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Monday, March 28, 2011


Daniel Bice Columnist - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel newspaper photo

Stone uses ex-con to set up coffee klatches
March 27, 2011

Milwaukee, WI - Today, March 28, 2011, Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, blasted columnist Daniel Bice for his "over-the-top" and malicious article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. We will see if the Journal Sentinel is willing to post the comments below.

You are touted as a "specialty" of the Journal Sentinel that is suppose to provide a "column". Whereas you are considered a journalist, you are living up to the “not required to adhere to expected journalistic ethics of neutrality" of a columnist. However, where is the moral compass here? What happened?

In case you do not know it, this is America.
Mr. Lamonte Harris, Community Organizer and Activist, can hire on and support whomever he pleases. Since when was it our business to tell him who he should or should not seek use of his expertise in the Milwaukee County election? Since when?

We as voters cannot and should not reduce our democracy to the "over-the-top" disrespect you have provided in this article.

Your reporting is just deplorable and should be called that.

Stop the "hating" - we have too much already in the environment where we all are so vulnerable. It appears that you must "walk-on-water" and never have been human. Oh! That cannot be true. I am a witness. You have made a big blunder here - and with seemingly malice.

It is most unwise to do what has taken place here in your article and the Journal Sentinel newspaper - trying to dishonor a fellow Milwaukeean who by his own admission recognizes a past unpleasant event in his life but works wholeheartedly to make a difference professionally every day for ALL in this cruel and not equitable world.

I wonder how forgiving and understanding you will want others to be if you - when you, stumble - and you will.

Mary Glass – Milwaukeean

To read his rant, go to:

Glass comment in article, go to:

UPDATED:  April 3, 2013

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