Where are the CORE CONSTITUENTS of Color in this list below? Note the ones "to be determined". Would this happen if it was Caucasians in the reverse roles?
Milwaukeeans that represent Core Constituency of Color are repeatedly being "taxed without representation" and placed in ISOLATION status - thereby victimized with "less than" and disenfranchisement. It is housing, recreation, entertainment, economic development, health and wellness, labor empowerment, public schools, transportation, real estate, naming rights, tax increment districting, budget extrapolations; i.e., BUBLR Bikes.
This is the same Jim Crow and involuntary servitude supposedly fought and passed as unlawful - Amendment 14.
In order for safety matters and risky behavior of dismay to change, we must simultaneously and equally address the unlawful and criminal behavior of those in the executive, legislative and municipal branches.
The double-triple standard must go!
Lifestyle and Image improvement in People of Color neighborhoods IS always on a 2nd, 3rd and NO implementation. Why? These are the Milwaukee stakeholders with mega funds going for Streetcar fiasco, Couture extravagant project, NBA Bucks Cheaper to Keep Them deals, tax increment districts wild, transportation dollars to environment for NBA Bucks deal, FORCED 30-year involuntary servitude, WWBIC Micro-funding jumpstart and on and on but get enslaved, victimized and left out.
Bike riding is NOT just for Caucasians and class-destinction sites, especially since the city of Milwaukee construct is 60% People of Color. There is NO EXCUSE.
To change the necessary quality of life and economic development, People of Color must see the value of their tax dollars, their fingerprints on the mega funding they bring to this city and NOT after they have been "RAKED-OVER" by those elected-appointed-hired and donor for hire operated through city hall.
NOT on the job
It is this type of oversight and monitoring that is desired and asked for by our federal level oversight departments and the three individuals elected at the federal level for the Milwaukee districts.
We are looking "cross-eyed" at U. S. Congresswoman Gwen Moore, U. S. Senators Johnson and Baldwin lack of leadership and stewardship in the use of federal funds. NO ONE IS EXEMPT.
However, we are documenting for 2016 RECALL of continued misuse of funds and misbehavior in office by Tom Barrett Mayor and the Common Council. We also know that investigations take longer than desired but that it will come and NO ONE is EXEMPT.
U.S. Justice Department & 8th District
In addition to each of the federal oversight and funding departments, we look to legal think tanks, advocates for justice, global media and the U.S. Justice Department to come front and center.
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch |
The U.S. Justice Department Attorney General Loretta Lynch has made a pledge to law enforcement and true investigation on her watch. We expect nothing less.
The 8th District of the U.S. Justice Department is in transition but is expected to be on the JOB post haste to pursue the many concerns on the plate and NEW ones that lead to the local, county, school board and state level of government officials that have gone amuck.
Recent investigations in Ferguson, Baltimore and other places reveal and unveil gross discriminations, lock-step wrong doing, mockeries of the electorate of Color and just plain disobeying of the law - entire city government and state prosecutors.
In Milwaukee and state of Wisconsin, we only have to look at the last mayor, past aldermen of the city, county executive recall and John Doe investigations (NOT OVER), state representatives, state governors and on and on. There are those whose behavior is more and more being highlighted for improper behavior - more and more disclosures of misbehavior.
During the run for President, present Governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker, the legislator who made his mark in Truth and Sentencing is in for a rude awaking.
WATCH THE FINGERPOINTING (potential lists of step downs, indictments) AND SHOCKS at the city, county and state level.
New Bike Station Locations
Stations listed by Station Name (Primary Street/Secondary Street) – Installation Year – Owner
- Bradford Beach (E. Water Tower Rd./N. Lincoln Memorial Dr.) – 2016 – City
- Humboldt/Commerce (N. Humboldt Ave./N. Commerce St.) – 2016 – City
- Water/Pleasant (E. Pleasant St./N. Water St.) – 2015 – City
- Pleasant/Commerce (N. Commerce St./E. Pleasant St.) – 2016 – City
- Lakefront Brewery (N. Commerce St./N. Holton St.) – 2015 – City
- Marsupial Bridge East (N. Water St./E. Pearson St.) – 2016 – City
- Brady/Prospect (N. Prospect Ave./E. Brady St) – N/A – Bublr
- Broadway/Knapp (N. Broadway/E. Knapp St.) – 2015 – City
- Ogden/Jackson (E. Ogden Ave./N. Jackson St.) – 2015 – City
- Cudahy Tower (N. Prospect Ave./N. Jackson St.) – 2016 – City
- Burns Commons (N. Prospect Ave./E. Ogden Ave.) – 2016 – City
- Ogden/Marshall (N. Marshall St./E. Ogden Ave.) – 2015 – City
- MIAD (E. Menomonee St./E. Erie St.) – 2016 – City
- Jefferson/Menomonee (N. Jefferson St./E. Menomonee St.) – 2015 – City
- S. 2nd/Freshwater (S. 2nd St./Freshwater Way) – 2016 – City
- S. 2nd/Washington (S. 2nd St./E. Washington St.) – 2015 – City
- S. 2nd/Virginia (W. Virginia St./S. 2nd St.) – 2016 – City
- S. 6th/Virginia (W. Virginia St./S. 6th St.) – 2016 – City
- Public Museum (W. Wells St./N. James Lovell St.) – 2016 – City
- MATC (W. State St./N. James Lovell St.) – 2016 – City
- Old World Third (W. Highland Ave./N. Old World Third St.) – 2016 – City
- Central Library (N. 8th St./W. Wisconsin Ave.) – 2016 – City
- Hillside Terrace (N. 6th St./W. Galena St.) – 2015 – City
- N. 6th/Reservoir (N. 6th St./W. Reservoir Ave.) – 2016 – City
- MLK Dr./Brown (W. Brown St./N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr.) – 2016 – City
- Cambridge Commons (E. North Ave./N. Cambridge Ave.) – Fall 2015 – City/UWM
- Riverview – UWM (N. Commerce St./W. North Ave.) – Fall 2015 – UWM
- Kenilworth Square – UWM (N. Prospect Ave./E. Kenilworth Pl.) – Fall 2015 – UWM
- Sandburg Hall – UWM (N. Maryland Ave./E. Newport Ave.) – Fall 2015 – UWM
- UWM Student Union (N. Maryland Ave./E. Kenwood Ave.) – Fall 2015 – UWM
- Golda Meir Library – UWM (E. Hartford Ave.) – Fall 2015 – UWM
- Walker Square (W. Washington St./S. 9th St.) – 2016 – Bublr
- Cesar Chavez Dr. (Location still being determined) – 2016 – Bublr
- King Park (Location still being determined) – 2016 – Bublr
- North/Teutonia (Location still being determined) – 2016 – Bublr
Taken from Urban Milwaukee