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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC Endorses Judge JoAnne Kloppenburg for Wisconsin Supreme Court

March 31, 2016
MILWAUKEE | Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC continues in the support of public policies in the public square and
its Mission to Re-defining, Re-branding and Un-trapping Hidden Talent of the city of Milwaukee by today's pronouncement of an endorsement of JUSTICE CANDIDATE JoAnne Kloppenburg.

"We support Justice Candidate JoAnne Kloppenburg for the seat of Wisconsin Supreme Court 2016-2026 - for her respect of the U.S. Constitution and due process, support of Oath of Office of being a due diligent judicial representative in the court, her body of work, consistency, lengthy academic and practicum experiences, and her temperament for improving the TRUST in our courts in Wisconsin and our court system", said Mary Glass, Chair/CEO/Chief Visionary Officer.   

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

MPA LLC Town hall Meetings with Justice Candidate Bradley and Justice Candidate Kloppenburg

MILWAUKEE | Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC continues to provide state-of-the-art engagement in the public square.  This time, MPA LLC is fortunate to partner with Pastor Patrick Keen and Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 3022 W. Wisconsin in providing the People with a face-to-face talk with the two (2) candidates running for the top position of Wisconsin Supreme Court.  They are:

  • Incumbent Judge Candidate Rebecca Bradley
  • Challenger Judge Candidate JoAnne Kloppenburg
Milwaukee has the unfortunate distinction of the highest population of INCARCERATED citizenry in the state and zip code 53206 is and has been reported to have the most Milwaukeeans incarcerated. That means families have/are suffering from the carnage.  It speaks to the foibles of our executive and legislative branches - city-county-state level.  It also speaks to the enslavement of the Wisconsin Judicial branch, especially city and county - much of which starts with profiling, misuse of power, racial/class discrimination and disenfranchisement that stroke risky behaviors and HOPELESSNESS.

Our Savior's Lutheran Church
"We are honored to work with Pastor Keen and Our Savior's Lutheran to provide 'information sharing' for voting to the public square.  This is acute to the many Milwaukeeans, over 100, that come to Our Savior's Lutheran Church Monday thru Thursday for lunch meals and the bounty of the CCC Pantry.  Often those who have fallen on hard times are found in the snares of law enforcement", said Mary Glass, Chief Visionary Officer, MPA LLC.

Mary Glass is the Moderator of the Town Hall Meetings.

Limited Seats. Click R.S.V.P.
Free to Public


March 22, 2016

Dear MARY,

Happy Spring! During this season of growing, we also focus on the vital importance of proper nourishment in our population of expectant moms and their babies, as we recognizeNational Nutrition Month®. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has created a toolkitthat includes key messages, event ideas, and more to help you get involved!

Text4baby provides moms with information about the importance of nutrition for their baby's growth from the earliest stages of pregnancy, throughout baby's first year. From reminding moms of the importance of fish consumption during pregnancy to the health benefits of breastfeeding, as well as providing them with resources to help with food security, such as the National Hunger Hotline and WIC, providers can rest assured that Text4baby moms will get the message about the importance of good nutrition for themselves and their babies, this month and year-round.

The Text4baby Team 

Sunday, March 20, 2016


PALM SUNDAY | March 20, 2016 | A SPECIAL DAY to remember that it is the Sunday before of the Coming of the Savior and it is those words that set us apart from everything else.  It is a day to remember and of remembering of Jesus in preparation of our safety forever more  just five days away - Good Friday and seven days away - Easter Morning, Easter Day.

He is real in my soul.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

WHO'S WHO ON THE MEDC Committee of Milwaukee - Not representative of the CORE CONSTITUENTS

MARCH 16, 2016
MILWAUKEE - Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation/MEDC  has a list of people that do not represent the CORE CONSTITUENTS of Milwaukee and they do NOT have credibility with economic development ties and empowerment that is/will impact Enduring Concentrated Poverty and provide the HOPE for growing the city of Milwaukee as the resources available can do.

