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Thursday, October 19, 2017

SMART INFRASTRUCTURING by Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC

October 19, 2017
Smart Buildings in Smart Neighborhoods with Broadband become more and more acute for Asset Building - evaluation of elected-appointed-hired-donor for-hire government representatives, annual budgets, NEW developments in real estate, healthcare, safety poling, public transportation, corporate investors, and research.

Therefore, the educational attainment, gainful employment, quality of life and economic development issues must be on the minds of all its moving parts - people, things, and environments.

Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC target audience consists of Milwaukeeans, CORE CONSTITUENTS, that live within the 98.63 square miles that is identified as the city of Milwaukee.

SMART Neighborhoods reflect "The Character" of the city, state, and national assets.

SMART Neighborhoods reflect SOLIDARITY-SANCTUARY-INTERSECTIONALITY of its People, cultures, environments, and assets.

SMART Neighborhoods create Leadership-Stewardship-Citizenship-Fellowship within its domain to work together for the overall aggrandizement of the whole - the uniqueness of the sum of its parts.

SMART Neighborhoods are first and foremost connected to the benefits of the Internet and the Internet of Things (IoT).

SMART Neighborhoods provide leadership to Wisconsin Universal Service Fund and Southeastern Regional Planning Commission for connectivity, managing, and strategic planning of its assets (person, thing, quality).

SMART Neighborhoods quality assurance for transparency and accountability is based on delivery of service,customer service, and supply-chain

SMART Neighborhoods are constantly evolving with cutting-edge knowledge that gives verifiable proof of eradicating ECP/Enduring Concentrated Poverty and the erosiveness of being UNDERSERVED by local government human, legal and civil laws.

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