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Saturday, January 5, 2013

IT IS ANOTHER YEAR - 2013 Here We Come

MILWAUKEE, WI - Saturday, January 5, 2013
Over the last year, 2012, Milwaukee Professionals Association has grown. We included in our growth, an extension to the name of our company, LLC - limited liability company.  Its new name is Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC.

Its principal is Mary Glass, Chair/CEO.

On June 3, 2010, All Hands on Deck, We, Not Me Initiative, was formed by Mary Glass after a five year (2005-2010) observation and review of business models in the urban city of Milwaukee. It was created to address the "by-design" discrimination that was found to be a major reason for disparities - Enduring Concentrated Poverty. There were poverty census tracts with unemployment of 50% and under-employment of 70% - given census reports of 2000-2010 and various reports from neighborhood strategic planning, public school reports, local and national media as well as local university researchers.

The review by Glass, looked at business models that included public, private and social organizations.

The four (4) major take-aways were:

  • DISCRIMINATION by design
  • major contributors - elected/appointed/hired/volunteer/donor-for-hire/monopoly/ologopoly firms and federal representatives
  • IMMEDIATE NEED of Information Technology and Education Attainment (academic/practicum/people)
  • ACCESS-LITERACY-FLUENCY were to re-define, re-brand and untrap hidden talent
In 2012, the name was changed to:  All Hands on Deck, WE CAN Initiative.

The major focus for the year - AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE PREPAREDNESS.

MPA LLC has selected Urban Health Care as the overall umbrella-theme for health care in Milwaukee.
It also adopted an approach that calls for "POPULATION" health care for the city of Milwaukee. This is health care that is patient-centered and looks at scale of all customers for better health care and better health for Affordable Health Care beneficiaries. This will drive down health care cost - drive up better health growth.

It is unique to the population (over a half-million), predominately People of Color, types of illiness found in densely populated cities in America and the immense poverty due to economic means, especially lack of income - family supporting jobs.

2012 Action Themes included:

  • HOST N LEARN Seminars
  • Strategy Street/Implementation Boulevards
  • Transformative Penetration 

We have OK'd "Membership".  Take a look and see if you are interested in being a member.
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Alvin Ailey Company is the EXCELLENT artful presentation shared regularly.
Treat yourself to:  "BE THE FIRST TO SEE"

Stock Market
  • Schacknow - Today's Brief is a regular update of the stock market
  • Black Enterprise is a SPECIAL market treat with in-the-moment accent on entrepreneurs
State Senator - Chris Larson, Larson Bi-Weekly Report for 2012
State Representative - Jon Richards was added during the latter part of 2012

Public Policy - Accountability
Visit our 446 blog articles for 2012
Scroll down left side for "BLOG ARCHIVE 2012"
 Stay tuned for the great things we have in store for 2013.

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Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC is the premier LLC for Affordable Health Care in Milwaukee.

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