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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC has adopted 12 Guiding Statements of Vision 2050

City Center Milwaukee | Today is Day 32 in Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC Invoked Atonement assessment,  April 7, 2014 to August 7, 2014.

"We benchmark today with the adopted 12 Guiding Statements of Vision 2050 that we will enbrace during this timeframe and for the 2014-2015 strategic planning tract", said Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, MPA LLC.

Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC) express a preliminary vision for land use and transportation in the Region based on the key values and priorities expressed through initial visioning activities. These statements are intended to serve as a guide for how the Region should move forward and for developing "sketch" future land use and transportation scenarios.   Draft Version.  

MPA LLC has adopted 12 of 15 guiding statements.   They are:

1.  Strengthen Existing Urban Areas
The individual character of desirable neighborhoods, including natural, historic, and cultural resources, should be preserved and protected and blighted neighborhoods should be renewed.

New urban development and major job centers should occur through infill development, redevelopment, and development adjacent to existing urban areas.

2.  Balance Jobs and Housing
Links between jobs and workers should be improved by providing affordable housing near job centers, increasing job opportunities near affordable housing, and improving public transit between job centers and affordable housing.

3. Achieve More Compact Development
Compact development creates desirable neighborhoodsthat are walkable and have a mix of uses, such as housing, businesses, schools, and parks. Future growth should occur in areas that can be readily provided with public services and facilities, and infill and redevelopment should be encouraged.

4. Preserve Natural Resources and Open Spaces
Natural resources provide many environmental and recreational benefitsthat cannot be replaced ifthey are eliminated or disturbed. Future growth and transportation investments should preserve and protect valuable natural features, including lakes, rivers, wetlands, floodplains, groundwater, woodlands, open spaces, natural areas, and fish and wildlife habitats.

5. Be Environmentally Responsible
Sustainable land and transportation development and construction practices should be used to minimize the use of nonrenewable resources and reduce impacts on the local, regional, and global environment, such as impacts on air and water quality.

6. Develop an Integrated, Multimodal Transportation System
Safe, efficient, and convenient travel in the Region requires an integrated, multimodal
transportation system, which provides choices among transportation modes. This system should provide a sufficient level of service for all modes to effectively serve the travel demand generated by the Region's land development pattern.

7. Develop an Expansive, Well-connected Bicycle Network
Bicycle and pedestrian travel in the Region should be encouraged as an alternative to personal vehicle travel. The network should provide on- and off-street bicycle connections that are safe, secure, and convenient.

8. Achieve a Robust, Regional Transit System
The Region's transit services should accommodate the travel needs of all residents, including travel that crosses municipal or county boundaries. Transit service should be fast, frequent, safe, and convenient in orderto provide an alternative to personal vehicle travel.

9. Provide a High-quality Network of Streets and Highways
The Region's streets and highways need to be well maintained in order to continue to carry the overwhelming majority of personal and freight traffic in the Region. As roadways are reconstructed, modern design improvements should be included, with a focus on improving the efficiency and safety of the roadway and incorporating bicycle, pedestrian, and transit accommodations.

10. Ensure that Goods Move Efficiently
The considerable needs of the Region's businesses, industries, and freight companies must be a factor inthe development of a balanced transportation system. 

Barriers to the efficient movement of goods within the Region and between the Region and other areas should be identified and addressed.

11. Prepare for Change in Travel Preferences and Technologies
New and expected trends in travel behavior should be considered when developing the Region's transportation system. Technologiesthat improve the ability and capacity to travel should also be considered.

12. Make Wise Infrastructure Investments
The benefits ofspecific investments in the Region's infrastructure must be weighed against the estimated costs of those investments. The limited funding available to the Region for
infrastructure investments must be spent wisely.

13. Work Together Toward Common Goals
Cooperation and collaboration at the local, county, State, and Federal levels is necessary to address the land use and transportation issue surfacing the Region.

Emphasis for MPA LLC is on census tract and neighborhood level then reaching out to the most applicable government level.

See the new additions due to citizen participation in the Visioning process.

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