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Thursday, February 26, 2015

SATURDAY TALK - February 21, 2015, Following the Money Photo Gallery

Clockwise L-R:  Martin Matson, city of Milwaukee, Vanessa Johnson, Execcutive Director/New Concept, Dr. Linda Mistele, MATC, Israel Mendez, 30th St. Corridor, Dr. Mistele,Ann Dee Allen, SEWRPC, Ms. Rose,Sherrie Bond, Jabez Rehabilitation Center, Vernisha Taylor/Bond Family, Ann Dee Allen, SEWRPC, Ruth Bond,/Bond Director, Israel Mendez/30th Corridor, Sherri Bond, Jabez,  Elizabeth Banks, Metcalfe Martin Matson and Israel, Martin Matson and Ann Dee Allen, Mary Glass, MPA LLC, Sherri Stennis and Martin Matson, Rahmad Malik, and Marie Stennis
Middle - Back row:  Sherri Sade Stennis, CFO Martin Matson, Vernisha Taylor
Bottom Row :  Sherri Bond and Marie Stennis 

City Center Milwaukee | DAY 178 | Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC SATURDAY TALK - Following the Money - was with the discussion of two (2) facilitators - CFO Martin Matson - Comptroller of the City of Milwaukee and Ann Dee Allen, Senior Public Involvement and Outreach Specialist, Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. C Terrance Anderson, SEWRPC, will be back on March 21, 2015.

Meet-n-Greet BEFORE the meeting allowed personal introductions and sharing.

Saturday Talk MEET-N-GREET highlight was Israel Mendez , 30th Street Corridor, and his "tool chest" of EMPLOYMENT tips and events.

Vanessa Johnson, Executive Director, New Concept was able to share points regarding her organization Mission to preserve families and protect children while promoting self sufficiency with Martin Matson and Ann Dee Allen.

Dr. Linda Mistele, MATC Instructor, is working with New Concept.  Her appeal for a student during SATURDAY, January 31, 2015, gain $70 dollars for test payment.  Her appeal for a test at the February 21, 2015 meeting yield $35.00 from CFO Martin Matson - very warm and inspiring surprise.  She has been able to get her student tests cost covered.

Dawn Powell, DMZ Gardens was able to introduce successes of her gardens and promote interest in gardening.

Ms. Rose was present with a "wealth" of insights and neighborhood history.

Elizabeth Banks, Midtown Neighborhood Strategic Planning and Sherri Bonds Jabez Rehabilitation Center, were able to "remember when".

Warm Broccoli soup and Signature Banana Pudding was complimentary of the BOND'S FAMILY.
Members of Mack and Delsia Bond family.

Craig Jackson is the Resident Photographer.

Ruth Bond & Daughter, Vernisha Taylor - The Bond Family
L-R:  Ruth Bond, Israel Mendez, 30th Street Corridor, Sherri Sade Stennis and Vernisha Taylor

L-R:  Martin Matson, Mary Glass MPA LLC and Vanessa Johnson

L-R:  CFO Martin Matson, city of Milwaukee & Executive Director Vanessa Johnson - New Concept

Photo Gallery
Senior Public Involvement and Outreach Specialist Ann Dee Allen - SEWRPC

Facilitator Matson

CLICK Photo to Enlarge

Click photo to Enlarge

Back row:  Vanessa, Elizabeth, Sherri, Ann Israel, Martin,

Front row:  l-r, Vernisha, Sherri Sade, Ms. Rose,Linda and Craig - Photographer
The Bond's Family - Legacy
Mack & Delsia Bond - African American History Month

Click to enlarge
Elizabeth Banks - Midtown

Ms. Rose

SEWRPC 5 Scenario Chart

2-26-15: Today's Squawk Box - Matthew J. Belvedere and Peter Schacknow

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U.S. stock futures were higher in early trading, after theDow closed Wednesday at another record. The S&P 500and the Nasdaq, however, were unable hold on to their gains, and finished slightly lower. (CNBC)
The Nasdaq did come within 16 points of hitting 5,000during Wednesday's session, before pulling back. A drop inApple (AAPL) hit the Nasdaq and the S&P due to the stock's heavy weighting on both indexes. (CNBC)

Following two days of testimony from Fed Chair Janet Yellen on Capitol Hill, St. Louis Fed President James Bullard joins CNBC's "Squawk Box" until 9 a.m. ET with his views on interest rates and the economy.

