Subject: Public Policy - DUE PROCESS
Area: Local-State-National-Global

"I am in receipt of your 'Cease and Desist Gag order/request'. At this point, NO One is exempt from contact. We will contact appropriate decision makers for response and document by name and office their response for the record", said Glass. "What’s the lawyering up for? My office has not filed a 'lawsuit'. I have requested at this time a thorough investigation by multiple state and federal government regulatory agencies of which our public university (UW-Milwaukee) is accountable to".
MILWAUKEE, WI - June 1, 2011, Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association had sharp words for the UW Regents, Chancellor Michael Lovell, his cabinet via the response sent to Attorney Robin Van Harpin, Director of the Office of Legal Affairs, UW-Milwaukee.
Van Harpin erroneously claimed "litigation" and "pending litigation" as the reason for her request - "direct all inquiries, such as requests for meetings with or information from UWM representatives, or statements of concern about UWM business to the Office of Legal Affairs, Attention Debbie Torbica, Office Manager – Please do not contact any other university representatives directly regarding questions or issues related in any way to your claim – I am also asking university representatives who receive inquiries from you to send you to our office, so that your questions can be addressed consistent the university’s management of pending litigation", said Van Harpin.
Van Harpin contacted Glass after she filed for investigation of the recent 2010-2011 Search for the 8th Chancellor by the Wisconsin Attorney General's office, Wisconsin Government Accountability office as well as other state and federal regulatory agencies.
The Call for Investigation by Glass cited several irregularities in the recent Search for the 8th Chancellor at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee – two being conflict of interest and unprecedented advantage-bias given to the “Interim Chancellor”.
Recently, Glass requested a meeting and/or sent inquiries to UW-Milwaukee Chancellor Lovell, the 8th Chancellor, his cabinet, foundation decision makers, alumni association executive director and contractors for information about Senate Bill 514, $176 million funding for projects (Northwest Quadrant/Columbia St Mary Hospital $31M, UW-Milwaukee School of Public Health, Neeskay Research $20M, Kenwood $75M and School of Freshwater Sciences $50M).
Glass also wanted procurement and contracting information related to contractors Workshop Architects, CG Schmidt, HGA and Uihlein Electric.
Glass said, "We are patient, thorough and willing to go the distance to see that the infrastructure and systemic reform relating to inclusiveness of African American, other People of Color and the Work-Challenged are an automatic part of best practices, transparency, customer care, accountability for UW Regent, UW-Milwaukee Chancellor Lovell, his cabinet, staff and students." "It is Statute 36.01(1)(2), UW-Milwaukee Mission and the 1956 reason for UW-Milwaukee formation that is missing from the dialog and action plan to make UW-Milwaukee a World-Class university that bears the name of Milwaukee and adjective URBAN".
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