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Craig Peterson provided information regarding the Petition for Direct Legislation
The January 31, 2015 meeting was a kick-off to this year's engagement for INFORMED constituents for informed decision making and sharing of knowledge at your neighborhood groups, planning meetings, board meetings, newsletters, outreach and an individual personal knowledge level.
The TALKERS were "all", but the facilitators were: - C Terrence Anderson - SEWRPC, Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission - Chris Kliesmet - CRG Network - Craig Peterson - Buffalo Water Beer
Anderson's task is to raise our level of what is being planned and recommended for the neighborhoods in the 7-county area. Members of the Milwaukee area are behind in knowing the Guiding points that will IMPACT quality of life and economic development going forward. It is an initiative called Vision 2050.
Kliesmet and Peterson were present to explain the Petition for Direct Legislation. They were interested in ensuring that:
Prior to the start of any physical construction of any municipally financed (in whole or in part) rail transit system requiring a capital expenditure of $20 milllion or more in municipal funds.
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Vanessa Johnson, Executive Director - New Concept Self Development Center, Inc., Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Cennter, 1531 W. Vliet Street, Milwaukee, WI 53205.
New Concept is celebrating 40 years, 1975 - 2015. Ms. Johnson was present to recognize that New Concept was one of the 2015 Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC designate for support and referral resources for preserving families and protecting children while promoting self sufficiency.
POLITICS Jacob Gatlin announced his candidacy for 2016 - Alderman for the 7th District and received a round of applause. We support Mr. Gatlin
Business Update MC COLE, Hammer's Den, 1810-1821 W. Fond du Lac was present and is in FULL pursuit of legal means to obtain his Class B license after FULL compliance and waiting since July, 2014. We are confident that Mr. Cole will get his license and due process.
Dawn Powell and Richard Kauper were present to represent the partnership of DMZ Gardens and Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC in Urban Gardening in Milwaukee.
Auriea Mosley, Outreach Specialist, Westcare was present and part of the hospitality for the meeting. Ms. Mosley is one of the recipients of the 4-Month Invoked Atonement and Reparation 2014 initiative of Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC.
Shirleen Williams was the scribe for the day.
Jackie Ivy, Outreach Specialist, Milwaukee Transit Riders and James Macon, President Union 998 were present and discussionists.
Jackie Ivy and Jacob Gatlin are fellows of Amani Works Think Tank.
Our next monthly SATURDAY TALK is this coming Saturday, February 21, 2015, 11:15am - 1:00pm, Center Street Library, 2727 W. Center.
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