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Thursday, March 15, 2012

GLASS invites Innovation and Partnerships to Uncover Hidden Talent @ the Neighborhood level

MILWAUKEE - "Preparedness" is key to formulating a working formula that will help galvanize a population that has been stunned and put on life-supporting systems from time-to-time, decades.

The good news is the members of the Milwaukee population are "resilient".
They have a "whippy", spring back, survival spirit.
They know that the conditions that they find themselves in is by-design and not right according to our Constitution and what they see others having.
They know from whence they have come (older generations).
They know that they can/must do better than this.

They are constantly looking for the HOWs.
How can I make more money - with the givens.
How can I pay this month's rent - with the givens.
How can I get out of the shelter - with the givens - no funds - not enough funds - no employment - no "recognized" employment history.

How can I get my son's school fees paid on time?
How can I get to work the rest of this week with the givens - no money for bus fare.
How can I get the car fixed with the givens - no employment.
How can I enroll in school and take the engineering or nursing classes with the givens - I do not have a baby sitter I can trust - I work 2 jobs.
How can I enroll online/e-education with the givens - no computer and no access to internet?
How can I increase my revenue with the givens - lack of financial leveraging to grow my supply chain services to the customer - increase production - hire better trained employees - hire employees that are trained and unemployed - increase access to better and engaging markets/customers?

How do I increase the marketing with the givens - lack of tools and trained staff, my lack of access-literacy-fluency of my business (proprietary-human resource-partners) with the givens?

How can my son or daughter get exposed to today's market advantages with the givens - guidance and career advisors are not knowledgeable OR they just do not share with my child due to their "low expectations"?

How can Ruby and Andre, my son and daughter, get music and the art training they want and gifted in with the givens - little to no pipeline to scholarships, internship, networks and no family funds?
How? How? How?

The Hows
The first antidote will be a large bowl of INNOVATION. Into the bowl we will add 4 gallons of HOPE - asking the true stakeholders of Milwaukee what they know and think will solve the Enduring Concentrated Poverty problem, grow their neighborhoods economically; and, more importantly, what they will buy into to solve the "Hows".

All Hands on Deck, WE, Not Me Initiative
The Milwaukee Professionals Association 2010 All Hands on Deck Initiative supports the "engagement" of the people at the neighborhood level to expose the hidden talent and hidden opportunities for access-literacy-fluency and self-sustainability success.

The recipe calls for:
The four gallons of HOPE, dry ingredient, add 1 gallon of empowerment strategic/ordering of input from the vetted stakeholders - residential, commercial, light industrial, taxpayers and governmental staff. Add 3 cups of financial planning for/by neighborhood level entrepreneurs-residential-industrial, government stakeholders - 1 to 4 cups of education attainment (to desire, academic and practicum) - add 2 leveled cups of state-of-the-art technology for mapping and networking that has been sweetened by 3 large tablespoons of real estate planning. These dry ingredients are allowed to sit aside and "rise" for 6 months to a year.


To help ensure that outside barriers and discrimination is aborted, we ask that you SIGN our "Encouragement Petition" to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder for his office to conduct a full-blown investigation of the Code of Conduct of observations of elected/appointed/hired/volunteered and donor-for-hire representatives that have requested and/or received government funding.

To view the petition and to "sign", CLICK.

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