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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

It is WEEK THREE – African American History Month, 2015 - Call for Governor/Presidential Candidate Walker for Perspective in Incarceration of African Americans in Milwaukee

City Center Milwaukee | Day 169 |  A Call to Governor Scott Walker to put Milwaukee on his Campaign for President list by ensuring that the city of Milwaukee has the ear of legislators to change unacceptable quality of life and economic development conditions that are the "bookends" of Enduring Concentrated Poverty in the city of Milwaukee.  To show citizen-driven leadership in the area he has done absolutely nothing for; and, will be part of the Show-n-Tell of why he can not be President.  All will come and decide.  It is much different than his elections in Wisconsin.  The bar is so much higher with blocks of People of Color.  And given the list of Republican candidates, it will be competitive.  Background and "home" turf  experiences will cut-to-the-chase.  

Call for RIGHT NOW Bold Leadership
Leadership from Governor Walker rather than bait-n-switch as usual can be a notable quality.

Leadership that crosses political lines of the Democrat and the Republican controlled state congress.

Leadership that shows "Open for Business" to African American, People of Color and the Work Challenged" in the largest city of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.  Milwaukee the largest People of Color and the gateway to Wisconsin.

Blue Ribbon Citizen-driven Panel
MPA LLC calls for a SPECIAL COMMITTEE/Blue Ribbon Panel to look at the city of Milwaukee that consist of African American, other People of Color and the Work Challenged [Work Challenged represents un-, under-skilled; un-, under-employed; un-, under-financed neighborhood-level businesses; disabled; hidden talent and re-entry. 

Re-entry represents those returning from WAR, INCARCERATION, boomerang employment, boomerang retirement and college-certificated graduates unemployed. ].

The BRP would be self-appointed by those who volunteer.  
They are independent and answer to the People.  They investigate - study and analyze the Incarceration of African American and People of Color in Milwaukee.

The baseline prerequisites for a volunteer would include:
  • 18 years minimum age.
  • Attend monthly meetings (week and/or weekend).
  • Available for briefing retreats (1-2 days).
  • Live in Milwaukee.
  • Provide own transportation (stipend given).
  • Speak and understand the English language.
  • Use of a laptop and mobile phone.
The panel would not include any folk already appointed by the governor and/or any other locally elected office holder.  

Contributors (analyst-economist-planners, etc.) would be available from city-county-school government.  This includes contributors from foster homes, social centers, clergy groups, juvenile centers, juvenile court, circuit court, Workforce groups, WI Bar and Milwaukee Bar Associations, Chancey Correction, Keefe Women Correction, Milwaukee County Sheriff Department, all community probation centers, UW-M/University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, MATC/Milwaukee Area Technical College, MPS/Milwaukee Public Schools and Marquette Law school.  

The legal participants-contributors include:
  • State Attorney General.
  • District 8 U.S. Attorney General office.
  • Wisconsin and Milwaukee Bar Association.
  • Wisconsin Judicial Committee.
  • Supreme Court.
The governor will  provide a stipend for the volunteers that is not meant to "pay-for-worth".  It is meant to pay for transportation, parking, some meals, laptop, monthly wireless service of the laptop, a mobile phone with service tied to the panel.  The laptop becomes a service gift at the end of the project. 

Additionally, cost for a website for the panel and public square.
The website is created by a website developer for the expressed use of the panel for feedback, dissemination of information, notices and surveys.

CDBG  Milwaukee
The thorough selection of VOLUNTEERS would transpire through the facilitation of the HUD/CDBG-paid Neighborhood Strategic Planning group that will provide partnership and leadership for ensuring that the People of their area are contacted and noticed for selection of 5 referrals - 4 panel members and 1 alternate.

The selection process would start no later than April 15, 2015 and a report delivered the 1st day of Kwanza, December 26, 2015. Recommendation for Governor Walker would be delivered by January 1, 2016.

The Volunteers will select Co-Captains of each NSP area (18) for the leadership tier of the Blue Ribbon Panel.  This body will provide the administration support with direct input to the whole.

Intergovernment offices of Governor Walker, city, county, MATC and MPS will workout the contact persons for each of their offices for ease of access by the panel.  They will also be the traffic cops for any stipends  - funds for operation.

General expectation includes "Recommendations" that the People decide are necessary for sharing with the legislators of Wisconsin that will begin to heal the city of large loaves of VICTIMIZATION.

Recommendation to spotlight and correct injustices in our law enforcement offices, correct practices of wrongdoing in our district attorney's office, public defender's office, circuit court office, judges' quality assurance, Department of Correction, jail-prisons, probation-community office and overall Department of Correction. 

It will also demand the things that are working correctly in law enforcement, district attorney office, lawyers, judge quality assurance, public defender's office, probation-community office, prisons, supervision of correctional facilities and other relevant issues of impact of the Wisconsin Correction system.

It will include a pre- and post- meetings with the operation level of law enforement, district attorney office, lawyers, judges (juvenile and criminal), public defender, probation agents, supervisors of correctional facilities and other operational staff as needed.

Whereas cost of the management of our justice-judicial system is through the roof; especially Incareration, our major concern, quality of service and quality of life with economic stimulus in the public square will provide a self-imposed cost cutter.  If constructed properly.

Findings that will take the chains from the budget of Wisconsin.
Findings that praise quality of life of the citizens, restore families, cut recidivism and provide a real foundation of Infrastructure REPAIR that is needed for a healthier Wisconsin.

Findings that show investigation and respect for what has happen and provides bridges for restoration of ALL - restorative actions that look at the offender, the person (s) harm through the offense prescriptions of services, and impediments to rehabilitation once "incarcerated".

Findings that look at miscarriage of justice and victimizING the "innocent".

Findings that looks at how reparation need NOT be jail, incarceration and Truth and Sentencing.

Findings of the cost  of Incarceration sites with line items.

Findings that look at Truth and Sentencing for merit, guiding deliberation and methods of CHANGE.

Findings that provide a trustworthy, NO STIGMA but commitment for employers to "hire" those re-entering the public employment marketplace.

Findings for 53206 zip code that include datapoints of:  
  • gender
  • age
  • education
  • offense
  • length of time
  • head of household
  • amount of income
  • places of correction.  
Research by UW-M or some other "donated" source will ongoing work with and at the behest of the panel and co-captains.

More to come  . . .

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