
The Code of Conduct yield practices of DISCRIMINATION pure and simple - mostly by-design. The discrimination resulted in a harden "culture/influence of day-to-day operation" that is self-perpetuating.
The ELECTED individuals are placed at the top of the evaluation because they are the "officials" by law that can make decisions, make laws, disburse funds, enforce regulations, promote best practices, honor our Constitution through their Oath, ensure domestic tranquility and human-legal-civil rights on behalf of the citizenry. So, when they do not know the law and/or choose not to uphold the law, it sends a message of "exploitation".
The ELECTED individuals are the legal ones to make human resource appointments (offices, departments, commissions, boards, committees, etc.), hire their staff, provide information to constituents, seek guidance from constituents and control legislation that govern others that are appointed and/or hired/volunteered.
The ELECTED individuals are the legal and influential ones that sit on boards, committees and special groups that governed the in/out of local-state-federal funds and can lead-by-example.
The ELECTED individuals are "PUBLIC SERVANTS".
The length of office of the elected person, if correctly monitored by the citizenry, is based on his/her efficiency-proficiency-quality performance of customer service to constituents (in-the-district of representation and all other districts that he/she votes on laws for).
An ELECTED OFFICIAL is wrongfully supported if the person is elected and/or remain in a position simply because of lobbyists, well-connected friends, they raised money for ads and they won last time. They MUST be evaluated and often guided for best practice representation.
The public square must ensure credibility through DEMOCRACY and through expectations for transparency and accountability. It requires ALL Hands on Deck, WE, Not Me Action Plan.

Conflicts of Interest locally
The individuals that we elect set the tone and everybody else jump on for the influence/greed/cronyism/gatekeeping/oligopoly control of the funding and legislation for the over half-million citizenry of Milwaukee.
The "malfeasance" in some areas is more widespread and damaging. However, the bureaucratic manner of operation is an adopted practice that is "illegal" but operated as "legal". In the iconic city of Milwaukee, it is a "way of life" and method of operation.
Since Caucasians are the ones that are always in the leadership, receiving privileges, benefiting disproportionately to the majority population in Milwaukee, African American and other People of Color; change/reform includes re-defining, re-branding and UN-TRAPPING Milwaukeeans of Color through infrastructural and systematic REFORM - starting by identifying in the public square the culprits of oppression - followed by federal investigations, sanctions and class action suits.
Full scale discipline of those that are complicit - this includes African American and other People of Color that are blameworthy in lawlessness.

When Candidate Marvin Pratt won the Primary over Candidate Tom Barrett, it sent a shock wave through the well-connected Caucasian business owners of power. They immediately went about by-any-means necessary to elect Tom Barrett mayor. As a result, Tim Sheehy, Milwaukee Metropolitan Association of Commerce, Julie Taylor, Greater Milwaukee Committe and others forged an agenda to create the Milwaukee 7 with Barrett's blessings. It was endorsed with complicit actions of Milwaukee elected representatives: Common Council President Willie Hines, County Executive Scott Walker and Board President Lee Holloway. The appointed member was University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Chancellor Carlos Santiago.
The founding membership and organizers were DEVOID of representation of African American and other People of Color that represented the neighborhood business sector. In 2005, Milwaukee 7 had a first Meeting.
It was one of the bullet items in Mayor Tom Barrett's 2004 Inaugural Speech - Jobs and Economic Development - Regional Planning.
Whereas the Barrett's Inaugural Speech gave the impression that his administration would do so much for the healing of racial tension, improving quality of life and economic issues for the voters of Milwaukee, the opposite was the truth. He completely excluded them and OUTSOURCED assets and resources with the assistance of other elected, appointed, hired, volunteered and donor for hire representatives. The lawless group included African American and Person of Color - Chancellor Carlos Santiago (2005).

She was an intricate and front-line contributor to real estate investment and the Master Plan at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. It is believed that she is yet involved with real estate and UW-M.
Lake Express
On June 2, 2004, Lake Express was launched as a high-speed ferry between Milwaukee and Muskegon, Michigan.
Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association, visited Muskegon, Michigan, to witness and report on who would be on the Maiden voyage from Milwaukee - travelers were the orchestrated effort by the Milwaukee Journal.

Glass shared the discriminating fact with Barrett immediately as he walked off the ferry - stating that it was out-of-order that funds from the city, state and federal coffers were given to make this venture happen, it was DEVOID of African American and People of Color. Barrett had a blank stare and "no response".
Another example of exclusion was August 6, 2004, mayor Tom Barrett snubbing of African American Muskegon Heights, Michigan Mayor Rillenstine Walker, who participated in the bi-coastal launching of Lake Express - a privileged development for the Lubar family - Lubar and Company. Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals negotiated and sponsored the visit of Mayor Walker and a group of business owners for consideration of a bi-coastal trade partnership for Urban Tourism as a Smart Growth effort that would benefit like URBAN environments. CLICK
Barrett and his office staff refused to meet with mayor Rillistine Walker of Muskegon Heights, Michigan. This was a very serious error on his part.

Barrett's failure to honor his words of fairness has been ongoing and it was rumored the main reason for Cumberbath resignation. Frank Cumberbatch was to head the Economic business group efforts for the city. It is said that Tim Sheehy was given favor. That changed to a corporate focus ONLY that excluded the African American and People of Color population. Shortly after the snubbing, Cumberbatch resigned.
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