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Thursday, August 11, 2011

DANGERS of Subliminal Messages of Racism through Discrimination

August 11, 2011
MILWAUKEE, WI - An outcome of Milwaukee Professionals Association Smart Growth 5-Year Signature Observation Plan (2005-2010) was the blatant discrimination and racism that was the thread for operation of elected-appointed-hired-volunteered individuals in observed agencies and organizations. There was an ongoing - all-the-time "subliminal messaging" by those in power - those making all the decisions and those they empowered.

=====================Subliminal Mules - 2, 4 or more.

The subliminal messaging help to keep the status quo in-house/in-agency and in the public domain. The messages help to galvanize and perpetuate discrimination, intolence, blind-eye, alleged justification of wrongdoing, breaking of the law and stagnation of those discriminated against.

Below are 20 ways. They are:
-- Acts of Intolerance of Racial Inclusion - behavior, double/triple-standards, lack of sensitivity, unenforced rules and lack of rules.

-- Blind-eye to law enforcement abuse and murder.

-- Built-in "fear factors" law enforcement – unjustified tickets, trumped-charges and, alleged justification of beatings and shootings.

-- Built-in "fear factors" – threat of write-up or firing, no promotion, stuck in pay grade and lack of training, racial "pass-over" for upgrade, demotion.

-- Caucasian monopolizing and/or 100% in all sectors, especially media, UW-System, elected office, heads of corporations-boards-commissions-blue ribbon panels, honors.

-- Double-triple pillaging of ideas and models (intellectual intelligent) .
-- Double-triple pillaging of FEDERAL FUNDING for People of Color and Work-Challenged.

-- Downplaying of significance of Equality (affirmative actions, accountability of civil rights laws.

-- Expected Privilege - Blind-eye to “wrongdoing” by Caucasians.

-- Failure to outreach purposefully - active and engaging due diligence in recruitment, due process.
-- Failure to outreach purposefully – alleged “no qualified" African American or People of Color - use of the word "minority" for code for Caucasian female.

-- Forced-on conditions – lack of education, employment, technology, quality of life issues and economic development "by design" that spur high unemployment, crime, health ailments, violence and lack of critical mass prosperity and concentrated poverty.

-- Negative advertisement and marketing – casting in worse setting/stereotypes, pilling-on unrelated issues, bias reporting.

-- Never critical mass of appointments of African American and People of Color - more "token-base", to give the appearance of inclusion.

-- Non-Accountability and refused Transparency in governance.

-- Pitting People of Color and Work-Challenged individuals against each other.
-- Pitting People of Color, especially African American against Caucasian.

-- Recycling same players - justifying cronyism and special treatment.

-- Regular stereotyping, demonizing and broadbrushing of People of Color.

-- Using "token" African American and People of Color for "gatekeeping" (enforcing Caucasian rule and to give the impression of inclusion).

"NON-PROFITS" were/are kept-in-line with the threats of cut-in-funding and/or NO funding from government agencies and philanthropic organizations.

We also summarized in summation, "privileged thinking" by Caucasian has reached a level that there is the thought that Caucasian privilege is a "RIGHT". This must be monitored and where found, outwardly REBUKED by all.

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