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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Young Guns - Ryan, Cantor and McCarthy

L-R, U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan, U.S. Congressman Eric Cantor - R-VI and U.S. Congressman Kevin McCarthy - R/CA

Washington, DC
, January 26, 2011 - State of the Union Republican Response was given by Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan. He came across as deliberate and polished. His message gave "lofty" and many "threatening" scenarios. His comments went from his three children 6, 7, 8 years to his quote of: "We face a crushing burden of debt. The debt will soon eclipse our entire economy, and grow to catastrophic levels in the years ahead."

Since U.S. Congressman Ryan is the Chairman of the Budget Committee, very critical of the Health Care Law, a deficit hawk but voted for $700 billion TARP - Troubled Asset Relief Program for bailout of the financial institutions, car companies and confiscatory tax for CEO bonuses, a rising star in the Republican party - Young Guns (Eric Cantor-VI, Kevin McCarthy-CA and Paul Ryan-WI founders), wife is a tax accountant and family business is in construction; he met the qualifications for political scrutiny. This is first and foremost an elected official made aware of the concerns of African American, other People of Color and the Work-Challenged in the City of Milwaukee.

Additionally, my office will challenge U.S. Congressman Ryan as well as all our U.S. Congress representatives to get to know the City of Milwaukee demographic needs as well as the needs of the same groups in their districts. It is part of the ALL HANDS on Deck, WE, Not Me Initiative-Plan-Program. The Wisconsin U.S. Congress representatives are:

• Senators: Herb Kohl (D), Ron Johnson (R)
• Representatives: Paul Ryan (R), Tammy Baldwin (D), Ron Kind (D),
Gwen Moore D), Jim Sensenbrenner(R), Tom Petri (R),
Sean Duffy R), Reid Ribble (R)

Demographics - Congressman Ryan District
U.S. Census data put Representative Ryan's record in the context of the people who he represents. Wisconsin District 1 is 84.13 percent urban, 8.60 percent non-white, and has a population that is 5.65 percent Latino and 4.17 percent foreign-born. 3.19 percent of adults working in Rep. Ryan's district commute using public transportation, on a bike or on foot. 6.54 percent of adults aged 25 and older in Ryan's district have a Master's, PhD or Professional Degree.

Paul's wife is an attorney - so was his father and grandfather.

January 27, 2011 - Budget Committee - Road Map, go to:

You can see the text version of his speech at:

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