The members below are on committees of MEDC:   
1 - Executive, 2 - Loan and Finance, 3 - Audit Committee and 4 - Land Resource Development Committee.  

They were appointed - primarily by Tom Barrett.  This is an example of the "good ole boy network with 4 females of privilege.  It is UNFAIR and IMMORAL that these folk have the opportunity to make economic means for the People - CORE CONSTITUENTS better; thereby bring a tornado of goodness to risky behavior with damaging consequences - BUT  DO NOT.

Amelia E. Macareno (2), Private Banking Relationship Manager, US Bank, N.A.
Carla Y. Cross (4), President/CEO, Cross Management Services, Inc.
David D. Clark (2, 4), Retired Senior Vice President, Real Estate, Northwestern Mutual
David E. Latona President, Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation
Fred Luber (1), Chairman, Super Steel Products (Deceased)
Joe Davis, Sr. (1, 4), Alderman, 2nd District, City of Milwaukee
John Galanis (3), Attorney at Law, Galanis, Pollack, Jacobs & Johnson, S.C.
Julie A. Penman (4), President, Penman Consulting
Mark Lemke (1, 2, 3, 4), President – Wisconsin Region, The PrivateBank
Martha Brown Deputy Commissioner Dept. of City Development, City of Milwaukee
Martin Matson (1, 3), Comptroller, City of Milwaukee
Michael J. Dwyer (4), Attorney at Law, Godfrey & Kahn, S.C.
Michael Murphy (1), Common Council President, Alderman 10th District, City of Milwaukee
Patrick G. Walsh (2), Retired President, Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation
Paul Kleiner (2), Lending Consultant, Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation
Perfecto Rivera (2), Retired, Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority
Richard “Rocky” Marcoux, Commissioner Dept. of City Development, City of Milwaukee
Robert B. Monnatt(4), Chief Operating Officer, Mandel Group, Inc.
Robin Talbott (2), Vice President, Tri City National Bank
Samuel D. Dickman (4), President, The Dickman Company
STEVE BARTH Attorney at Law, Foley & Lardner, LLP
Thomas D. Zale (1), Vice President, Real Estate, Northwestern Mutual
Tim Sheehy, (1) MEDC Board Chairman President Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce
Tom Barrett (1) Mayor City of Milwaukee
Tom O’Neill (1), Consultant, BMO Financial Group

(1) Executive Committee
(2) Loan & Finance Committee
(3) Audit Committee
(4) Land Resource Development Committee


Where are the deals by our ALDERPERSONS?
Where are the deals by our STATE REPRESENTATIVES & SENATORS for Milwaukee - Those who VOTED for the BUCKS DEAL.  

Call them out by name.  I will.

MAYOR'S OFFICE and COMMON COUNCIL provides ATM to haves, privileged opportunities that are first seen and . . . .

City of Milwaukee Mayor and Common Council
Top, L-R:  Mayor-Tom Barrett, Vacancy 7th District, Alderman 14 - Anthony Zielinski, Alderman 13 -Terry Witkowski, Alderman 2 - Joe Davis, L-Down:  Alderman 15 - Russell Stamper, Alderman 1 - Ashanti Hamilton, Alderman 5 - James Bohl Bottom L-R:  Alderman 9 - Robert Puente, Alderman 8 - Robert Donovan, Alderman/Common Council President Michael Murphy, Alderman 4 - Robert Bauman, Alderman 11 - Mark Borkowski
TOP/Right/down:  Alderman 3 - Nik Kovac, Alderwoman 6 - Milele Coggs, Alderman 12 - Jose Perez

DCD- Department of City Development
L-R:  Rocky Marcoux - DCD Commissioner, Robert Rondini Board, Martha Brown, Deputy Commissioner
MARCH 16, 2016
MILWAUKEE | CALL OUT | This Call Out reference the MEGA-FEED of the Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation office and its built-in questionable ties and authority with RACM - Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee.

