City Center Milwaukee | DAY 246 | Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC adds precautions to additional funding for CDBG agencies, MEDC and SAFE and SOUND.
Alderman Joe Davis
Kudos to the forethought of decisive and informed decision making as an elected Alderperson by “building capacity” with federal resources earmarked for neighborhood engagement that brings forth hands-on intervention and innovation NEEDED for quality of life and economic development in the city of Milwaukee.
It is important for all elected-appointed-hired and donor for hire representatives of government seek to impact and remove the Enduring Concentrated Poverty less of a factor in quality of life and economic development.
Funding alone is a misstep and minimize progress in leadership and stewardship needed in the mired by-design depravity at the root of Safety Matters for quality of life and economic development in the city of Milwaukee.
The CDBG program needs massive repair. It is a great idea given in 1964 by our federal government to help rectify systemic issues of blight and fatigue in the economic development and quality of life issues of cities around America.
NSP Designation
It sounds like Alderman Joe Davis is looking at correcting a “wrong” put in place and promoted by mayors John Norquist, Tom Barrett and the Common Councils in place during their reign.
The Common Councils of Milwaukee (Norquist and Barrett) progressively and structurally “stripped the HUD Community Development Block Grant designated funding” from the hands of the stakeholders of the neighborhoods and progressively funded, still do, “special interest” groups.
Due Diligence
Neighborhood Strategic Planning is the right place for ONGOING
and organic guidance, engagement, and investment.
Prior to the funding being given, there should be due diligence on both sides of the aisle of our local government (executive and legislative) that first and foremost respects stewardship, citizenship, fellowship, partnership, entrepreneurship, and leadership from the People.
It is important to note that it is NOT the 18 NSP ORGANIZATIONS but more the joint leadership through organizing, ongoing developmental training and neighborhood stakeholders at the table ALL the time fulfilling their neighborhood Missions and Annual Neighborhood Strategic Plan.
In other words, the STRUCTURE requires the People and the partner NSP to effectuate true changes and self-sufficiency.
Therefore, there must be a change of mindset on the second floor of City Hall, both ends, that is in compliance with today’s neighborhood needs and use of “funding” that is appropriate and realistic for “situations in our neighborhood” that have grown due to ABANDONMENT by the city leaders.
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Steve Mahan - CDBG |
It is what the original MISSION of CDBG called for but was taken away to pay budgetary debt, fund special projects, payback election markers, and fund pet projects.
Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC recommends the following CDBG best practice focus:
- Audit - Office of Steve Mahan, CDBG, 18 Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Areas and all related monitoring and oversight contributors (HUD local, state, regional and national) for congruency and structural erosions.
- Audit each NSP area and answer the questions why ONE organization has purview over more than one area.
- Election and documentation of Neighborhood Board of Directors for transparency, oversight, best practices and accountability of each organization using CDBG funds.
- Regular monthly meetings that are ran by the members of the Neighborhood Board and NSP organization.
- Plan and fund another one-year planning and overhaul of the Milwaukee CDBG funding – first on completed in the mid 1990’s.
- Monthly posting in print and online of block, census tract and neighborhood expectations, growth charts, neighborhood beautification, partnerships and emerged networking with other funded projects within the neighborhood (i.e., BIDs, TIDS and NIDs), neighborhood lifestyles that promote economic development, and opportunities in the marketplace.
- Create a Grievance Process that is developed with the stakeholders at the table.
- Open door and EQUITY policy – NO group is better than the other. It perpetuates the already divisiveness that prevents health growth and responsible leadership.
- Special enhancers funding for neighborhoods worn by Safety Matters issues; i.e., use of guns, homicides, depression, drug-alcohol and mental disabilities.
Promote Inter-neighborhood development and NO NSP area BORDER control stop TO PROMOTE city-wide economic development and quality of life. For example, Amani and Metcalfe should work closely with all contiguous neighborhoods (Sherman Park, Midtown, Waico Y,
MEDC & Safe & Sound
Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation should also receive an audit for ways and means to “link” tax credits, brownfield perks; and, to takeaway barriers to funding to neighborhood level businesses in the ABANDON People of Color and Work Challenged neighborhoods.
