MILWAUKEE - Call for NEW Leadership in City Hall of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Eye on the Prize(s)
The iconic city of Milwaukee has over a half-million people as its population. Its wealth is its people, land, hidden talent potential and the federal government commitment to give ALL its citizens an opportunity to contribute and make good on the promise of the Constitution - human, legal and civil rights.
"Business-as-usual" practices of those elected April 3, 2012 is automatically a "public square" issue of address.
Milwaukee Professionals Association will use the power of networking, petitions, surveys, investigations and legal address to ensure that by alderperson, by district, by committee chair, by committee members, by resolution, by state and federal laws, by the elected-appointed-hired-volunteer-donor for hire are in the fishbowl for DEMOCRACY.

MPA will monitor the transparency, customer care, best practices of creating resolutions, committee meeting decisions that call upon the citizenry for leadership, outreach of each alderperson to his/her district with information as a regular tool for DEMOCRACY and INCLUSION.

MPA will monitor the FULL delegation of the Common Council on the availability of the city clerk and information through the office of City Clerk looked at for updates and changes for public information.
MPA will monitor ALDERPERSONS in a comprehensive out-in-the-neighborhood commitment to inform constituents of what is going on; utilizing the Neighborhood Strategic Planning Distict (s) and Business Improvement District (s) in his/her district.
MPA will monitor ALDERPERSONS who promote the use of the televised council meetings to be more "NEIGHBORHOOD INCLUSIVE" in sharing successes, promoting neighborhood talent and promoting information sharing.
MPA will monitor ALDERPERSONS for leadership, transparency and accountability in-the-district of each office of the NSP and BID.
MPA will monitor ALDERPERSONS for leadership in "public information flow", customer service, availability of each director, commissioner and administrative staff - Department of City Development, Department of Public Works, Department of Neighborhood Services, Assessor's office and Homeland Security.

MPA will monitor ALDERPERSONS who are investing in their training and education as well as their staff to ensure that We, the People, are getting the best BANG for payment of their salaries and those employed in his/her office.
MPA will monitor ALDERPERSONS outreach to the three public schools (Milwaukee Public Schools, Milwaukee Area Technical College and University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee) and introduce and/or utilized partnerships with these sites to encourage training, research, case-learning, citizenship and promote our city government.
MPA will monitor ALDERPERSONS who engage in demonizing and public posturing of racial stereotypes such as those presented by Alderman Bob Donovan, Alderman Joe Duzik and Alderman Michael Murphy back during the last State Fair. Or, Alderman Bob Donovan's insensitive and out-of-line conversation to constituents on the student-project murial on the south side. We expect high bar leadership for our city delegation - to solve sensitive issues of our city, not race-baiting or stereotyping.

MPA will monitor ALDERPERSONS who sit on various committees for attendance, input of ideas and changes that will help improve our city - not their personal pet projects, cronies and self/family.
MPA will monitor ALDERPERSONS who appoint to committees and boards and demand that the individuals are properly vetted for the position - NO one is given life appointments - In fact, change should be every term of office to give others a chance for service as citizens.
MPA will monitor ALDERPERSONS who sit on IMPACTIVE committees and allow resources of the city to be taken that do not provide a natural and contractual link for growth of every man, woman child in the near and long-term of our city of Milwaukee.
For example, Alderman Willie Hines will be monitored for his positions on the Wisconsin Center District and its heavy outsourcing of jobs to nearby areas when Milwaukee's recent report show African American males rank highest in unemployment; his position on the Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation that have individuals on the pulse of our strategic planning, funding dollars but his district remains desolate in terms of what it should and could be in development - this is while the members making decisions live outside of the city; and, his infamous photo in front of the Milwaukee 7 that is a disgrace since this organization has "raped" and "outsourced" millions-on-top-of millions with little to NO support for those who make the opportunities possible and with NO thought of evidence-based proof of benefits for those who voted April 3, 2012 for him.
MPA will monitor ALDERPERSONS best practices of customer service from their office with RETURNED calls courteous rather than defensive and augumentive and RETURNED CALLS timely with solutions.
MPA will monitor ALDERPERSONS who think they are automatically entitled to the seat - forget that they are "hired-through-election" by the People - the true stake- and stockholders.
MPA will monitor ALDERPERSONS to see what is on the drawning board for implementation of city-wide access to the INTERNET, especially since the debacle in 2006 Milwaukee Wireless.
MPA special focus is on: who, what, where, for what our our funds granted-loaned-bundled-tax incentivized for non-profit and private entrepreneurism.
We want to see 2012 turnaround the continuous Enduring Concentrated Poverty that help position our city on every report and case study at the very bottom or close to bottom/worst." This is not acceptable and each member will be held to high expectations going forward."

Milwaukee Professionals Association seeks like minds to ensure that the iconic city of Milwaukee uncover the hidden talent and hidden assets of it TRUE stake- and stockholders. Join us.

We have a SIGN-On petition, CLICK
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