August 30, 2017
CITY-WIDE MILWAUKEE || This week's Radio Talk Show for Public Policy w/Mary Glass & Company has a Theme of "Education".
Attorney Ramos is back to give an update on the NEW services put in place by Legal Action of Wisconsin through the services of the Eviction Defense Center where he is the Project Coordinator. The Eviction Center educates the citizenry of Milwaukee County of their rights and rules for when they find themselves facing eviction from their home place.
The non-profit law firm of Legal Action of Wisconsin has been providing justice for low-income individuals since 1968. Legal Action operates offices in six cities, Legal Action serves 39 southern Wisconsin counties with 55 staff attorneys and about 50 support staff. Legal Action's work is funded by many different public and private sources, including the federally-funded Legal Services Corporation, and has hundreds of active volunteer attorneys who supplement, enhance, and support our staff attorneys' case work.
Specifics of the Infrastructure will be addressed regarding the board, staff and Client Responsibilities.
President Carlini will address the present structure in Education within our school system especially related to how effective our training is to competitiveness and availability in today's information technology marketplace. He will share his views and research for what our pluses and minuses are global. Rethinking our options for preparing talent is a must since we are potentially looking at a lot of jobs coming into Wisconsin, such as Foxconn. We need to ensure the educational institutions are teaching more than just the Three Rs of the Industrial Age (Rote, Repetition, and Routine) for factory jobs.
We need to start getting schools to emphasize the new skills needed today for jobs of the 21st century. FACT-based skills are what is needed: Flexibility, Adaptability, Creativity, and Technology-based skills.
James Carlini is the monthly Information Technology guest commentator for Public Policy w/Mary Glass & Company. He is on air the 1st Friday of each month, 3:30pm-4:30pm show, Riverwest Radio WXRW LP 104.1 FM, riverwestradio.com, Milwaukee, WI.