Safe and Sound has grown in member statute, but not in preventing negative safety issues, making the Milwaukeeans feel safer and assisting with creating Milwaukee Neighborhood Policing.
The board is not representative of the People.
The board should be comprised of the citizenry - i.e., head of household, property owner (commercial and residential), employer/business owner, clergy, parent, insurance agent, probation officer, real estate agent, landlord, jail intake personnel, law enforcement officer, security officer, banker-savings and loan-credit union, day care provider, construction worker, engineer, union worker, taxi cab and transit drivers, emergency and fire department worker, gas station owner, doctor, mortuary owner, nurse, pharmacist, psychologist, examiner, fast food owner, social worker, grocer, college student, seniors, liquor store owner, check cashing, fast loan, born frees and young adults..
The present board is TOO top heavy. It gives the appearance of conflict of interest and cronyism.
Members of law enforcement, mayor, county executive and district attorney should not be a board member of Safe and Sound. They are to represent their office with monthly reports, special reports requested and participation on Task Force for expertise.
The members presently on the board should be on various "task forces" with specific duties that match their expertise and civic commitment to strengthened the role and responsibility of the board.
Leadership is the duty of the People. It helps to instill the role and responsibilities necessary for curbing and finally erasing the unSAFE and reckless behaviors found in the neighborhood. Their duties are to Macro and micro manage Milwaukee Neighborhood Policing.
Safe and Sound can be the organization that provides oversight of the commercial cameras but specific customer care in outreach, information sharing, and training should be a priority.
Additionally, I do not see why we do not have someone who live in Milwaukee rather than Racine as the board chair - Kimberly Kane, Chair, Safe and Sound Board, lives in Racine.
SAFE AND SOUND is too weighted with INDIVIDUALS not at the PULSE of Safety Matters for REAL CHANGE using Milwaukee Neighborhood Policing as the map to inclusiveness, better policing and law enforcement, respect-policing, trust-in-policing, training, evaluation of each district (1-7) transparency, public information, accountability and procedures for intervention and prevention of customer services by the People who grow families, live, work, and grow the neighborhood at the census tract level and do not look like the citizenry of Milwaukee in the neighborhoods.
Safe & Sound has a history with MPA LLC of:
- not providing information about the organization.
- youth program information.
- commercial camera program information.
- outreach collaboration.
- public information.
- returning calls timely or at all.
Safe and Sound Board of Directors
Board of Directors
- Kimberly Kane, Chair - Kane Communications Group
- Chief Edward Flynn, Past Chair - Milwaukee Police Department
- Diana M. Zawada, Treasurer - Northwestern Mutual
- Sean M. Scullen, Secretary - Quarles & Brady, LLP
- County Executive Chris Abele - Milwaukee County
- JoAnne Anton - Herb Kohl Charities
- Mayor Tom Barrett - City of Milwaukee
- Randi Becker - The Mark Travel Corporation
- James F. Bohn - Wisconsin HIDTA
- Tyler Briggs - Robert W. Baird & Co.
- U.S. Marshal Kevin Carr - U.S. Department of Justice
- District Attorney John C. Chisholm - Milwaukee County
- Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr. - Milwaukee County
- Bridget Clementi - Children's Hospital
- Lafayette Crump - Prism Technical
- Lynn Greb -Milwaukee Public Schools
- Scott Heberlein - Mortenson Construction
- Vincent Lyles - Boys & Girls Club of Greater Milwaukee
- Robin M. Martin - Komisar Brady Co., LLP
- Tony Nguyen - Wells Fargo, N.A.
- Sodi Nichols - BMO Harris Bank
- Michael Reiels - Johnson Controls, Inc.
- Ann Reinke - Foley & Lardner, LLP
- John C. Sabinash - Zimmerman Architectural Studios, Inc.
- Thomas P. Schneider - COA Youth & Family Centers
- Jeffrey T. Sprau - Safway Group
- Bryan Swanson - Park Bank
- Benjamin S. Wagner - Habush, Habush & Rottier S.C
- McArthur Weddle - Northcott Neighborhood House
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