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Friday, May 29, 2015


Supervisor Michael Mayor - 7th District

MAY 29, 2015 
City Center Milwaukee | DAY 270 | SATURDAY TALK, May 30, 2015, 10:30am - 2:00pm, Center Street Library, 2727 W. Center, Milwaukee.

May 30, 2015 
10:30am - 2:00PM 
2727 W. Center 

CLICK PHOTOS to Enlarge. 

We are pleased to add Supervisor Michael Mayo, District 7 - Chair, Transportation of the Transportation, Public Works and Transit Committee; Vice-Chair of the Health and Human Needs Committee and a member of the Finance, Personnel and Audit Committee. 

Supervisor Mayo also serves as Treasurer of the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority and is Chairman of Milwaukee County’s Long-Range Transportation Planning Committee. 
Daniel Boehm - Managing Director
We asked Supervisor Mayo's office to provide representation from Milwaukee County for the newly implemented GO PASS.   The GO PASS implementation is a Milwaukee County Supervisors leadership for the People.  He has decided to attend and will bring with him,
Daniel A. Boehm, PE
Managing Director
Milwaukee County Transit System

Do not miss this opportunity for state-of-the-art Information for INFORMED DECISION-MAKING.   



Thursday, May 28, 2015

SATURDAY TALK - Meet Our Progressive Speakers, Photographer and Hospitality Director

CLICK photo to Enlarge
Past Speakers for SATURDAY TALK & 4-Month Atonement & Reparation
  1.   C. Terrance Anderson - SEWRPC
  2.   Ex- Senator/Attorney Gary George - Wisconsin
  3.   Senior La Frisko Lewis - UW-Milwaukee, Business/International Studies 
  4.   U. S. Attorney General James Santelle, WI Eastern District
  5.   City Clerk Jim Owczarski, city of Milwaukee
  6.   Jason Lynch - Project Supervisor, WISDOT
  7.   Stephen Adams - Public Involvement/Outreach Manager, SEWRPC
  8.   Ken Little - Commercial Corridor Manager, city of Milwaukee
  9.   Founder Craig Peterson - Buffalo Water Beer Company
10.   Chris Kliesmet - Citizens for Responsible Government 
11.   Amani Commissioner Myrtle Skinner - Master Gardner
12    Ann Dee Allen - Senior Public Involvement and Outreach Specialist, SEWRPC
13.   Jacob Gatlin - Outreach Director, Dominican Center
14.   Christina Wright - Next Door Social Network
15.   Eric Lynde - Principal Transportation Planner/Engineer, SEWRPC
16.  Nancy Ketchum - Community Relations, Bublr
17.  Solana Patterson-Ramos - Community Activist and ex-Candidate for 10th District
18.  Comptroller Martin Matson - City of Milwaukee
19.  Vanessa Johnson - Executive Director, New Concept
20.  Commissioner James Miner - Assessment, city of Milwaukee
21.  Michelle Carter - DBE Program Chief, WISDOT
22.  Brad Tenin - State On-line Liaison, Bryant Stratton College
23.  Dawn Powell, President  - DMZ Community Gardens, Development 
24.  Richard Kauper, Architect - DMZ Community Gardens

Incomplete list

  • Our speakers range from La Frisko Lewis, 26 year old, UW-M Business International Student to James Santelle, U.S. Attorney General, Eastern District.
  • Our focus is Informed Decision Making for city-wide CORE CONSTITUENTS.
  • Oversight and accountable in the Public Square
  • Human-Legal-Civil rights
  • Follow the Money
Inner Square - SATURDAY TALK, MAY 30, 2015 SPEAKERS

1.  Supervisor Supreme Moore Omokunde - Board of Supervisors, Milwaukee 
2.  Michael Olen, 2016 Candidate FOR Alderman 10th District, City of Milwaukee
3.  Gail Hicks - Activist, Women Informed
4.  Marva Herndon  - Activist, Women Informed
5.  Nick Monette - Management Project Officer, WHEDA
6.  Kim Plache - Business Development Officer, WHEDA
7.  Mary Glass - Chair/CEO/CVO, Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC


SATURDAY TALK for MAY 30, 2015

  • Introduction to Supervisor Supreme Moore Omokunde, District 10
  • Introduction to Michael Olen 2016 Candidate - District 10
  • Vignettes
    • Kim Plache and Nick Monette - WHEDA Development Opportunities briefing
    • Marva Herndon and Gail Hicks - Women Informed, Charter Schools & MPS
  • Introduction to Milwaukee Joint NSP Committee & Task Force, Powered by Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC
Come prepared to be amazed.