U.S. crude prices were under pressure this morning, aftersettling up 3.5 percent Wednesday in New York trading and snapping a five-day losing streak on improved views on global oil demand. (Reuters)

The FCC is set to vote today on net neutrality regulations that would treat the Internet like a utility. The rules would ban providers from charging more for faster speeds, and purposely slowing speeds down. (Reuters)

Morgan Stanley (MS) has agreed in principle with federal regulators to pay $2.6 billion to settle claims related to the sale of mortgage-backed securities during the financial crisis. (USA Today)

United Continental (UAL) management sent a dramatic safety warning to its pilots last month, calling for stepped-up compliance with rules and procedures following several serious incidents caused by cockpit errors. (WSJ-subscription)

Google (GOOG) is considering making what several sources close to the situation describe as a "strategic investment" in Jawbone, the high-profile San Francisco maker of a number of wireless and wearable devices such as the Up fitness tracker. (Re/code)

China has dropped major global tech brands-including Apple, Cisco (CSCO), and Intel (INTC)-from its approved state purchase lists, while approving thousands of local vendors. (Reuters)

A little-known provision buried deep within President Barack Obama's proposed 2016 budget would allow thelong-term unemployed to withdraw funds from their retirement plans penalty free. (CNBC)

Warren Buffett will be answering some questions from CNBC viewers and users starting at 6 a.m. ET Monday, when he appears live from Omaha for all three hours of "Squawk Box." Find out how to #AskWarren a question.

Limited recreational use of marijuana has become legal in Washington, D.C., months after residents voted to legalize pot despite major objections from some House Republicans. (USA Today)

A historic winter storm brought more snow and ice to the Southeast and Midwest early today, cancelling hundreds of flights and knocking out power to hundreds of thousands of homes. (NBC News)

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Week four - African American History Month - BACK to BASICS

City Center Milwaukee | DAY 176 |  Civil Rights law is the Standard Operating procedure when viewing and measuring the scope of interest and Reporting that Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC considers for public policy review of our self, colleagues, residential, commercial, light industrial, government officers and those working with government funds on behalf of CORE CONSTITUENTS.

Core Constituents represent individuals that make-up the "body" of a construct.  In this case the construct is the city of Milwaukee.

It is the population, the cultures of the population, the historic presence of the population, the population demographics; and, how the breakdown of the population into racial-education-class-economics-gender reveals a "whole".
In the city of Milwaukee the population is over a half-million folk - 599,164 (2013)
In Milwaukee, 2010, it is 60% People of Color.
In Milwaukee, 2010, it is African American 40%.
In Milwaukee, 2010, it is American Indian - 1%
In Milwaukee, 2010, it is Asian - 4%.
In Milwaukee, 2010, it is Latino - 17%.

In Milwaukee, 2010, it is Caucasian - 45%

When the population is disadvantaged due to Enduring Concentrated Poverty and through violations of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties - discrimination due to race and other qualifiers, lack of due process, segregation, and the isolation produce a "sum gain"of zero;  the People can not sit idle and receive dollaps of disparities and become anesthetized by deceptive politics, party postering, special interest groups and politicians aiding and abetting INSTITUTIONAL injustices, i.e., institutional racism.

It guarantees environments morphed in dispair, risky behaviors, increased offenses and overall quality of life and economic development deficits.

Rule I - All Hands on Deck, WE WILL
It is not OKAY for civil rights and civil liberties to be violated by "anyone".  No one is exempt.

