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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Cantor hits the road with sugar-coating same old rhetoric

WASHINGTON - (MPA-PPR) - February 5, 2013, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Republican, House of Representative, was on Squawk Box and Morning Joe this morning giving talking points that the GOP is seeking to RE-BRAND their image.  He will deliver a policy speech at the American Enterprise Institution later today.

Cantor is one of the power-hunger Republicans over the last four years that have been over-the-top with strong and offensive acts that include divisiveness and "name calling".  He also has taken pleasure in demonizing the President with misrepresentation.

According to Johanthan Cohn blog, "Eric Cantor and his dysfunctional house", New Republic, Washington has become so dysfunctional. He asks:  Could it have something to do with the party that uses the filibuster as a matter of routine, imposing a super-majority requirement on all legislation and blocking even uncontroversial presidential nominees from coming to a vote? Could it have something to do with party that decided to play chicken with the country’s credit limit, a virtually unprecedented move that caused real harm to the economy? Could it have something to do with the party that turned down ridiculously lopsided compromises -- lopsided in its favor -- because it holds an absolutist position on taxes that would decimate the welfare state?

Cantor was one of the gang that met the night of President Obama's first Inauguration and plotted to "make him a one-term President" - not to work with him, not to explain how they should/could work to make the country better.

Cantor is a member of the power-hungry Young Guns in the U.S. House of Representatives.  There are two others.  They are:   Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Kevin McCarty (R-CA).  It is important to note that Cantor is a Republican from Virginia - the state that recently pulled a fast "redistricting" while African American State Senator Henry Marsh went to the Inauguration of the President of the United States on January 21, 2013.

"All of the above and more are basic to Cantor's believability going forward - today's interview on Squawk Box sounds like the same old soup re-warmed" in an environmental-friendly bowl, said Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC.   "He has a long-way to go due to his mean-spiritedness, his party lack of respect for the People he now says he want to explain away the GOP foul comments and the noise in the background that speaks differently..
Stay tuned.

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