Saturday 30, 2015
10:30am - 2:00pm
2727 W. CENTER

Craig Jackson - Resident Photographer

Hospitality Director
Ruth Bond, Soul Delight
Ruth Bond
Tell us you are coming.  CLICK

Monday, May 25, 2015

MAY is Graduation time. Congratulations to All.

CLICK photo to Enlarge and see other photos

May 25, 2015

May is Graduation time.  A time to celebrate the end of a set time of training with a completion, usually one that has a ceremony. A time for family, loved ones, friends and neighbors to say, Congratulations to all achievers - Kindergarten thru post-graduate level!


Mary Glass, Chair, Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC is a “you-must” advocate of Education Attainment.

In fact, Glass is first and foremost an Educator - starting with her first professional position as a Teacher. She came from a family headed by Educators, mother and father teachers, and an era that saw obtaining a diploma and undergraduate degree as a MUST - a rite of passage.

Pursuing other levels, masters, doctorate, post-doctorate and certificated-distinctions are "enhancements" for navigating the marketplace.

We CONGRATULATE all the graduates of Amani - Ground Zero Nextdoor social network, 
other nearby neighborhoods of the network and Bryant and Stratton College 41 Graduates on May 1, 2015,  We share your success. 

Solana Patterson-Ramos 


MPA LLC takes note of last month's SATURDAY TALK speaker and ex-Candidate for Milwaukee County Supervisor 10th District - SOLANA PATTERSON RAMOS. 

She graduated from UW-Milwaukee.

Click photo to Enlarge
Graduates - Travon Tatum & Cheyenne Hankins

Bryant Stratton College High School Commencement

Brad Tenin, State online Liaison, Bryant & Stratton College, Bayshore, was a SATURDAY TALK speaker last month. He shared with the audience opportunities of Bryant & Stratton College from diploma to degrees in today’s marketplace.

He invited Glass to their May 1, 2015 High School Commencement (Bryant Stratton College has a partnership with Penn Foster High School). 

The Bayshore Graduation, approximately 40 graduates received a diploma. Some received honors - Academic Achievement Honor Roll and Superior Academic Achievement Honor Roll. 

Glass got photos of:  Trayvon Tatum and Cheyenne Hankins. They received their High School Equivalency Diploma/HSED.

CLICK photo to Enlarge

MEMORIAL DAY - MAY 25, 2015 - A Day of Bitter and Sweet

As we Remember . . . 
Today, May 25, 2015 - Memorial Day, America's national focus for those who died in War.  It is when Americans are reminded by President Barack Hussein Obama, the first African-American President of the USA, the government, organizations, individuals, cemetery owners (i.e., Graceland-Milwaukee), and media to remember those who died while serving to protect America.  

As a rule, this is thought to be service while going abroad to defend America and/or America's position against foreign countries.  A position with the Act of War approval of Congress and the Commander-in-Chief of the United States.

Yes.  We show homage - RESPECT and HONOR.

Enlarge photo, click photo
America's Wars - Casualties of War - Click Civil War Facts
History says . . .
According to the list of wars included in the Memorial Day homage are the following:
  • Civil War
  • Gulf War
  • Iraq-Afghanistan War
  • Korea War
  • Mexican War
  • Revolutionary War
  • Spanish-American War
  • Vietnam War
  • War of 1812
  • World War I
  • World War II

 Since the Civil War is included in the Memorial Day celebration - It is a time that address slavery of African Americans in America. 

Since African Americans has the only distinction of being a Citizen-in-slave for America; it is important that the country remember this time with special resonance of how this country has and is today in need of remembering its history for to address today's atrocities in race - to build capacity in generations to come. 