Therefore, on Tuesday, February 24, 2015, the 4th week of African American History, I Mary Glass, Chair/CEO/CVO, Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC, citizen of the United States of America, call out those who continuously violate civil rights and civil libereties of African American, other People of Color and the Work Challenged [Work Challenged represents un-, under-skilled; un-, under-employed; un-, under-financed neighborhood-level businesses; disabled; and re-entry.

Re-entry represents those returning from WAR, INCARCERATION, boomerang employment, boomerang retirement and college-certificated graduates unemployed. ]

BUFORD & KORBAN role  in the Milwaukee Streetcar project.
Click photo to Enlarge
We especially look at Civil Rights VI - Milwaukee Streetcar

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Title VI

Prevents discrimination by government agencies that receive federal funds. If an agency is found in violation of Title VI, that agency may lose its federal funding.
I start with U.S. Congresswoman Gwen Moore, 4th District - State of Wisconsin.
December 17, 2014
The Honorable Tom M. Barrett
City of Milwaukee
200 E. Wells Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202-3515
Dear Mayor Barrett,
I write to express my strong support for your efforts to help use longstanding federal transportation dollars to improve public transportation options, improve mobility, and create economic development in our city through the creation of a modern downtown street car.
I support your vision to revitalize our downtown, create jobs, expand the tax base, and enhance and increase mobility in Milwaukee for workers, tourists, and others with the addition of a streetcar.  This project has been thoroughly studied and debated for a number of years and deserves to move forward.  If it does not, these federal funds will be lost, along with the resulting benefits to our city.
As you know, it was only a few years ago that members of the Wisconsin delegation in Congress worked to ensure that federal funds that had been targeted to improve transportation options in Milwaukee were not lost.  After nearly twenty years of debate, a decision was made to split up $91 million in federal funds remaining from a pot originally allocated to help improve transportation in our community in the early 1990’s.
The Federal Transit Administration made crystal clear a few years ago that these federal funds must be used for the Streetcar project.  Any attempt to change the purpose for these funds would require additional federal legislation, a prospect that would face daunting obstacles, including earmark bans in the House and Senate and new fiscal and political realities here in Washington, DC.
It is time to use these funds to spur economic development in our city and to improve transportation options, the purpose they were originally allocated.  I support your efforts to move this project forward and ensure that these federal funds are used for an important project that will connect to existing transit routes, reduce the need for private cars in the most congested parts of our city, and support job creation and economic growth.
The project can be a major win for our city and all stakeholders.  I would hate to see Wisconsin once again send back federal transportation dollars back to Washington, DC that could create jobs and promote development and economic growth right here in Milwaukee.  Investing in transportation infrastructure is a formula for success for our city.
Gwen Moore

"Stand for something or you will fall for anything.  Today's mighty oak is yesterday's nut that held its ground" - Rosa Parks
Stewardship with Accountability
Since U. S. Congresswoman Gwen Moore represents the federal level and federal legislation, and is an African American from Milwaukee, her comments can be injurious for CORE CONSTITUENTS.  

Here are some questions that we need answers to.

Question 1:  Why was Tom Barrett, mayor of Milwaukee given a "blank check" by U. S. Congresswoman Moore?

Question 2:  What specific "Infrastructure formula" did Congresswoman Moore mean in her statement above?

Question 3:  What specific employment, job creation and economic development did she mean?

Question 3a:  What review did Congresswoman Moore office conduct to see specifics in Workforce Training and Local Contracts - DPW (Commissioner Ghassan Korban) and President/CEO Earl Buford, Milwaukee Area Workforce Investment Board, Inc.)? 

Question 3b:  What were the findings of Congresswoman Moore of pages 41-47 in the Streetcar Committee December 9, 2014

Question 4:  What forums did Congresswoman Moore have with CORE CONSTITUENTS?  What results were found?  What documentation from her constituents supported her "blank check" endorsement?

Question 5:   Did Congresswoman Moore know that those of us who originally put forth the Class Action suit that blocked the funding from the Department of Administration did so to ensure that the CORE CONSTITUENTS be heard for public transportation tht took them to employment (outside and inside the city of Milwaukee) and other sites for quality of life and economic development growth - that's Infrastructure?  
Ensuring that Rick Barrett is able to construct a tower/Couture site that ask for $2,300 per month rent is NOT what we had in mind.