Election of Mayor and Common Council

IT is the time of transparency, accountability, CLEANING HOUSE of the fat cats, the wheeler-dealers, the bloodsuckers, the welfare cows and bulls as well as the boll weevils blocking economic development for Milwaukee's CORE CONSTITUENTS.

Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC review finds the office of MEDC to be an ATM for Caucasian-bias hiring and fulfilling its declared Mission.  We see "Patterns and Practices" to VIOLATE due process procedures, evoke ongoing discrimination, and disenfranchise African American, other People of Color and Cultures and Work Challenged Milwaukeeans located in the only first-class city of Wisconsin.

We see patterns and practices of misconduct of use of funds with the administration and staff members of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; i.e., Word-of-Mouth $10,000 charrette subversive funding of DCD to UW-M via Tom Barrett, Russell Stamper, Rocky Marcoux, Carolyn Esswein, Mark Mone-Chancellor, Jacqueline Ward and Sharon Adams-BID 32 engagement that failed to include the Amani neighborhood stakeholders.  In fact, the project was MISNAMED (Lindsay Heights), the NEW owner of Milwaukee Mall - Lenny Chu was given a Gag order.  Lena's Foods on Oak, St. Ann's and other land space was engaged without CITIZEN PARTICIPATION (A way to EXCLUDE African American, BID participants and other stakeholders of the Amani Neighborhood. St. Ann (Sister Edna Lonergan )was given top space for $1 after 19 years of misuse by Irgens Development, DCD, Willie Hines Alderman, Willie Wade - Zoning and Common Council vote.  

The misuse of power project with UW-M using a charrette process with improper participants is a development project (HGA, Mayer-Helminiak, Korb + Associates, Quorum Architects, Inc., Engberg Anderson, Toki & Associates, BC Management LLC) that is on HOLD until AFTER THE ELECTION.  In fact, we want this to be the largest Class-action suit to come to the city of Milwaukee in recent times.

The misconduct of Mayor Barrett, Alderman Russell Stamper, Rocky Marcoux, Sharon Adams, Lindsey Heights, the Commons, St. Ann and the team of developers put together without the NOTICE and AUTHORIZATION of the People of Amani.

We see patterns and practices of appointed and hired staff of DCD conspiring with cronies to misrepresent mission and expectation of the public; and, the government funding that they are allowed to process on behalf of the People.  This is EXTORTION. We are certain when others in the city are asked to "bear witness", the many, many other wrongdoings will come forward.

We see patterns and practices - we have allowed several opportunities for Rocky Marcoux and Martha Brown to provide best practices and appropriate behavior in public office, they have repeatedly failed to respond.   We have also had an opportunity to request that Robert Rondini appear for his role as a representative of the people appointment.  HE FAILED TO RESPOND.

Since Tom Barrett, mayor, is seeking re-election on April 5, 2016, we hold him responsible - especially since he has been notified of misconduct and NO CHANGE.  In fact, NO response to inquiries or cc.  Do you think his Endorser, President Barack Obama will feel good hearing about his great Endorsement of Tom Barrett and all his good work in the city of Milwaukee?

This is his best time to address the many foibles and "in-your-face" disregards of his office and his appointees that ARE discriminatory, authoritarian, MISUSE OF POWER and disenfranchising to African American, other People of Color, Cultures and Work Challenged - 3/4 to 95 per cent of the population of Milwaukee.

We have a Constitution.  President Barack Hussein Obama was a student-attorney-professor of the Constitution. We have CIVIL-HUMAN-LEGAL right.

DCD has too many departments within the one department that are ran by a very few folk that are not equipped with the expertise and temperament to drive the No. 1 DEVELOPMENT HOUSE OF AN URBAN CITY OF MILWAUKEE FAIRLY AND APPROPRIATELY - by experience.

