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Saturday, August 6, 2011

THE LARSON REPORT - August 4, 2011

Senator Chris Larson, Senate District 7

Republicans Again Place Politics Above Displaced Workers
Republican Senators placed their extreme ideology above the interests of Wisconsin’s displaced workers this past Monday when they flip-flopped on their previous vote to remove the one-week unemployment benefits delay that was inserted into Governor Walker’s budget.

Last month the Senate and Assembly passed different versions of Senate Bill 147. The simple legislative change proposed in Senate Bill 147 would allow Wisconsin to capture nearly $90 million from the federal government to extend unemployment benefits to help Wisconsin’s displaced workers while they continue looking for jobs during these tough economic times. These funds would not need to be repaid to the federal government. Passing this legislation is crucial to our community as Milwaukee County faces an 8.4% unemployment rate.

The vote earlier this week was on an amendment, which sought to increase the burden on Wisconsin’s displaced workers by forcing them to arbitrarily wait one week before obtaining unemployment compensation. This legislation should have been signed into law last month but has been at a standstill until this past Monday as a result of Republicans in the Senate and Assembly failing to work together to reach a consensus.

Although Senate Bill 147 with the amendment to remove the one-week delay passed with a strong bipartisan vote last month, Senate Republicans flip-flopped this week by voting to reinstate the one-week delay. The only conclusion one can reach from these disingenuous actions of Republicans initially voting for the amendment only to vote against the same amendment later is that they are using our family, friends and neighbors that have been displaced from their jobs as pawns to sacrifice in a game of political chess.

Displaced workers statewide have already been harmed by Republicans choosing to delay action on the bill until this week. I have had conversations with neighbors who were knocked down by the economic downturn and are receiving unemployment compensation while they continue searching for jobs to get back on their feet. Unfortunately, some of these individuals also saw their benefits expire while waiting for Republicans to stop dragging their feet, halt their infighting, and reach an agreement for the people of Wisconsin.

Senate Bill 147 was approved by both the Senate and Assembly and was signed into law by the governor on Wednesday, August 3.

To see Senate Bill 147, go to:

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