City Center Milwaukee | Day 36 - MPA LLC Invoked Atonement and Reparation Assessment (Phase II) | It is time for review of the city of Milwaukee 2015 proposed budget presented by mayor Tom Barrett to the Common Council - Executive to Legislative branch.
It is time for Milwaukeeans, the "Core Constituents" (residential/stockholders/stakeholders) to hold the 19 elected charter officers - mayor, common council, treasurer, comptroller and city attorney - accountable for management of their city business, especially finances and funding. A layman's view of economic and quality of life accountability with a review of the makers end-results of the administration, operation and maintenance of Finances of the City of Milwaukee.
Who are the Core Constituents?
The city of Milwaukee has a "CORE CONSTITUENT" that is majority African American, other People of Color and the Work Challenged (Work Challenged represents un-, under-skilled; un-, under-employed; un-, under-financed neighborhood-level businesses; disabled; and re-entry.
Re-entry represents those returning from WAR, INCARCERATION, boomerang employment, boomerang retirement and college-certificated graduates unemployed.).
These are the folk that have historic presence from the early travelers, building city hall, creating the railways, breweries, and manufacturing companies of the city. They migrated from parts of the south to the north, from the north to midwest, west to the midwest and southwest to the midwest seeking the American promise. They are also from foreign countries and made Milwaukee their home.
They are inhabitants of the city of Milwaukee. They live-in, work-in, invest property taxes in, pay assessment taxes in, raise their family (generations) in, have family reunions in, send their children to school in, open a business in, contribute to charities in, worship in and bury their family in - the largest city of Wisconsin - Milwaukee.
Charter - City Budget
The charter calls for a budget from the mayor on or before September 28 of the year. Click 18-04 (2) Proposed Budget.
It is a responsibility of the Executive and Legislative Branch, 19 members.
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2010 Census of Racial groups in Milwaukee |
Who are the Core Constituents?
The city of Milwaukee has a "CORE CONSTITUENT" that is majority African American, other People of Color and the Work Challenged (Work Challenged represents un-, under-skilled; un-, under-employed; un-, under-financed neighborhood-level businesses; disabled; and re-entry.
Re-entry represents those returning from WAR, INCARCERATION, boomerang employment, boomerang retirement and college-certificated graduates unemployed.).
These are the folk that have historic presence from the early travelers, building city hall, creating the railways, breweries, and manufacturing companies of the city. They migrated from parts of the south to the north, from the north to midwest, west to the midwest and southwest to the midwest seeking the American promise. They are also from foreign countries and made Milwaukee their home.
They are inhabitants of the city of Milwaukee. They live-in, work-in, invest property taxes in, pay assessment taxes in, raise their family (generations) in, have family reunions in, send their children to school in, open a business in, contribute to charities in, worship in and bury their family in - the largest city of Wisconsin - Milwaukee.
Charter - City Budget
The charter calls for a budget from the mayor on or before September 28 of the year. Click 18-04 (2) Proposed Budget.
It is a responsibility of the Executive and Legislative Branch, 19 members.
Accountability, leadership, stewardship, TRUST, RESPECT, DUE DILIGENCE and HOPE starts and stops with the 19 elected charter officers. They are:
- mayor - Tom Barrett
- 15 alderpersons
- Ashanti Hamilton - District 1
- Joe Davis Sr. - District 2
- Nik Kovac - District 3
- Robert J. Bauman - District 4
- James A. Bohl Jr. - District 5
- Milele A. Coggs - District 6
- Willie C. Wade - District 7
- Robert G. Donovan - District 8
- Robert W. Puente - District 9
- Michael J. Murphy - District 10
- Joe Dudzik - District 11
- José G. Pérez - District 12
- Terry L. Witkowski - District 13
- Tony Zielinski - District 14
- Russell Stamper II - District 15
- treasurer - Spencer Coggs
- comptroller - Martin Matson
- city attorney - Grant Langley
“I want the pace of development in Milwaukee to continue and accelerate,” Barrett said near the end of his budget speech. “I want investments in every aldermanic district - investments that add jobs and property value. I want the private sector to see Milwaukee as an ideal place to grow. I want them to recognize the potential in Milwaukee workers, and I want companies to establish their future right here.” Business Journal - Click
There are stark denials, glaring falsehoods and contradiction here in the mayor's statements above. First of all, "pace developments to continue and accelerate", the Core Constituents are not in a pace development or accelerate mode. Perhaps the mayor is speaking of the MEDC Board, MMAC, Milwaukee 7 or GMC group that have paralyzed the city's growth at the neighborhood and census tract level through by proxy monopoly-oligopoly control, per co-chair mayor Tom Barrett (MEDC Board and Milwaukee 7) and the common council in tow.