We want THE arrogance, avoidance, stealing of funds of African American and People of Color given to Caucasians, the haves and those who live outside of Milwaukee and failure to respond with efficiency to eradicate Enduring Concentrated Poverty to STOP.

President Obama
Since President Obama thinks Tom Barrett is worth his ENDORSEMENT; He should be willing to MAKE GOOD on his ENDORSEMENT of good ole Tom.  Here are some points submitted for President Obama, USDOJ, and other federal oversight organizations.  They are:

  1. Selection of MEDC Board and staff - Caucasian-based, top-heavy with banks, banks are not directly or otherwise connected with services to the CORE CONSTITUENTS (African American, other People of Color and Cultures for neighborhood investment and in-the-neighborhood business development), banks receiving ARRA funding and board members remaining on board until death.
  2. TIM SHEEHY, President of MEDC, lives in Whitefish Bay, has a carte blanche - huge advantage, privilege and repeated appearance of Conflict of Interest as the NO. 1 person driving the Milwaukee Metropolitan Association of Commerce/ MMAC-Greater Milwaukee Committee/GMC and background creator of the Milwaukee 7 (all that are Caucasian-based, but seek, take, lobby and get mega resources of all kind - resolution, federal funding, revenue strategic planning access to federal, regional, state and local financial revenue streams; and, first-to-know what is coming down the pike).   He must go.  We have talent of color and culture that can fit the bill around this table OR dissolve it in the first 100 days after April 5, 2016.
  3. Double-dipping and again huge privileges AND ADVANTAGES for the greedy haves i.e, Northwestern Mutual Insurance Company at the MEDC board (David D. Clark (2, 4) Retired Senior Vice President, Real Estate Northwestern Mutual AND   Thomas D. Zale (1) Vice President, Real Estate Northwestern Mutual); WHAT IS THAT ABOUT?
  4. Real Estate barons are created and have been created in the city of Milwaukee by those high rollers with 1st-hand advantages and access to city hall - from the city website to the CORE CONSTITUENTS federal resources - tax credits - city staff - contingency funds, city budget - NEWLY CREATED resolutions by RACM (Rocky Marcoux - Executive Director).
  5. Real Estate development for the DOWNTOWN RENAISSANCE do-nothing for gainful employment, mobility and upward mobility of the CORE CONSTITUENTS to re-define, re-brand and UN-trap the citizenry.
  6. Real Estate development is ONLY seen for PRIVATE INVESTORS, big time law firms that have been able to suck-the-life out of poverty programs through Tom Barrett's appointments to boards (such as MEDC) his signing off and the Common Council signing off to the haves - remember Marc Lasry, Wes Edens and Jamie Dinan of the Milwaukee Bucks?
  7. We see how Mandel, Gorman, General Capital Group, J.H. Findorff & Son Inc, HGA, CG SCHMIDT, J P Cullen, Graef, American Design and other barracudas of the real estate industry have trumped the RE-construction industry.  They are the ones that you find on many of the construction sites around town.  Where are the African American PRIME CONTRACTORS with partnerships with all those banks sitting around the MEDC table?  Those yet owning President Obama's bail out through ARRA.
  8. JULIE PENMAN and CARLA CROSS have been given a free ride for their personal business development - just as the attorneys, financial consultants, real estate investors, banks and retired board member Perfecto Rivera.  
  9. Rocky Marcoux and Martha Brown have shown that they do not have the temperament for INCLUSION of African American decision making and fingerprinting of economic development and quality of life issues.  Both have shown a level of arrogance and disrespect for the continued outreach for clarity of policies and procedures.  This type of behavior is also seen in the way business is conducted throughout the Department of City Development.  There is the strong and erroneous behavior that they - Marcoux and Brown - are not accountable for misconduct in office.  They are to appropriately and quickly be REPLACED starting the 2016-2020 term by whoever is Mayor.  They have exhibited misconduct in the services of their office through refusal to honor their role and responsibility to the People of Milwaukee, obvious and deplorable discrimination of economic development in African American and People of Color neighborhoods - 3/4 of the population of Milwaukee.
  10. We see MEDC (tax credits) and Tax Increment District/TID as two of the major links and FAST-TRACKS for breathing life in Only Caucasian-bias projects that fail to show that African Americans and other People of Color are the recipients of.
About MEDC
 80 Op. Att'y Gen. 129, 129 (1991)
Open Meeting; Words And Phrases;
The term "quasi-governmental corporation" in section 19.82(1), Stats., includes private corporations which closely resemble governmental corporations in function, effect or status. As currently organized, the Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation and Metropolitan Milwaukee Enterprise Corporation constitute "quasi-governmental" corporations within the meaning of section 19.82(1) and are, therefore, subject to the open meetings law. OAG 20-91

