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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

MPA LLC Twitlink - Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC "WOW" Online social multimedia

MILWAUKEE |  October 23, 2013, Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC announced the newest outreach of the All Hands on Deck, WE CAN Initiative to the public square.  It is called:  MPA LLC twitlink.  The Online multimedia approach to "boutique" marketing calls on two social media accounts, Twitter and LinkedIn, to garner connectivity to millions - especially hidden talent and vetted businesses at the census tract and neighborhood level.

Both Twitter and LinkedIn social media sites have 200 million users each, LinkedIn reached 225 million this year in June.   We will use the tweets from the "Twitters" at MPA LLC events to share the events, products of the moment as well as posting on LinkedIn accounts while "live streaming".

MPA LLC is looking for sponsors (education, health care, health providers, pharmaceutical, health suppliers, insurance companies, IT and business sectors) that see the benefit of networking in social media with the diverse groups of cultures, races and economic being.  Some examples are:
  • Millennial and Health care
  • IT in Health.
  • Case Method Learning - local technical and higher learning students.
  • Case Method Learning - POSSE - high school junior & senior (public, parochial and private).
  • ACO @ the Census Tract and Neighborhood level.
Sponsors are being sought to take advantage of this ONSITE/online boutique marketing effort and these state-of-the-art tools.   It is an instant opportunity for jumpstarting economic engines,"confidence-building", generating traffic, growing talent and networking for market share.

Are you interested?  Contact us at:

The Online multimedia account, MPALLCtwitlink and Live Streaming will drive a variety of in-the-public marketing events at selected sites; i.e., with Millennials, young adults and Urban Milwaukee with interest in entrepreneurship and health care; to promote the importance of preparedness for the Affordable Health Care law and introducing MPA LLC census tract and neighborhood ACO team.  

Glass said, "I am very excited about MPA LLC twitlink.   The concept is an infusion of strategic dynamism/ideas that have come from my recent outreach on LinkedIn for my first 500+ connections on Friday, October 18, 2013 (I used strategic outreach and LindedIn data count with senior caliber of linkages), a LinkedIn article by Guy Kawasaki, Advisor at Motorola Mobility - Liked on LinkedIn by one of my LinkedIn members, Vivian King, Vice President Community Relations - Aurora, and live streaming planning work-in progress with LinkedIn member, Gary Anderson - President/CEO Inc. - Netbriefings. "

"The MPA LLC twitlink concept will use Online Social multimedia to market initiatives, laws, products, events and people in the public square.  Our test case on the Affordable Health Care law is the recruitment and engagement of GEN X - Millennials  - 1980 to early 2000.  We seek the savvy networks of Milwaukeeans, especially African American, other People of Color and Work Challenged.  We know from present data that African Americans are savvy users of Twitter.  We see how we can connect more to LinkedIn for career-enhancements."

"I am excited and see it as 'success-in-the-bottle'.  FOLLOW US.   Go to:"

Stay tuned.

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