MMAC - Milwaukee Metropolitan Association of Commerce, Milwaukee 7 (Caucasian member formation) and GMC/Greater Milwaukee Committee do not represent the "core constituents".
GMC, MMAC and M-7 are organizations "doing business as" with staff too often living in other parts of the state and paying property and other taxes where they live.
They are primarily Caucasian-only and/or majority membership that have a money lobby and the appearance of control of our executive and legislative branches. We must let our elected officials know this budget cycle is where they are marked for replacement going forward to Election 2016 as well as scrutiny of behavior between now and then.
Where in the budget, with specificity is the mayor's second statement of "investment in every district"? Does "every" mean downtown, UW-Milwaukee, Freshwater Science, Water Council, eastside, third ward, valley and Brady Street only? Since all of the mentioned organizations have been able to grow with mega funding brought to the city by the name of Urban, low/moderate income, racial disparities, brownfield, tax credits, and other federal funding sent to change the conditions of Enduring Concentrated Poverty at the neighborhood and census tract level.
What does the mayor mean by private sector? The African American, other People of Color and Work Challenged private sector businessses are isolated, discriminated against, disenfranchised, deprived of financial packaging and marginalized as demonstrated in the city's DWilson Disparity report and UW-Milwaukee, The State of Black-Owned Businesses in Milwaukee: Uneven Progress, Fragile Gains.
A "disparity" condition that has not changed nor is it reflected in the 2015 budget.
Tools for change
Where are the codes, resolutions and charter agreements to replace the disparity of underpinning entrepreneurship at the census tract and neighborhood level? It is here that the hirees are basically 95 - 100% from the neighborhood. This is how we begin to make enroads to change the increased risky behavior found in some of Milwaukee's neighborhoods but can be expected with the given ingredients of poverty.
It is with innovative reform that the People can see that the light is "ON" at the end of the tunnel. That HOPE is on the rise and TRUST is the leader.
Where are the codes, resolutions and charter agreements to address the fraud in the code setasides; i.e., DBE? CG Schmidt, Gilbane, Mandel, Gorman, etc. go in-and-out of these makeshift intentions, with African American, other People of Color and Work Challenged talent with mega funded deals that never change the landscape of business development for the "CORE CONSTITUENTS"; i.e., prime contractors. The men and women are troubled by the same-old bait-n-switch that comes with "do nothing" leadership.
Help with removal of institutional barriers that include discrimination and disenfranchisement, replace with incentives for capacity building, multi-level and multi-tiered financial means for hidden talent and vetted business development. It is an automatic replacement of pitting against one another for No-Win outcomes.
We know for a fact when the Executive and/or the Legislative branches choose to be supportive of the "needed necessary parts" from the city resources and potential partnerships, they rise to the occasion with the appointed-hired members of the city cabinet necessary for success. The projects become "featured projects", with massive investment of city workers time and planning to "make the idea fit and/or conform to the statutes and funding guidelines".
The projects are delivered to the public - renderings through construction - without vetting by the Core Constituents. The culture within city hall does not recognize or engage the inhabitants, accept for prefunctory recognition of federal regulations called setasides and the prefunctory appearance of Inclusion at this time for the budget.
Where are the commitments of growth of the economic and quality of life base, the People, that allows the "doing business as" in the city of Milwaukee means you recognize, work with and gain support by being partners with the Core Constituents. It is a winning hand.
Our limited resources should always seek to provide scoring that automatically calls for the People's approval first and last. Period. It is how we score big time on the People's score card and Fitch Rating.
Our elected-appointed-hired representative must change the culture that allows the investment of resources that fails to recognize those they work for. The phony refrain of "will bring jobs" has become a "code word" for privilege outsourcing, bait-n-switch and distrust.
It is followed by "do-nothing" engagement by city officers, the appointed and hired staff, and NEW "doing business as" visitor or re-turned visitor to the city of Milwaukee coffers for resources; i.e., TID. A wall of "blocking"; i.e., failure to communicate, and failure to provide joint partnerships with accountability tracts of REAL employment and done-dealing encrypting in codes, resolutions and charter agreements.