November 18, 1991
80 Op. Att'y Gen. 129, 129 (1991)
ROBERT G. OTT, Corporation Counsel

Milwaukee County

80 Op. Att'y Gen. 129, 129 (1991)
  You have asked for my opinion on the applicability of the open meetings law, sections 19.81-19.98, Stats., to the Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation and the Metropolitan Milwaukee Enterprise Corporation.

80 Op. Att'y Gen. 129, 129 (1991)
  The Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation was originally incorporated in 1971, under the name Milwaukee Model Cities Development Corporation ("MMCDC"), as a chapter 181 nonstock, nonprofit corporation. Two of MMCDC's incorporators were private citizens and one was the assistant director of the City of Milwaukee, Department of City Development ("Department of City Development"). The purpose of the corporation, apparently, was to provide economic development loans to private citizens with funds the City of Milwaukee ("city") obtained under the Federal Model Cities Program.

80 Op. Att'y Gen. 129, 129-130 (1991)
  In 1974, MMCDC changed its name to the Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation ("MEDC"). In 1975, the federal government phased-out the model cities program. Pursuant to a phase-out plan, the Milwaukee City Council authorized the mayor to execute a contract with MEDC permitting MEDC to retain the assets and interest it derived from model cities program funds provided that MEDC maintain a management agreement with the city.


City of Milwaukee Resolution, file number 73-1948-j.

80 Op. Att'y Gen. 129, 130 (1991)
  MEDC currently operates under restated articles of incorporation, filed with the Secretary of State on December 5, 1985, which state that the purpose of the corporation is to "further the economic development of the City of Milwaukee and to promote job creation in the metropolitan Milwaukee area." The 1989 annual report for MEDC, which was published by the Department of City Development, describes MEDC as a "City-sponsored corporation" which provides financing to businesses that promise to create job opportunities and new investment in Milwaukee. MEDC currently has a contract with the city to administer funds the city obtains under the federal Community Development Block Grant and Urban Development Action Grant programs. City of Milwaukee, Contract No. 88-26 (CM), dated August 23, 1988. Although MEDC has obtained some money from commercial sources, the vast majority of money MEDC uses to make loans is derived from public funds.

80 Op. Att'y Gen. 129, 130 (1991)
  The bylaws for MEDC set the number of directors of the corporation at nine. The bylaws reserve four of the nine directors positions for specified city officials: 1) the mayor, 2) the comptroller, 3) the president of the common council and 4) a member of the common council, other than the president.

80 Op. Att'y Gen. 129, 130 (1991)
  The bylaws for MEDC also provide that the corporation shall have six officers: 1) chairman of the board, 2) vice chairman of the board, 3) president, 4) vice president, 5) secretary and 6) treasurer. The bylaws state that the chairman and vice-chairman of the board cannot be directly affiliated with the city government. The bylaws also state that the president, vice president, secretary and treasurer may be selected by the city pursuant to a contract between the city and MEDC, and that the city shall determine the salary for MEDC officers selected by the city. MEDC's bylaws and articles of incorporation list the address for the Department of City Development as MEDC's principal office.

