Recently it was reported that American students taking the National Report Card test scored poorly on knowledge about historic facts that span the American Revolution to Contemporary U.S.
That follows
If students are performing poorly, not able to read, write and comprehend reading-writing-arithmetic/math/reasoning/citizenship/civility; why would it be a stretch that they do not know about history? As far as knowing history, it is not just limited to those completing high school, eigth grade and fourth grade; it is also a missing factor of those of us who are their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, neighbors, leaders and ministers.
For some of the adults, they remember some points, those that had devastating blueprints from birth to now; however, it is not passed on for the younger ones to know, recognize, think about and appreciate their accomplishments and/or be part of necessary changes of civil-legal-human rights.
We see the ME-Generation thinking that the world owes them all of its riches because of their wealth (stolen-earned-given), privilege and now condition of wellness. All of which is so relative and subjective - ask those who have had visits from Mother nature, Mr. Murphy's Law or old man Fate. It can be instantaneous.
For those who have been oppressed it is vital that you share-and-share so not only your child-grandchild-great-great grandchild make this earth a better place but help ensure that as they began to acknowledge the presence of global competitiveness, they are NOT further disadvantage. Plus, knowing of the richness of one's family, neighborhood, fellowman and race is so important to where one stands and able to stand for a better world.
Those of us who remember the '60's going forward to NOW, should raise the banner high and not let anyone breach the richness of accomplishments so many gave their lives, sanity, wealth, happiness, safety and families so that today, so many - all colors, all nationalities can say, "Keep Hope Alive" and "Lend on Me".
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