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Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Disrespect - Racism shown with the People's Flag in Milwaukee

July 19, 2020

"As a Milwaukeean, African American Milwaukeean, I find the People's Flag OFFENSIVE", said Mary Glass, Chief Visionary Officer, Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC.

MILWAUKEE || Two years ago, JULY 19, 2018, the article posted by Mary Glass was called,

CLICK - As a Milwaukeean, African American Milwaukeean, I find the "People's Flag" OFFENSIVE
The article spoke of three (3) aldermen - Robert Donovan-District 8, Khalif Rainey-District 7, and Cavalier Johnson-District 2 that seem to have forgotten their fiduciary responsibility for ALL Milwaukeeans, especially African Americans and other People of Color - Not just Caucasians.

There are emphasis and inference by David Lenz and other individuals who have engaged in segregation, discrimination, redlining, excluding African Americans and other People of Color historic fingerprint, taxation without representation, and disregard for Due Process.  Lenz's idea for a NEW Milwaukee failed due to his racist's approach and DISRESPECT for Moving the Needle for Equity Inclusion.

Since the article in 2018, the supporters have gained like-mind supporters that are known for their Caucasian-only issues input, i.e., John Gruda - a man who has been privileged with privilege in Milwaukee - Channel 10, Milwaukee Public Library Board, take-over of the neighborhood signage of neighborhood posters with a staff and profit in mild associated city of Milwaukee paid staff.  Then, there is the EXCLUSION of African Americans and other People of Color from Gurda's "Making of Milwaukee" books.
City of Milwaukee Neighborhood posters

MPA-LLC Moving the Needle for Equity Inclusion and Stomping Out Racial Disorder encourages dialog and corrections for ensuring that SLAVERY - forced or coerced into serving and/or fraudulently convinced that they have no option to leave, is not the way to EXCLUDE People of Color and their neighborhoods.

The so-called People's Flag is offensive like the "Confederate Flag".  Whereas the Confederate Flag is more egregious however the premise is where we hold accountability and authenticity.  DISRESPECT and failure to show R E S P E C T for the majority population of People of Color that make up the largest city in Wisconsin is how we arrived with Caucasians setting the standards for "People's" in Milwaukee.  We, People of Color did not help define the name.

Just as the Confederate Flag is a commercial focus, we see that the so-called People's Flag is being flown and sold - flag, clothing, etc.  This is a form of taxation without representation found in Lenz's supporters' sales and John Gurda selling of the neighborhood posters.
Tom Barrett at MASK signing with So-Called People's Flag

Oath of Office Tom Barrett Mayor - by Judge Joe Donald
Location:  Tom Barrett's Home
People's Flagg on wall
No Tom
We vehemently frown on Tom Barrett, mayor showing this flag on the wall of his home at his 2020 OATH, April 21, 2020, since "People's Flag" do NOT represent African Americans and other People of Color - the largest population of Milwaukee.

Barrett is seen wearing this logo on a "Mask" during city meetings - MASK SIGNING and Sherman Phoenix Fond du Lac quickie-pretend "ribbon cutting" (he and the Department of Public Works - Jeffrey Polenske Commissioner's charade that failed to include the residential and commercial Core Constituents in Metcalfe, Amani, Sherman Park, 30 Street Corridor, etc. 

As we look at the Exposé of Hog Wild Behavior of the last 16 years with the leadership of Tom Barrett mayor and other Charter Officers will show things will change because we will work to see that they change.
Exposé of Hog Wild Behavior 

updated - July 21, 2020

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