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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

FCC Lifeline program clinic - Connecting the Digital Divide in Milwaukee through Team Internet

AUGUST 16, 2017
CITY-WIDE MILWAUKEE || Connecting to the Digital Divide is PARAMOUNT to gain access to quality of life and economic development services in Milwaukee and globally.  To get employment, to get announcements from government service providers, to hear from elected-appointed-hired-donor for hire government representatives, to sign-up for information deadlines and registration periods, to keep tabs on your social security, Medicare, Medicaid, Affordable Health Care information, to monitor you health records, to handle your banking, to shop at home, to pay bills, to take classes online, to follow your emails, social media, and on and on.

There are service providers for access to the wide-wide web - the internet.  There are broadband and wi-fi (an abbreviation for wireless fidelity, meaning you can access or connect to a network using radio waves, without needing to use wires.) providers 

You must become INFORMED for your personal benefits,
You must become familiar with the options available to you.

In fact, seniors are asked to immediately address their like of access to the Internet.

They are reminded that having access - land line and/or mobile is critical to their "well-being".  Failure to GET CONNECTED is unwise.  It is like not have a utility for electricity.  Yes.  That important.

Lifeline program
The Lifeline program is the FCC/Federal Communication Commission program to address the lack of connectivity to the internet due to low income.  It provides assistance to a household.

As of December 2016, the Lifeline Program was created.  The services are administered through:

Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC).  

They service the entire USA.

Like any NEW program, we must tweak it to get the bugs out.  In other words, the services provided will become better through our use and training.

Join us.

Milwaukee Kick-Off
Thursday, August 24, 2017
East Library, 2320 N. Cramer
Community Room
2:30pm - 4:30pm

Join us.

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