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Monday, November 14, 2022

THE DIGNITY of Income and opportunity at the neighborhood level



State Assemblyman RYAN CLANCY

As a lifelong activist, organizer, and advocate, Ryan Clancy has consistently stood in defense of civil rights and social justice.

In high school, after organizing a peer-published student newspaper, he was represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, who saved him from expulsion and awarded him the Young Civil Libertarian of the Year. 
After graduating from Beloit College with a degree in English and a secondary teaching certification, Clancy was accepted into the U.S. Peace Corps, where he assisted veteran English teachers on a remote island in the Philippines. 

Clancy went on to found the Progressive Restaurant and Activists of Wisconsin Network, which brings together restaurants and consumers to advocate for higher wages and better working conditions across the service industry.

As a Milwaukee County Supervisor, Ryan Clancy has continued to fight for community values, including accountability measures and moving $2.4 million in the 2022 budget out of things like a surveillance camera array and into priorities like pools, the South Shore Park Playground, our parks, employee benefits and human rights. 

He authored and passed the Right to Shelter and the Right to Counsel, which provides a lawyer to residents facing eviction, Paid Parental Leave for county employees, and has worked to restore dignity and more humane conditions to the County Jail and House of Corrections.

Clancy has a Master's degree in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, and Peacebuilding. 

He lives with his wife Becky in Milwaukee's Bay View neighborhood and has five amazing, weird children.

RYAN CLANCY assumes the position held by JONATHAN BROSTOFF - Assemblyman District 19.
He switched to Alderman of the 3rd District in Milwaukee - unopposed.

MORE background to come of Alderman MARK CHAMBERS JR. AND Alderman JONATHAN BROSTOFF

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