While we remember the fallen soldiers of the wars, African Americans remember their family member being killed abroad and in the homeland during the Civil War, the beginning of this celebratory day.  By the way, the name of this day - Memorial Day, was called, Decoration Day.   The first day is believed to have been celebrated in NY and so stated by President Lyndon Johnson.

The Civil War was essentially a war between the states, north/south and freeing slaves - Negroes/African Americans.  The race of folk that spearheaded "economic development" in the Cotton industry of America.

It was a troubled time "inside" of America.
It was a devastating time for citizens of the United States that were in bondage as a slave and living day-to-day in the melee and brutality of Caucasians with the power.  The Confederacy consisted of 11 states that fought and seceded from the union.  They are:
  • South Carolina - December 20, 1860
  • Mississippi - January 9, 1861
  • Florida - January 10, 1861
  • Alabama - January 11, 1861
  • Georgia - January 19, 1861
  • Louisiana - January 26, 1861
  • Texas - February 1, 1861
  • Virginia - April 17, 1861
  • Arkansas - May 6, 1861
  • North Carolina - May 20, 1861
  • Tennessee - June 8, 1861

Caucasians that forced African Americans to participate in helping to support the Confederacy (the group of 11 Southern states that seceded from the United States in 1860-61) thought of "slavery".  Can you see that?  Can you see yourself in that position?  Can you imagine how the ancestors of African American had to call upon a divine strength to survive?  Then there are Freed soldiers like the Tuskegee Airmen.

So, today, when we celebrate, it brings history that is "so bitter and inserting lite-grand sweet" for those African Americans that have given their lives in our Armed Services.   It is hidden.

Think about it.  Help to ensure that the history is remembered CORRECTLY for ensuring that the USA is seen for what ALL its people are.

Whether at Arlington Cemetery in Washington, DC, neighborhood cemeteries, family cemeteries, or an unknown grave/place in a foreign land, we REMEMBER.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

SUNDAY BACK STORY - May 24, 2015 - La Frisko and Classmates off to CHINA

HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Wednesday, May 20, 2015
La Frisko and Waitress Tina

LA FRISKO LEWIS & MARY GLASS @ Applebee's Bayshore
SUNDAY BACK STORY - May 24, 2015
SUNDAY BACK STORY - May 24, 2015

La Frisko goes to China
Click photo to Enlarge

Study Abroad

Friday, May 22, 2015 was the take-off date from O’Hara Airport in Chicago to San Francisco and then to Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2015 for UW-Milwaukee senior La Frisko Lewis.

Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC is proud of La Frisko Lewis and the students on this China Study Abroad visit. Special tribute is to La Frisko Lewis, senior, Business-International Studies student. Mary Glass, Chair/CEO/CVO has been following La Frisko since his freshman year.

He has been a Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC SATURDAY TALK speaker for two years in a row, 2014/2015, in the INCARCERATION OF BLACK MALES IN MILWAUKEE series powered by MPA LLC.

Lewis birthday

He turned 26 years old on Wednesday, May 20, 2015; he was treated by Glass to a birthday lunch at Applebee’s Bayshore, Glendale and given an 80-page journal to capture memorable moments in writing while visiting China.

China Itinerary

The 18 days will go fast. Lewis and the other 14 students will start with Taipei, Taiwan and then visit four cities of China - Beijing, Hong Kong, Macau, and Shanghai. Their tour will include the Great Wall of China, Budda Statute, a Foster Care Center and companies. The fifteen students make-up was: 1 freshman, 2 sophmores, 3 juniors, 4 seniors and 5 graduates.

They will return on June 8, 2015.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

MPA LLC SATURDAY TALK - MAY 30, 2015 - NEW County Supervisor, WHEDA, charter school, candidate 10th district and NEW Joint NSP Task Force

RIGHT DOWN Supervisor Supreme Moore Omonkunde, District 10, Michael Olen, Candidate for Alderman, 10th District, Ms. Gail Hicks and Ms. Marva Herndon Women Committed
BOTTOM-left:  Mary Glass, MPA LLC, Kim Plache and Nicholas Monette, WHEDA
SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2015
10:30am - 2:00pm
City Center Milwaukee |  DAY 264  | For the month of MAY, SATURDAY TALK has a packed agenda.  
Theme:  Follow the Money