City Abandonment
In fact, there has been an abandonment of leadership and stewardship for the "Core Constituents" involvement for growth of the city of Milwaukee.
The unending use of Urban in funding and engagement for funding that comes to the city of Milwaukee to grow entrepreneurship of low and moderate income Milwaukeeans fall by the wayside. Instead, it is outsourced to Caucasian-lead firms, cronies of privilege, old and new and in and out of the city.
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Commissioner Rocky Marcoux - DCD |
If disenfranchisement of African American businesses is Commissioner Marcoux's Rap sheet, it is also the Rap sheet of the 19 city officers that represent the executive and legislative branches of the city of Milwaukee - Mayor Tom Barrett, 15 Common Council members, Treasurer Spencer Coggs, Comptroller Martin Matson and City Attorney Grant Langley.
Commissioner Marcoux and Deputy Martha Brown need NEW marching orders for service delivery for the Core Constituents. The Department of City Development receives big bucks from the budget every year but development-after-developments lay on the pile of "do-nothing".
Why is there a sludge in the development and Upscalability with the old A.O.Smith plant, 33rd Street Corridor, Bronzesville, Fond du Lac projects and economic tracts in the densely populated areas of the city where Core Constituents are? How do we allow the alderpersons who are elected, especially those in the densely populated areas to remain in office? To remain in office with arrogance, excuses, deal-making and do-nothing for Core Constituents leadership?
Where are the Infrastructure plans?
Why not a massive infusion of funding that jumpstart and promote Entrepreneurship-Apprenticeship-Mentorship-Ownership for family wages in Employment of "hidden talent" that's tied to information technology and the present capacity of education attainment and service opportunities available at the neighborhood and census tract level for Infrastructure and self-sustainability. Capacity building that if done correctly will help remove the social ills at the neighborhood and census tract level - Enduring Concentrated Poverty by design.
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This includes customer-friendly and partner-collaborate financial uses of resources and services that jumpstart, will grow and provide innovation the next 12 months and beyond at the neighborhood and census tract level.
To call for the 2015 budget to be an inclusive state-of-the art quality of life and economic development budget focused on re-connecting the fragmented parts of the families.
The Core Constituents who live, work, invest, pay taxes (property and otherwise), raise their children under severe Enduring Concentrated Poverty, go to school, create family and individual private sector businesses at the neighborhood level, hire exclusively from the neighborhood, provide mentorship and apprenticeship through self-employed ownership, worship, work 2-4 jobs (temporary, handy and under-employed) to try and make ends-meet and remain steadfast to growth and safety interventions in their neighborhood.
A 2015 budget that is designed to attack Enduring Concentrated Poverty/ECP with real family-specific solutions that gives pause to depravity; i.e., all seven (7) standing committees headed by:
- Ald. Joe Davis - Community & Economic Development,
- Ald. Nik Kovac - Finance & Personnel,
- Ald. Ashanti Hamilton - Judiciary & Legislation,
- Ald. Tony Zielinski, Licenses,
- Ald.Terry Witkowski - Public Safety,
- Ald. Robert Bauman - Public Works,
- Ald. James Bohl - Zoning, Neighborhood & Development of the Common Council work with President/CEO Earl Buford and Milwaukee Area Workforce Investment Board in a 3-year program for re-entry (from releasement to employment to full citizenship) for positive and supportive impact to Milwaukee males returning from "incarceration" into the workforce with an emphasis on removal of application barriers, real commitment partnerships for family supporting jobs and using their acquired to-date skills assessment for immediate job-focus. An action-oriented method to impact recidivism and building economic HOPE.
It is budget time for the city of Milwaukee. Mayor Tom Barrett submitted to the Common Council his 2015 budget on September 23, 2014. His $1.2 billion dollar budget calls for property owners to provide $21.11 increase for a host of expenditures. The 2014 budget asked the stakeholders to pay an estimated $18.44 increase.
ALL residential stakeholders, renters or property owners, bring millions to the coffers of the city of Milwaukee (federal-state-local funding) for abatement of social ills and to improve the economic standards at the neighborhood and census tract level.
Our local funding includes those property owners and relatives of property owners being ask to support a $1.2 billion budget that calls for $21.11 increase in property tax. So, where is the money going?