80 Op. Att'y Gen. 129, 131 (1991)
  All of MEDC's offices are located in city-owned buildings. Pursuant to the contract MEDC currently has with the city, the Commissioner of the Department of City Development selected the current president, vice president, secretary and treasurer of the corporation. All of those officers are city employes. Some of MEDC's staff members are also city employes. The officers and staff are permitted to conduct MEDC business during the hours for which they are paid a city salary. The city provides MEDC with all of the office space, equipment and supplies needed by the corporation. Under the terms of the contract, MEDC is responsible for reimbursing the city for the salaries and benefits the city pays for the time city employes spend working for MEDC, and the cost of providing office space, equipment and supplies to MEDC. MEDC's obligation to reimburse the city is offset against grants MEDC receives from the city.

80 Op. Att'y Gen. 129, 131 (1991)
  The Metropolitan Milwaukee Enterprise Corporation ("MMEC") is a chapter 181 nonstock, nonprofit corporation created in 1985. MMEC provides economic development loans with funds the city obtains under the federal Small Business Administration loan program. The articles of incorporation for MMEC, which were filed with the Secretary of State on November 1, 1985, set the number of directors of the corporation at fourteen. Neither MMEC's articles of incorporation nor its bylaws reserve any directors positions for city officials or employes. However, two of MMEC's current directors are city council members and one is a city employe.

80 Op. Att'y Gen. 129, 131-132 (1991)
  In all other relevant respects, MMEC's relationship to the city is similar to that of MEDC. MMEC's articles of incorporation and bylaws list the Department of City Development as MMEC's principal office. All of MMEC's offices are located in city-owned buildings. MMEC's bylaws state that its president, vice president, secretary and treasurer may be selected by the city under a contract between the city and MMEC. Pursuant to that provision, a city official selected all of MMEC's current officers. All of MMEC's officers and some of its staff members are city employes. The city provides all office space, equipment and supplies needed by MMEC. The cost the city incurs in supplying staff and other resources to MMEC is offset against grants MMEC receives from the city.

80 Op. Att'y Gen. 129, 132 (1991)
  The open meetings law applies to MEDC and MMEC if they are "governmental bod[ies]" within the meaning of section 19.82(1), which provides:

80 Op. Att'y Gen. 129, 132 (1991)
  "Governmental body" means a state or local agency, board, commission, committee, council, department or public body corporate and politic created by constitution, statute, ordinance, rule or order; a governmental or quasi-governmental corporation except for the Bradley center sports and entertainment corporation created under ch. 232; any public purpose corporation, as defined in s. 181.79(1); a nonprofit corporation operating an ice rink which is owned by the state; or a formally constituted subunit of any of the foregoing, but excludes any such body or committee or subunit of such body which is formed for or meeting for the purpose of collective bargaining under subch. IV or V of ch. 111.

80 Op. Att'y Gen. 129, 132 (1991)
  You ask three questions regarding the proper interpretation of the phrase "governmental or quasi-governmental corporation." Those questions can best be answered by directly addressing the question whether MEDC and MMEC are "quasi-governmental" corporations within the meaning of section 19.82(1).

80 Op. Att'y Gen. 129, 132 (1991)
  The open meetings law does not define "governmental or quasi-governmental corporation." The drafting file for chapter 426, Laws of 1976, which created the current open meetings law, contains no information on the intended meaning of "governmental or quasi-governmental corporation." There is no Wisconsin case law interpreting that phrase.

80 Op. Att'y Gen. 129, 132-133 (1991)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

MPA LLC 22 Action Pledges needed from Candidates for Mayor - DONOVAN & BARRETT of the City of Milwaukee

March 15, 2016
City Center Milwaukee | It is 21 days before April 5, 2016, the day Milwaukeeans elect the mayor for the next four (4) years.