It includes speakers that will address hot-button issues of Leadership, transparency, accountability, entrepreneurship, SOLIDARITY and STEWARDSHIP.   They are:

  • Milwaukee County Supervisor Supreme Moore Omonkunde, District 10
  • Gail Hicks and Marva Herndon - Women Connected
  • Kim Plache and Nicholas Monette - WHEDA Housing Development
  • Michael Olen - 2016 Candidate, 10th District
  • Mary Glass - MPA LLC
SATURDAY TALK is Missioned to provide "state-of-the-art" Information for informed decision making in STEWARDSHIP for CORE CONSTITUENTS that reside CITY-WIDE in the city of Milwaukee.

Be prepared to be amazed.
R.S.V.P NOW - Click

Date:    Saturday, May 30, 2015
Place:  Center Street Library, 2727 W. Center
Time:  10:30am - 2:00pm

We ask that you remain the entire session so you can engage, mingle, learn, ask/answer questions and network.   Bring your flyers, business cards and announcements for building capacity in the neighborhoods.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Remembering Alderman Joe Dudzik - May 22, 2015

City of Milwaukee - City Alderman Joe Dudzik, District 11, died on May 21, 2015.
Our condolences are sent to his wife, children, family and constituents of the 11th District.

"The last thing I can remember about Alderman Dudzik was his smile and comment of Good Luck at a January 6, 2015 License Committee hearing at City Hall while waiting in the hallway with my client, MC COLE,  Hammer's Den, prior to visit before the License Committee," said Mary Glass, Chair/CEO/CVO, Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC.

Happy Trails!

He is remembered by ex-Alderwoman Annette Scherbert below..

Thursday, May 21, 2015


CITY CENTER MILWAUKEE | DAY 262 | On May 19, 2015, Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC announced its newest step to RE-DEFINE, RE-BRAND and UN-TRAP CORE CONSTITUENTS of the City of Milwaukee.

Milwaukee Joint NSP Committee & Task Force

It is a CALL for ENGAGEMENT by CORE CONSTITUENTS that live in Milwaukee to "in concert" address economic and quality of life injustices through vigorous pursuit with expectations and enforcements for all.
If it's to be, it is up to YOU and ME.
If it's to be, it is up to YOU and ME.

Item # 1
Reporting and Recording allow REFORM. 
It is a good practice for SELF-REPORTING and Reporting of others held in COMPLIANCE mode. 

To identify specifics of change and make immediate corrections.  

Item #2
Be prepared to be "in AWE"

No one is EXEMPT.

Item #3
Neighborhood Strategic Planning in a JOINT format for daily access to information technology, better communication, better decision making, following the money and capacity building.  An inclusion and critiquing of Smart Growth and Vision 2050 for the city of Milwaukee population and then those who come to visit.

We start with a 6-15 month hands-on and city-wide review, assessment and service delivery by the People.  A 2015-2016 version of HUD's Community Development Block Grant strategic planning/exchange in 1995.

Item #4
Highlight and celebrate cultures and cultural differences for inspiration, historic presence and engagement.

Item #5
Massive REFORM in city-wide registration to VOTE; and, hands-on VOTING as a best practice for self-preservation and DUE PROCESS.  

Remove elected-appointed-hired and donor for hire organizations connected to government funding that fail to communicate, provide broad-base neighborhood-level citizen participation, improve conditions of those mired in poverty and uses funding to discriminate and disenfranchise those who live in the city of Milwaukee of Color.

Invest in Referendum changes.
Provide connections for city-wide Referendum changes.

