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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Governor Walker "Dissing" of the City of Milwaukee Calls for him to PUT SKIN in the GAME

MILWAUKEE(MPA) - June 13, 2012, Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association continues to call out our rank and file in the "elected" category to stand up for best practices, transparency, customer care, principled-centered leadership and accountability.

                                    L-R:  Governor Nikki Haley and Governor Scott Walker

On June 1, 2012, Governor Scott Walker took another big leap in the "UnWise leadership category". 

"We don't want Wisconsin to become like Milwaukee," he said, adding that he wanted Wisconsin to help troubled cities in the state.  Journal Sentinel.

This is like the domestic violence male beating repeatedly the female counterpart and then branding her stupid for staying with him, when so many other factors are relevant - in this case, Governor Walker would be the domestic violence male.

To add salt, insult to injury, Governor Walker made the  statement while touring with a guest to our state, governor Nikki Haley of South Carolina.  The tour was at Quad/Graphics of Sussex, Wisconsin.

Where I come from, talking like this in front of "guest" and/or "in-the-public" is a breach of home training/etiquette, and it was taught at a very early age.

Then there is pitching and spinning talking points that are not ALL true before employees of Quad/Graphics, mainly Caucasian male, again he sends the wrong message.

Harry Quadracci cut his teeth on the printing business while operating in Milwaukee as the co-founder of W.A. Krueger of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Going forward, Quad/Graphics customers, staff and negotiations are still embeded in the city of Milwaukee.

This type of over-the-top behavior/posturing will be "media-blasted" by MPA Public Policy Review until the cows come home and they are no where in sight, too many people are suffering.

Put up 
Since the incendiary statement speaks of Governor Walker's lack of leadership while the county executive of Milwaukee county and his time in office as governor of Wisconsin, we are calling for the governor to put "skin-in-the-game". 

For Governor Walker to apologize to the City of Milwaukee by "putting up".
For Governor Walker to produce clear actions that are INFRASTRUCTURAL, systemic for value-added growth and devoid of divisiveness and partisan politics.
For Governor Walker to join Milwaukee Professionals Association in  2012 Show Us the Money and Resources series to bolster Wisconsin economy in the largest city of Wisconsin, the iconic city of Milwaukee.
For Governor Walker to stop "saying-one-thing" and doing another, bait-and-switch and create REAL employment and business development in Wisconsin.
For Govenor Walker to take the time to learn about the people of the city of Milwaukee - he was evidently too busy while county executive in Milwaukee.
                                   L-R:   Secretary Paul Jardin and Secretary Reggie Newson
For Governor Walker to put Secretary Paul Jardin - Department of Commerce and Secretary Reggie Newsom at the neighborhood-level for the next 12 months with NEW hands-on plans that are innovative and inclusive of technology (closing the digital divide) and education attainment (certificated and degreed).

For Governor Walker  to specifically seek balance through the BUY-IN of the stakeholders in Milwaukee that represents the dominate population - African American and other People of Color.

For Governor Walker to help grow hidden talent and vetted businesses at the neighborhood level in Milwaukee that will produce innovative ideas. 

For Governor Walker to stop appointing people to our boards and committees that are clueless of what their role and responsibilities are; and, for his office to hold them accountable.
For Governor Walker to actively pursue and monitor feedback from Milwaukee parents prior to any decisions about Milwaukee Public Schools.

For Governor Walker to support linkage-partnership of all three public schools (Milwaukee Public Schools, Milwaukee Area Technical college and University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee) in an ongoing effort for clarity of government funding and better results in education and technology attainment.

UW System Board of Regents and Pres. Kevin P. Reilly, December 2011Seated (left to right): Michael Falbo, Judith Crain, Regent Vice President Brent Smith, Regent President Michael Spector, System President Kevin Reilly, Katherine Pointer, and Mark Tyler
Standing (left to right): Mark Bradley, Troy Sherven, Edmund Manydeeds, Gerald Whitburn, Tony Evers, Gary Roberts, Tim Higgins, Charles Pruitt and Jeffrey Bartell

Not Pictured: John Drew, José Vásquez and David Walsh

For Governor Walker to hold the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents accountable for not following state statute 36, failure to obey  publc information laws and "DISCRIMINATING" against African American and other People of Color in Milwaukee.

For Governor Walker to verify his statement of "We Are Open for Business" by being inclusive in/of "reform" policies and procedures from his office that specifically include African American and other People of Color business development (stakeholders of Wisconsin that are systematically and infrastructually been left out, by-design, through discrimination).

For Governor Walker to ask the Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce (he mentioned them in his speech to the Quad/Graphics employees) to survey the businesses that were left out of the survey he talked about at Quad/Graphics, especially those of Color and those at the neighborhood level in Milwaukee and urban cities of Wisconsin.  This will give a more "accurate" figure of what the businesses think and how best to assess the economy with ALL stakeholders at the table.  This is how Wisconsin will truly MOVE FORWARD.

For Governor Walker to speak of "true reform and bullishness" at the neighborhood level that will balance the economic market in Wisconsin, help move Wisconsin from the "fiscal cliff" in a real time scenario; and, NOT give an inaccurate forecast of Wisconsin economic market.

For Governor Walker to put creditability where there is mega DISTRUST.
For Governor Walker to target easy-access to state resources - tools for access-literacy-fluency of employment opportunities and business development with the following state-ran departments:  

 • Department of Correction
 • Department of Financial Institutions
 • Department of Natural Resources,
 • Department of Rules and Regulations
 • Foward Wisconsin
 • Government of Accountability
 • Labor and Industry Commission
 • UW System Board of Regents
 • Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
 • Wisconsin Health and Facilities Authorities

For Governor Walker to take his foot out of his mouth after making the disparaging remarks about Milwaukee - conditions he helped to create and ran away from - now demonizing.

For Governor Scott Walker to remember:
"It is  incorrect and so very unwise to get in the presence of an out-of-state guest and "DIS" any city you have been elected to represent." 

Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association
ALL Hands on Deck, WE Initiative - re-defining, re-branding and Un-trapping Milwaukeeans.

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