Competitive Vetting & STEWARDSHIP
MPA LLC calls for competitive vetting between Candidate Tom Barrett and Candidate Robert Donovan that starts with the following 22 Action Pledges for implementation in the 2016-2020 term of mayor for the city of Milwaukee.  They are:
  1. Audit and Review of each of the 8 sub-departments of the Department of Administration
    1. Community Development Grants
    2. Environmental Sustainability
    3. Milwaukee Energy Efficiency (Me2)
    4. Milwaukee Sustainable Manufacturing (ME3)
    5. Office of Small Business Development
    6. Procurement Division
    7. Budget Management
      1. Outreach to citizenry for information sharing.
      2. Training for Inclusiveness and NO dogmatic protocol.
      3. Appointment to committee 
    8. Intergovernmental Relations
    9. Charter School Review
    10. Information Technology Management
    11. Unified Call Center 
      Citywide Information Systems
    12. Infrastructure and Technology Development Policy and Administration
  2. Audit and Replace the Department of City Development - breakup for transparency, EFFICIENCY and accountability.  Specifics given to ameoba-like organizations such as RACM/Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee and MEDC for starters.
  3. Audit all BID/Business Improvement Districts (business and neighborhood) with formation validation, connection and engagement of stakeholders in decision-making.
  4. Audit and Review of City of Milwaukee Budget the last 5 years for trends of Economic Development in all other neighborhoods of Milwaukee except downtown proper.
  5. Audit and Review of Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation policies and procedures the last 5 years per MEDC board composition, board members length of time, hired staff, connection to the Department of City Development, and People of Color representation on Board and MEDC office.
  6. Audit Budget office (Mark Nicolini) for outreach to the citizenry for knowlege of the budget for special neighborhood meetings scheduled in advance for participation; outreach for county-city board meetings and Nicolini's lack of docurum for a public servant officer - arrogance.
  7. Audit and review of Ethics Board, city of` Milwaukee, update and strengthen Mission and reasons for being - especially "Showing strict regard for ethical conduct is essential in order to maintain high public esteem. Our public officials are very concerned with this issue. The community, in turn, should be equally concerned with the rights and reputation of its dedicated public officials. Public cooperation is required to assist the Ethics Board in maintaining Milwaukee's reputation for high ethical standards and conduct" - relative to Complaint on Alderman Russell Stamper, Alderman 15th District and misuse of power against Citizen/businessman MC COLE.   MC COLE was denied for 3 years to open his tavern after investing a $100k - mean-spiritedness and lock step politics at the License Committee (Chair Tony Zielinski, Vice Chair Milele Coggs and RUSSELL STAMPER, 15th District). 
  8. Audit and Review of TID/Tax Increment District projects the last 12 years - care to note and list members of African American and other People of Color developers and on staff and in decision-making.
  9. Audit and Review of Board of Fire & Police Commission members, policies, procedures, outreach protocol to citizenry for information sharing, staff of office up-to-date and prepared to speak informatively and professionally to the public due to appropriately ran administration of the board.  Refusal to respond to constituents REQUESTS. 
  10. Audit of City of Police budget for last 5 years for trends of training with all neighborhoods through Neighborhood Strategic Planning areas-block clubs-schools-businesses-churches-special culture events, hire, hire of color, hire from city of Milwaukee, rate of pay, police placed on leave for behavioral incidents, and monies received beyond city budget - specific dollars from Department of Justice and People of Color in administration and management.
  11. Creation of special stakeholders Civilian group with Investigators (separate from law enforcement) made up of individuals at the neighborhood and professional levels - to review shootings by police officers, grand jury probes and complaints.  Investigators selected by the civilian group and paid through government coffers.  Civilian group members elected by the People through each CDBG Neighborhood Strategic Planning group. 
  12. DWilson Disparity Study updates with timeline of changes.
  13. Replace and Return CDBG funding to the neighborhoods per original HUD intent with 2016-2018 reorganization - new organization is a self-governing entity and partner of the city.
  14. Review of Certificate  of authorization of members, policies and procedures  for the Redevelopment Authority of the City of  Milwaukee authority for legitimacy, compliance of statute,  transparency and oversight. 
  15. COMPLAINT AGAINST AND REPLACEMENT  OF Rocky Marcoux and Martha Brown as DCD Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner AND head of RACM.
  16. REMOVAL and Replacement of Rocky Marcoux and Robert Rodini of RACM and Rodini on Joint Review Board for inefficiency, neglect of duty and misconduct in office.
  17. REMOVAL and Replacement of Tim Sheehy and his appearance of conflict of interest as the leader and member of Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation/MEDC and Milwaukee Metropolitan Association of Commerce/MMAC. Replace anyone that does not live in Milwaukee and exceed a term limit of 2 years on the MEDC board. Bring on MEDC board African American and other People of Color AND Cultures for the Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation that are NOT cronies of the mayor or those on the board.  Thorough audit of growth of MMAC during Tom Barretts's administration (12 years) and their interwoven business dealings and decision making of city hall business, i.e., creation of Milwaukee 7, Streetcar project, NBA Buck's Deal, 9-5  Sick Leave Referendum, EB-5 Visa Regional designation, etc.
  18. Review policies, procedures, hire African American staff and provide ongoing training for culture correctness in the Department of City Development admin and leadership staff (INCLUDE CLERICAL SUPPORT).
  19. Review and Replace WHO'S WHO Board of Safe and Sound and replace with stakeholders at the census tract and neighborhood level as the Core Constituents.
  20. Review policies and procedures of the Bucks agreement for adding support of wraparound services at the Neighborhood Strategic Planning areas to strengthen our neighborhood growth in quality of life issues.
  21. Review Department of Public Works and correct the appearance of  interest relationship with developersWE EnergiesWarner CableMichels Electric and others.
  22. Revisit Streetcar process and procedures for economic development at the neighborhood level and how unions of lead in development projects address UN-EMPLOYMENT and UNDER-EMPLOYMENT in the 1st Class city.                      

