisconsin receive a lot of money on behalf of these citizens with the hope that they will be able to take advantage of the various proposals and incentives given to ensure that these families are able to share their God-given, trained and practicum talents.
Yes. We welcome a "changed landscape", but we do not see the infrastructure that make it a reality.
Yes. There must be Leadership and Vision; however, it must come with All Hands on Deck, WE, Not Me ideas. It can not be a top-down, Governor Scott Walker and Cronies operation with a maschete and none buy-in by those who have been for DECADES left out "by design". They are the many, the tens-of-thousands he failed while Milwaukee County Executive. Here is your opportunity.
Yes. Let's get excited. But, the excitement should be so all can weather the storms of Mother Nature, ponzy and greed, "divisiveness", racial and cultural uproar and outright global competition. Start off right so you can end on the side of success.
A divided house can not and will not stand - no matter who it is or where it is.
Listen and see what you think.
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