MILWAUKEE(MPA) - Milwaukee Professionals Association through the office of Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Call for members of the 190 neighborhoods in the the iconic city of Milwaukee to LISTEN-UP, GET-UP and REFORM the infrastructure of Milwaukee for you-your family-neighbor and those to come.
We are missing out on our "Hidden Talent" and "Vetted" businesses (DIAMONDS in the Rough)of the neighborhood that will grow the economy from the BOTTOM-up. The innovative engines that can drive us forward in the 21st Century and increase the per capital income to family-supporting wages of those now TRAPPED.

We seek a Win-Win-Win ideology with ideas-planning-buy-in from the people.
We seek a Win-Win-Win ideology that make its core, TRUST.
We seek a Win-Win-Win ideology that make the citizenry demand transparency and accountability for their assets, themselves, from those they elect; and those they elect appoint-hire-volunteer. This includes donor-for-hire organizations in or out of the city.
We are calling for hands-on changes of Preparedness that includes education attainment, technology attainment, global competitiveness, improved rate of growth, environmental wellness, tooling for economic engines and principle-centered leadership.
The goal is to "re-define", "re-brand" and UN-TRAP Milwaukeeans from the "by-design" DISCRIMINATION that has created Enduring Concentrated Poverty and preventing so many Milwaukeeans from fulfilling the American dream.
It is important that we understand the "status quo" to know what must be addressed.
We are using the basic findings of the Milwaukee Professionals Association Smart Growth 5-Year Signature Plan (2005-2010) to give us our start.

We identified a cast of representatives that have orchestrated through a Code of Conduct a culture of Discrimination that has the people/inhabitants/population/tax payers in an Enduring Concentrated Poverty status. They are:
-- Elected
-- Appointed
-- Hired
-- Volunteered
-- Donor for Hire.
The status has taken on a life of its own over time and byproducts of crime, lack of education attainment, lack of housing, lack of employment, lack of safety preventions and interventions, massive destruction of the family - mom and dad separated, homicides in the family and neighborhood have gone un-checked.
The byproducts above have gone unchecked and have been allowed to metastasize into the following dysfunctional factors:
-- abortions
-- bullying
-- dropouts
-- drug selling
-- drug use
-- early pregnancy
-- flash mobbing
-- gang violence
-- incarcerated
-- incarcerated and criminalized
-- juvenile delinquent
-- murder/homicide
-- overdose
-- prostitution trade
-- runaways
-- suicides
-- turf wars
This has been further demonized by the cast of representatives to keep the status quo.
We will work with Steven Covey's 7 steps of Highly Effective People to advance the Action plan of the People. They are:
1. Be Proactive.
2. Begin with the End in Mind.
3. First Things First.
4. Win-Win Attitude.
5. Seek first to Understand and then be Understood
6. Synergy Development
7. We will sharpen the "saw" - the plan.
MILWAUKEE PROFESSIONALS ASSOCIATION seeks the newly signed JOBS/Jumpstart our Business Startups Act as a way to provide hope and faith at the neighborhood level where there is DISTRUST, disparity and despair.
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