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The theme of Employment and Safety are at the forefront of the needed infrastructure reform for the city of Milwaukee to engage its "long-waiting" citizenry. It is important to note that safety is defined as free from threats - the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger,
risk, or injury.
Since equal distribution and participation are key issues of the ideology around safety and employment, stakeholder/core constituents support to the two (2) themes requires building blocks of HOPE, TRUST, other quality of life and economic developments for them and their coffers dollars.
Creating the Culture
An audit of behavior and customer care for city services is needed for "ground zero" clearance. We must rid the coffers of the cronies, spooks by the door, gatekeepers, and bait-n-switchers disrespectful to the engagement, decision making and receivership of financial packaging.
Leaders and stewards must emerge during this budget cycle that stand to honor their Oath and to raise the quality assurance of government support and management of their funds.
Transparency and best practices for customer care should be the priority of all departments-boards-commissions-authorities-appointees and hirees of the city government working for the overall common goal of eradicating Enduring Concentrated Poverty at the neighborhood and census tract level.
Each city employee (elected-appointed-hired-volunteered) must also "know" and "respect" the customer-client-employer of Milwaukee.
The customer-client-EMPLOYER is each Milwaukeean, the African American, other People of Color and Work Challenged citizenry that collectively pay the freight of the city through our local, state and federal government structure and the U.S. Constitution.
Work Challenged is defined as:
(Work Challenged represents un-, under-skilled; un-, under-employed; un-, under-financed neighborhood-level businesses; disabled; and re-entry.
For Milwaukee to flourish, its People, must flourish. Our city officers must lead the culture of INCLUSIVE administration, knowing who they are elected to serve and articulating with specificity who they are elected to serve. It starts with the use of the People's funds and financial wherewithal.
A divided house will not stand and the People must expose and disengage from the office of the mayor and/or common council representatives who refuse to honor the Oath of office they serve.
A culture that understands that the elected-appointed-hired-donor-for-hire, volunteered representatives are irresponsible and have breached their role and responsibility if they fail to honor the United States Constitution, their Oath of office and do not provide the necessary services that buttress the threats, secure strengths, identify weaknesses and correct with opportunities.
Watch for Part II
Updated October 6, 2014
What means of safety is in the budget to support prevention and
intervention of day-to-day threats of gun shootings (citizen and police),
environmental threats, health threats and terrorists threats (domestic and
Since equal distribution and participation are key issues of the ideology around safety and employment, stakeholder/core constituents support to the two (2) themes requires building blocks of HOPE, TRUST, other quality of life and economic developments for them and their coffers dollars.
Creating the Culture
An audit of behavior and customer care for city services is needed for "ground zero" clearance. We must rid the coffers of the cronies, spooks by the door, gatekeepers, and bait-n-switchers disrespectful to the engagement, decision making and receivership of financial packaging.
Leaders and stewards must emerge during this budget cycle that stand to honor their Oath and to raise the quality assurance of government support and management of their funds.
Transparency and best practices for customer care should be the priority of all departments-boards-commissions-authorities-appointees and hirees of the city government working for the overall common goal of eradicating Enduring Concentrated Poverty at the neighborhood and census tract level.
Each city employee (elected-appointed-hired-volunteered) must also "know" and "respect" the customer-client-employer of Milwaukee.
The customer-client-EMPLOYER is each Milwaukeean, the African American, other People of Color and Work Challenged citizenry that collectively pay the freight of the city through our local, state and federal government structure and the U.S. Constitution.
Work Challenged is defined as:
(Work Challenged represents un-, under-skilled; un-, under-employed; un-, under-financed neighborhood-level businesses; disabled; and re-entry.
For Milwaukee to flourish, its People, must flourish. Our city officers must lead the culture of INCLUSIVE administration, knowing who they are elected to serve and articulating with specificity who they are elected to serve. It starts with the use of the People's funds and financial wherewithal.
A divided house will not stand and the People must expose and disengage from the office of the mayor and/or common council representatives who refuse to honor the Oath of office they serve.
A culture that understands that the elected-appointed-hired-donor-for-hire, volunteered representatives are irresponsible and have breached their role and responsibility if they fail to honor the United States Constitution, their Oath of office and do not provide the necessary services that buttress the threats, secure strengths, identify weaknesses and correct with opportunities.
Watch for Part II
Updated October 6, 2014
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