Deputy Administrator Richard Serino |
FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from and mitigate all hazards.
"We are calling upon ACCOUNTABILITY based upon FEMA's national promise, his Oath of Office and the citizenry expectation of the federal office he represents".
"His presence today is quite revealing especially given the 'Caucasian only'
discriminatory FEMA Kick-Off Think Tank held in the Fireside lounge of the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee in early 2012. "There were individuals invited in Wisconsin and the exclusivity of the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Helen Bader School of Social Work - dean with students highlighted, said Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC.
Last year, Deputy Administrator Richard Serino hosted the FEMA Think Tank Kick-off webinar at UW-Milwaukee.
Glass, as a happenstance walk-in citizen, made a Preparedness comment during the Webinar Q&A that said the event was inappropriate and sent the wrong message due to the absence of African American and People of Color engagement from Milwaukee. It was the lack of Preparedness of African American and other People of Color in the famous Katrina flood - so many died - so many suffered needlessly - FEMA erred.
The FEMA Think Tank Webinar was taped and placed on the FEMA website. It was minus the comments by Glass of inappropriateness and lack of African American and other People of Color.
Milwaukee is 3/4 African American and People of Color.
If this was in reverse, 3/4 Caucasian and NO Caucasian was invited and present, I do not think Caucasians would find that in line with our expectation of citizen participation and inclusiveness.
Serino claimed it was not intentional. However, Glass questioned his response due to her research - he had visited for previous meetings in Milwaukee "planning the event" with University of WI-Milwaukee administrators, students and representatives as well as the city of Milwaukee.
Further, research revealed that UW-Milwaukee alumna and FEMA representative Desiree Matel-Anderson
- working with Steven Fronk, City of Milwaukee, was also part of the UW-Milwauke and FEMA partnership orchestration. Matel-Anderson was surprisingly moved to the Department of Finance with the City of Milwaukee after Glass inquiry.
Fast Forward to February 28, 2013, University of WI - Milwaukee, you find another meeting with FEMA Administrator Serino present for smiles, photo opportunity, Memorandum of Understanding signing and questionable comments of stewardship and TRUST.
Again, a room of Caucasians - city of Milwaukee African American and other People of Color EXCLUDED/discriminated against.
It is fair to say, the Wisconsin public higher education URBAN school - University of WI - Milwaukee, continues to log-in on the side of DISCRIMINATION and exclusion of the citizenry of Milwaukee, especially African American.
Chancellor Michael Lovell has made it crystal clear with his $176 million EXCLUSION of African American and other People of Color in the procurement, contracting, employment, academic staffing of the School of Freshwater Science, School of Nursing, Wauwatosa Innovation Park and his 6506 miles to China trip in 2011 to get students but fail to provide academic and technology leadership and interaction for pathways and pipelines for Milwaukeeans 2.1 mile from the campus on Dr. Martin Luther King Drive.
Event Purpose:
According to the information packet for the event, the UW-Milwaukee & FEMA Partnership Summit is to kick-off the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding/MOU between UW-Milwaukee and FEMA, which will be signed by Chancellor Michael Lovell and Deputy Administrator Richard Serino. In addition, the summit is designed to promote conversations regarding possible future initiatives between FEMA and UW-Milwaukee. FEMA is seeking a collaborative relationship that builds on the strengths of the agency and the university to address emergency preparedness issues.
Today's participants are ALL Caucasian looking students and/or staff as hospitality, a room of Caucasian looking participants and speakers as well as some of the questionable participants in 2012, i.e., Desiree Matel-Anderson, JD. It appears that Ms. Matel-Anderson has added a legal degree. That should more than ever speak to her Code of Conduct - Oath of Office and commitment to the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
"I found FEMA Deputy Administrator Richard Serino involvement in such EXCLUSION of African American and other People of Color with University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Helen Bader School of Social Work in 2012 discriminatory and unacceptable. I feel that his repeat in-your-face performance and Chancellor Michael Lovell today, February 28, 2013, has risen to a higher level that begs a formal complaint against him and FEMA. It must have the involvement of the scrutiny of the Court of Public Opinion, 2014 Accreditation of the University of Wisconsin and legislators," said Glass.
To be continued . . .
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