Question 6:  Was Congresswoman Moore "blank check" endorsement a "paid marker" to the Democrati Party, Tom Barrett or the like? We the People can not afford her debts that invoked violation of civil rights and civil liberities.

Question 7:   Did Congresswoman Moore know, her "blank check" endorsement allows others who are monopoly-oligopoly and doomsayers of the CORE CONSTITUENTS to use her, her position as Congresswoman as the reason why they can violate us?

What say U. S. Congresswoman Gwen Moore?

Monday, February 23, 2015

WEEK FOUR - African American History Month - MACK & DELSIA BOND

TOP:  Mr. & Mrs. Mack and Delsia Bond
BOTTOM:  MAMA BOND with horse for children - Block Party2000 W. Clarke
City Center Milwaukee | DAY 175 | African American Week calls for individual and group honorees to represent Neighborhood and Census Tract for Historic Presence 2015.  

Our first honoree is a business - Bond Foods.

During SATURDAY TALK, February 21, 2015 Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC announced the names of the proprietors - Mack & Delsia Bond, 35 years of Bond Foods 
(2 years on N. 11th Street & 33 years on 20th & Clarke).

BOND FOODS                   1962-1995          33 years
2000 W. Clarke Street
Milwaukee, WI  53206

Mack and Delsia Bond were African American Entrepreneurs with a strong WORK lineage from the State of Tennessee.  Their parents worked in Agriculture.  Mack Bond’s father and mother were hard-working and industrious farmers.  His father’s father was a freed slave. Mack’s father own his farm and tilled the soil with vegetables and raised livestock that fed his family of 13 – 8 children and 3 grandchildren.

After graduating from Lane College, Jackson, Tennessee; Mack Bond moved to Milwaukee where he worked at AO Smith (2nd shift), was a realtor for United Realty and he and his wife, Delsa Bond (who is also from Tennessee), ran their neighborhood grocery stores.  They first opened a grocery store on 11th Street.  In 1962, they opened BOND Foods at 2000 W. Clarke.

This was where they made their mark in the Amani Neighborhood.  It is also where they trained their 6 children before and after school to be workers in the business of the family.  It was also where Delsia Bond became “Mama Bond” by the People in the neighborhood for her outreach and help for the neighborhood.  The Bond’s administration and outreach was daily and focused on cleanliness of the area outside and inside of the store - seeing that the stock was available and on the shelves.  Mama Bond held annual block parties, sold fresh barbeque and ribs outside in their yard adjacent to the store and created a hot and cold deli for the store.  Bond Foods was known for hot cooked wings, pork chops, soul dinners and a signature Banana Pudding.

MACK & DELSIA BOND, Proprietor   Page 2
Mama Bond was known to have a specialty event where she either bought or roasted a “WHOLE PIG” for sell during the summer.  She also provided live horses for riding for the children during the block parties.

The store hours were:          6am – 10:00am at first.
The extended hours were:   6am – 12 Midnight.

Comments by Sherri
My mom would start a grill as early at as 8am in the morning and put on a slab of ribs and some chicken wing on the grill.  She would feed people that were coming in the store to buy grocery. She would send them home with a dinner, my mom love to cook (amazing women).
My mother and father were respected in the neighborhood for the way they ran their store and the way they treated the customers.

Mama would extend credit to families to tide them until their checks came.   “The women of the neighborhood would come throughout the month and on the first of the month they would come and pay their bill. I can’t remember when there was a time when someone did not pay. The neighborhood supported Bond’s Grocery and the proprietors of the Bond Foods supported the neighborhood.

You know the statement it takes a village to raise a child --- I will turn that statement around … it took a neighborhood to keep proprietor Mack and Delsia Bond on the corner of 20th Clarke and it took Mack and Delsia Bond, plus daughters, to take care of the neighborhood.

My mother, loved children and the 20th Street neighborhood. 