Item #6 
Elect individuals who provide a platform that first and foremost commit to a checklist of 18 "To DO".  They are:
  1. Oath of office;
  2. commit to transparency and accountability;
  3. promote paradigm shifts in status quo;
  4. mark success by Win-Win solutions that build collaborations and interactions of the city-wide constituency;
  5. provide competence on standing committees assigned that address economic and quality of life sustainability of the population of the City of Milwaukee; 
  6. know, RESPECT, actively communicate and support their constituents in-district and city-wide; 
  7. create gainful employment;
  8. connect IT/Information Technology GRIDS for online access at the household and neighborhood business level of Milwaukee population;
  9. value-added education attainment; 
  10. urban health care;
  11. affordable and varied housing;
  12. safety prevention and intervention - mindset, mental behavior, street-to-street, ecosystem, community enforcement, community-oriented policing and homeland security;
  13. promotion of talent development and vetted businesses at the neighborhood level;
  14. generation building - ages, family, race, truth and sentencing, re-entry incarceration and war;
  15. global awareness and cultural contacts;
  16. arts and entertainment for neighborhood appreciation, enlightenment, and  self-sustainability;
  17. update and create today's legislation and state-of-the-art opportunities that provide access to government revenue and resources - economic development, TIDs, BIDs, NIDs, and desires of the Electorate.
  18. use intergovernmental relations to perpetuate access to better communication and conducting the People's business.
Item #7
Safety Prevention equals Safety Intervention

Item #8
Cannabis Reform - Incarceration of Milwaukeeans and Medicinal

Item #9
Hold accountable corporations tied to city, state, and federal coffers that are supporting the population of Milwaukee.

Item #10
Code of Conduct and Etiquette of Respect ranks high in navigating solutions.  MPA LLC Consumer Protection Group has three notifications for best practices.  They are: 
1).  Letter of Notification.
2).  Letter of Inappropriateness. 
3)   Letter of Goodwill-Good Faith and Good Citizenship.

Not a complete list
Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC
 is a Milwaukee-based firm with over 30 years of investment in the city center neighborhoods of Milwaukee addressing public policy in the public square and channel development - residential, commercial and light industrial stakeholders.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

MPA LLC SATURDAY TALK - WHEDA Development Vignette


SATURDAY TALK - Follow the Money
May 30, 2015
10:30am - 2:00pm

Center Street Library
2727 W. Center

 KIM PLACHE, Business Development Officer and
 NICHOLAS MONETTE, Management Project Officer
WHEDA has classes for development in the marketplace for housing and the development of housing.  SATURDAY TALK is pleased to have Kim Plache and Nicholas Monette with us to help CORE CONSTITUENTS become more informed about their neighborhood and its real estate potentials through WHEDA - Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority.

Do not miss this business treat.



CORE CONSTITUENTS - You are under siege - What are you gonna do about it

City Center Milwaukee | DAY 260 |  Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC announced today that it is forming the "NEW" MILWAUKEE JOINT NSP Committee & Task Force to create a model for RENEWAL and CHANGE.  

If it is to be, it is up to me - YOU

The RESEARCH, reports, and records are consistent and persistent.  The actions are in-your-face, radical, vicious and destructive to individuals and families of the electorate of Milwaukee. 
Millions and even billions from the local and federal coffers have come to the city of Milwaukee on the backs and for the benefit of growth and self-sufficiency; however, decades show that the money has gone to the haves for pet projects, procurement and construction to build Caucasian businesses in mass all the while access denied and bait-n-switch crumbs were/are given to give the appearance of due process - positions are given to African American and other People of Color to pacify and reward "gatekeeping".

Our families, women, men, children, generations have been brought to the 21st millennium slave auction of public policy that has explicit and implicit racial biases that cause us daily to fight, kill, victimize, judge unfairly the least of us caught up in such a hatred environment.

We have allowed  and participated long-term in controlling trends of elected-appointed-hired-donor for hire representatives by being co-conspirators of taking from our tax coffers - treasury to give to those who do not live in the city of Milwaukee.  We know about and condone in many cases work behind the scenes by those in city hall and other like structures to siege-our-federal funds and property taxes through annual budget and the like. 

We allow elections to come and go, but fail to register to vote, fail to run for office, fail to capacity build and inform our brothers and sisters of this precious right and privilege of necessary best practice.  

Our forefathers and foremothers were put upon by dogs, horses, false prophesy, property taken, public ridicule, jetted water hose, kidnappings, men castrated, women raped, hangings and murders with bodies burned, buried in unknown graves and weighted in a river.  How can you not VOTE.  It is a sin.

We demonize those caught up/trapped in the economic strife of mental illness, panhandling, prostitution, and drug trade.  We allow our public and private institutions to come to the treasury but do little to nothing to "rehabilitate" our injured from this war on poverty.