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Senator Taylor takes to the Street in District 4,Taylor-Harris-Darling bill promise a Certificate

March 12, 2016

SATURDAY - SENATE District 4 | Senator Lena Taylor, District 4 released a video taken on Hampton in her district to highlight the need for support of those returning home from Incarceration while stating the urgency for providing opportunities with enhancers for to prevent more of the young and young adults going to prison.

"A budget is a ranking of priorities.  And with the last day of the State Senate session fast approaching on March 15th, we need to get our priorities straight. Over the next two years, we will spend more than $2.2 billion in taxpayer dollars to fund the DOC. That’s more than we will spend on the entire UW System. Don’t you think it’s wrong that we put incarcerating our people ahead of educating our college students? What makes it worse is that with Wisconsin leading the nation in the incarceration of black men, we aren’t putting enough taxpayer dollars into re-entry programs to reduce re-offence. A person is 3 times more likely to end up back behind bars if they can’t hold a job for one year. That’s why we have to address employment. A new bill I authored with Republican Senator Alberta Darling and Democratic Senator Nikiya Harris Dodd will create a certificate for qualified employment for prisoners upon reentry. The certificate will vouch for the person’s work ethic that they displayed while in prison. This bill has already passed in the Assembly and the Senate Judiciary Committee. I hope the Senate will pass the bill when we meet on March 15th", by Senator Taylor.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC is proud to SPONSOR MPA Candidates Caucus Network first MARCH FUNDraiser,                            
Meet N Greet Rally @ Breezes 
340 W. Reservoir

Sunday, March 13, 2016 

5:00pm - 7:00pm.
RALLIES and focus groups will be held at Breezes to drive home the importance of  TRUSTED leadership and REFORM.

$20.00 Cash - NO Checks

MPA Candidates Caucus Members