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Saturday, December 10, 2011
MILWAUKEE - On December 6, 2011, Beijing, China, Chancellor Michael Lovell signed a preliminary agreement with CERNET to establish a Wisconsin International Academy (WIA) in Milwaukee to provide support services for hundreds of Chinese students. This agreement was signed with the blessings of UW Regents Board. The first group of students would arrive fall 2012 semester.
In July, 2010, University of Wisconsin Regents annual meeting in Milwaukee, Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association, hand-delivered to the Wisconsin Board of Regents and UW System President Kevin Reilly, a request for immediate attention to the
Enduring Concentrated Poverty condition of Milwaukee. She also gave a printed copy (220 pages) of the 2008 Federal Reserve and Brookings Institution case study that cited Milwaukee as one of the 16 cities of Enduring Concentrated Poverty in America for each member of the Board of Regents and President Reilly.
OPEN COMPLAINT - InvestigationsSince then, lack of transparency, failure to honor public information requests, refusal to meet, with and damaging discoveries of massive DISCRIMINATIONS that included a massive exclusion of African American and other People of Color (the dominate population of Milwaukee) and improper selection of the present Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin, Michael Lovell by UW-Milwaukee Selection Committee, Board of Regents selection committee, President Reilly and the FULL BOARD.
We have called repeatedly for appropriate changes that reflect an urban public university of which Wisconsin state statute - Chapter 36 applies. To
re-define, re-brand and
un-trap hidden talent and opportunities at the neighborhood level in Milwaukee.

Chancellor Lovell is now engaging in another divisive strategy. In the legacy of African Americans, it is a form of Willie Lynching – when a Caucasian leader pits one race member against another – within a race or in this case, one race against another race of color. There is no place for this type of destructive tom-foolery in administration that penalizes local stake-stockholders and international opportunities.
We have called repeatedly for appropriate changes that reflect an urban public university of which Wisconsin state statute - Chapter 36 applies. For All Hands on Deck for access-literacy-fluency in education-research-technology channel development and strategic planning-CASE Study. To
re-define, re-brand and
un-trap hidden talent and opportunities at the neighborhood level in Milwaukee.
We have called upon Wisconsin Board of Regents, UW System Kevin Reilly and Chancellor Michael Lovell for outreach for information, meeting, dialog and strategic planning to ensure that a
"safety net" is in place to turnaround the educational-research-technology void in the City of Milwaukee. It is an opportunity to begin to turnaround the negative image of the Board of Regents, President Reilly and Chancellor Lovell.
We have and will continue to call for
principle-centered leadership, transparency, public information, accountability that includes customer care (education-technological-research) of African American, other People of Color and the Work-Challenged (un-, under-employed; un-, under-degreed and certificated; un-, under-financed neighborhood-level business; disabled; and re-entry - especially those returning from WAR, INCARCERATION, BOOMERANG EMPLOYMENT, BOOMERANG RETIREMENT and DEGREED students without employment).
We REJECT the greed and run-on of resources, discriminatory practices with arrogance, People of Color disrespect, and by-design block of quality of life and economic opportunities afforded us as Milwaukeeans and Americans, but stolen by the WI Regent Board, Reilly, Lovell, elected (past and present) officials and well-connected lobbyists.

CERNET, established in December 2000 and approved by the Ministry of Education, is responsible for the China Education and Research Network (CERNET) operations and management.
Adhering to the "network service education" purposes, CERNET based education offers services to the community, giving full play to talent, technology and other areas, to provide users with a full range of high quality services such as network access, network technology, and network information.
CERNET adheres to technological innovation, and constantly improves the quality of network operations and the level of service, to extend network coverage, create a safe and smooth green network, develop a wide range of network integration, construction and maintenance of a full range of network technology services, and also on educational information and online training.
FOR MORE====================
Barrett and DoyleOn December 6, 2011, Beijing, China, we see that the
"gang is all here" - Chancellor Michael Lovell, Tom Barrett, Jim Doyle and Johannes Britz (UWM Interim Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs). We are not sure of who the other individuals to the left of Barrett are.
During our preliminary information gathering, one of my office questions to the UW Regents was the over-abundance of attorneys on the UW Regents.
Well, we see where Jim Doyle, ex-Governor wound up, Foley & Lardner - one of the prominent positions on the UW Regents. He is an attorney and he made the appointments while in office as Governor. It is suspect that he is found in this photo.
Also, since he/ex-Governor Jim Doyle and Tom Barrett, mayor, put forth an unsuccessful "take-over" of Milwaukee Public Schools in 2010; again he appears suspect here. Speaking of suspect, both Lovell and Barrett have been found in positions that are counter-to-the quality of life and economic development interest of African American, other People of Color and the Work-Challenged; i.e., Milwaukee 7, Milwaukee Metropolitan Association of Commerce, Greater Milwaukee Committee, Milwaukee Caucasian-based Water Council, UW-Milwaukee Caucasian-based School of Freshwater Science, Joseph Zilber School of Public Health and Innovation Park.
Lovell is taking the first step toward an agreement that could eventually bring hundreds of Chinese students to UWM to study.
CERNET Educational Development is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CERNET Co., LTD, a company founded by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. CERNET plans to establish a Wisconsin International Academy (WIA) in Milwaukee to provide support services for the students.
The agreement was approved the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents for review at its meeting Dec. 8 and 9 in Madison. If approved by the Board of Regents, the agreement would bring 30 to 50 Chinese students to Milwaukee in the fall 2012 semester to study English through UWM’s Intensive English Program (IEP). An additional 100 to 150 would arrive in fall 2013, with the numbers eventually increasing to 250 students by the fall of 2015. CERNET would establish separate housing for the WIA students in the greater Milwaukee area.
FOR MOREIt is fair to say that Wisconsin Board of Regents, Chancellor Michael Lovell, Mayor Tom Barrett, Foley and Lardner Attorney and ex-Governor Jim Doyle and anyone else must be exposed for what they are doing and how they are attempting to implement this divisive tactic.
Going Forward - INVESTIGATIONSWe welcome recruitment, national and international outreach; however, we see this effort pre-mature at best -
charity begins at home. We need to forge a trifecta education movement that will galvanize 21st Century competitiveness of hidden talent and neighborhood level businesses for self-sustainability.
In other words, WI Board of Regents, Chancellor Lovell and the gang must take care of Wisconsin's State Statute and UW-Milwaukee Urban Mission that covers Milwaukeeans that are closer than 2.1 miles from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee before going 5,606 miles to China, to bring others and do what you should be doing at home. Amen.You cannot remain in this position (board and/or chancellor) and use our benefits -land use and laws, resources, funds, name and disrespect us, the Constitution and all laws appropriate to the offense.
The People have had enough of the cover-up, greed, discrimination, disrespect, lack of service, deception, and failure to honor its laws. We see them city-after-city and nation-after-nation in protest.
CERNET is a direct link of the Chinese government of China.
They are about the same Mission of deployment of its base as Milwaukee Professionals Association, we await their take on this "frowned-on" act by Milwaukee Professionals Association and the globe.