We allow lack of quality of life and economic development led by city charter officers at the city hall of Milwaukee to help perpetuate an environment of crime without accountability.

The "default" is set on profiling, disrespect, demonizing, massive seige of taxpayers funds, property gifts, tax credits, BAIT-N-SWITCH promises of employment and jobs, followed by massive incarceration of the CORE CONSTITUENTS.  

This behavior is revealed as a byproduct in a saturated zip code of massive incarceration of 53206 in our neighborhood without massive and daily outcry for change.  It is NOT OK.  

DO WE NOT SEE the outgrowth of the daily shootings, dysfunctional family households, homicides, and accidental deaths?   DO WE NOT SEE the artistic decoration of posts and trees along the streets in the neighborhood with balloons, teddy bears, and other momentos to the fallen CORE CONSTITUENT is our R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y?   No one is exempt.

We allowed Felmers Chaney Correctional (named after a black man of Milwaukee) to be a Flip property by the Department of Correction in our Metcalfe Neighborhood and the best looking real estate between 30th and Fond du Lac to FDL and Sherman - likewise the Milwaukee Women's incarceration center on 6th and Keefe, we have failed to ensure that these sites become beacons for human development and working directly with the leaders of the neighborhoods for change in our neighborhoods and reduction of recidivism of our men and women (father, son, uncle, grandfather, mother, sister, aunt, grandmother and cousin).  We can do so much better.  Wake up.  We pay for these sites.

We fail to massively appeal Scott Walker's career enhancer of Truth and Sentencing that has placed so many for so long in correctional facilities in Texas, Tennessee, Minnesota and Wisconsin, costly to all - often #1 or #2 in Wisconsin biennial budget.  

Many with jail sentencing for decades for the sale of ounces of Cannabis while in other states, especially Colorado, a new generation of Cannabis entrepreneurs are being seen, celebrated, gone viral, on CNN and other media focus making $$millions of dollars. They are primarily young Caucasians.  Get to it.

We know the above issues or SHOULD know them - we see them - we live in them.  What are you willing to do about them?

Here are five (5) recommendations:
  1. become knowledgeable and informed of your surrounds and show you care by linking those you know with information for informed decision making - start at your home, school, church, club, neighborhood groups, and social network.
  2. become active - register to vote NOW.  Get your free ID at the WI Transportation centers for licenses.
  3. mark your calendar - take the time - invest the time, for input and sharing at face-to-face meetings - form meetings for fellowship and stewardship.  Do the best you can.  Do not pit you-me-others against each other.  However, it is your duty to check the facts and seek best practices.  This will demand calling a spade a spade.
  4. I ask that you provide STEWARDSHIP in the name of  Milwaukee CORE CONSTITUENTS Task Force for Change.  It is MPA LLC efforts of "Get-with-it".
  5. Seek accountabiltiy through BEST Patterns & BEST PRACTICES of the following:
    • Alverno College
    • Bader Foundation
    • BIDs, TIDs and NIDs
    • Cardinal Stritch University
    • CDBG
    • CDFI
    • Charter Schools
    • City Attorney Office
    • City Clerk's office
    • City of Milwaukee Library
    • City of Milwaukee License Committee
    • Common Council members
    • Common Council President
    • Commercial Corridor Manager
    • Comptroller - Milwaukee
    • Couture Project
    • Concondia University
    • DCD
    • DOC
    • DNS
    • DPW
    • Department of Assessment
    • Feeding America
    • Fondy Market
    • Greater Milwaukee Foundation
    • HACM
    • Health Department - city
    • Hunger Task Force
    • LBAT/Local Business Action Team
    • LISC
    • MMSD
    • MSOE
    • Marquette University
    • Mayor's office
    • MEDC
    • Milwaukee Bar Association
    • Milwaukee Buck Stadium and ancillary Park East real estate
    • Milwaukee Streetcar Project
    • Neighborhood Services - city
    • RACM
    • SPD
    • SEWRPC - Vision 2050
    • The Morderne
    • Treasurer office - city
    • United Way
    • US DOJ
    • UW-M, MATC & MPS
    • UW-M Water Program
    • WHEDA
    • Wisconsin Transportation
    • Zilber Family Foundation
Not a complete list