Comments Deon – 4th Daughter
Because of my parents’ strong work ethics, I can see why I have such a passion in my own business and drive for standards for my children.

MACK & DELSIA BOND, Proprietor   Page 3
Comments Vernisha – Granddaughter
So, I got up the nerve to asked her about the free block parties; Granny, why did you do all of this?! Why don't you charge money?!  She gave an answer I'll never forget. "Baby, this is what I like to do, make folks happy".

Mama Bond, Granny as I affectionately called her, was not one for drawn out speeches. I don’t remember her being a woman of many words. But she always put things in a way that I understood exactly what she meant. Even at a young age, I understood that our family's legacy was built on being the helping hand. Sure, we sold goods in a store that my grandfather owned, but we also left an imprint on the community. That's what Bond Foods store was all about, community, Building up strong families and simply put, making 'folks' happy.

Entrepreneur footsteps
For many years, Maxine, the 3rd daughter, fulfilled the administration leadership for her parents.

Sherri owns a Transitional Living Center and Transportation Service in the Milwaukee area.  Deon owns a Commercial Cleaning business. There are 5 sisters, they all have been entrepreneurial focused – worked in business and/or owned a business.
Clockwise:  Marie Stennis, Ruth Bond and Vernisha Taylor, Sherri Bond, Ruth Bond, Sade Stennis, CFO Martin Matson, Vernisha Taylor, Marie Stennis, Sherrie Bond, Sade Stennis, The Bonds, Vernisha

Bonds children are:  Marie Stennis, Ruth Bond, Maxine Bond, Michael Bond, Deon Bond and Sherri Bond.

We take note of MACK & DELSIA BOND, pioneer spirit, and their children for keeping hope alive, promoting economics in the neighborhood and entrepreneurship that called for customer service.   They were vetted by their customers then and today their children are reminded by those who remember how “special” Mr. & Mrs. Bond were to the Amani Neighborhood.  They left a legacy that we pay tribute today during African American History Month.

Between the two grocery stores, Mack & Delsia Bond were in the food-grocery business for 35 years.

It is also important to note that Mama Bond had a van Transportation service and was one of the first licensed for the city of Milwaukee.

Click photo to Enlarge
Urban Garden
The Bond's Family is looking at options of remembering their parents.  One is converting the land at 20th & Clarke into an Urban Landmark Garden as a tribute to their parents and their efforts in the Amani Neighborhood.
A Garden Idea 
Click photo to Enlarge
February 21, 2015

Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC

Friday, February 20, 2015

AMANI - SATURDAY TALK, Center Street Library, 11;00am - 1:00pm - Following the Money & Bonds Foods

February 21, 2015, Center Street Library
City Center Milwaukee | DAY 172 |  SATURDAY TALK is the monthly meeting of Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC.  Its main goal is ENGAGEMENT for Informed Decision making.

A time to separate the chaff (lack of informed decision making and un-authorized spending of government funds by the People) from WHEAT (BUILDING a DIVERSE neighborhood using ideas, projects, involvement, energy, art, social networking, visioning, use of computers, different backgrounds, different cultures, different races, linking with universities and other schools).

This month's theme is:  Following the Money.
The Facilitators are:

  • CFO Martin Matson - City of Milwaukee
  • Planner C Terrance Anderson - SEWRPC/Southeastern WI Regional Planning Commission - VISION 2050

Social Responsibility
  • Stakeholder Historic Presence - Amani
    • BOND FOODS, 35 years, 2000 W. Clarke Street
    • Mack and Delsia Bond - Proprietors
  • Warm Homemade Soup and Mama Bond-style Banana Pudding
Compliments of Sherri Bond and Ruth Bond (daughters of Mack & Delsia Bond)

  • Announcements
  • Photographer:  Craig Jackson

New Concept Self Development Center, Inc.
      MPA LLC 2015 Gift-Giving Recipient
      Vanessa Johnson - Executive Director

SEWRPC is MPA LLC regional partner for 2015 for ensuring that SATURDAY TALK is a premier timeframe for dissemination information about VISION 2050.