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Monday, October 16, 2017

A NEW LOOK @ MERI-Milwaukee Economic/Renovation for Transparency and Accountability

L-R:  Mary Glass, Chief Visionary Officer, Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC
Deb Milimaka Miles, VP, Head of Global HR - Foxconn
Calgary, AB Canada

Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC launched the TINN Initiative on August 24, 2017. It is a SMART Initiative to connect the UNDERSERVED of Milwaukee to the Internet.  Foxconn is a SMART Company that will build a SMART Building in the Racine area.  MPA LLC is on the Road sharing the Introduction of TINN.
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
TINN-Team Internet-Net Neutrality
SMART Buildings in Smart Neighborhoods Conversation

A Look @ MERI
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Center Street Library
2727 W. Center Street
Community Room

RSVP - TEXT YOUR NAME AND DATE to 414.610.1044


October 16, 2017
Deputy Commissioner, DCD

CITY-WIDE MILWAUKEE | Today, it is necessary for Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC to give public notice of a closer look at MERI/Milwaukee Employment/ Renovation Initiative.  The initiative is best known as the Sherman Park $1 homes.  It was announced to the public on April 18, 2017.

MERI created tension in the city of Milwaukee due to the "misleading" rollout of the Department of City Development.  MERI is implemented by two city departments.  They are:

The Department of Neighborhood Services is responsible for the demolition portion ($1 million) and the Department of City Development navigates the oversight of the administration of the MERI Initiative - personnel, BIDS, selling the homes and selecting the buyers.

It has come to our attention that the boundaries have changed from Sherman Park but the city has failed to notify the citizenry for due diligence and appropriate engagement of the MERI real estate program.

The state oversight organization for the US Department of Justice/Volkswagen funding is through the office of Greg Reiman, the Department of Financial Institution for the state of Wisconsin.

Martha Brown, Deputy Commissioner, DCD, has been confirmed to share information about the MERI program on Wednesday, October 18, 2017. She will provide clarity of buyers, purchases of the 100 homes, and updates for the purchase of homes.

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