We need NEW people around the table.
We need to see a "BROAD" perspective that includes African Americans, other People of Color and the Work-Challenged (ALL) that are taxpayers.
We need to see property owners and property renters that are investing in our neighborhoods.
We need to see leaders from our public school pools (DPI-Department of Public Instruction, UW-System, the Technical College System, Wisconains Association of Independent Colleges and Universities with MPS-Milwaukee Public Schools parents, MATC-Milwaukee Area Technical College and UW-System parents/sponsors/students leading the way - the "WE, Not Me focus".
Follow the Search Process and Involvement of the Milwaukee residential and commercial stakeholders at the "neighborhood-level".
November 29, 2010
12:30 p.m.
Regents Room, Chapman Hall
Click link below for more. . .
November 19, 2010
9:30 a.m.
Regents Room, Chapman Hall
PRESENT: K. Blaeser, S. Dean-Baar, R. Diaz, P. Florsheim, J. Fredrick, A. Ghorbanpoor, E.
Gilligan, A. Lang, T. Luljak, M. Maass, M. Maris, J. Peoples, H. Rabinowitz,
K. Redding, T. Romero-Boeck, J. Salzer, M. Schwartz, A. Smith, R. Strickler, D.
EXCUSED: R. Azen, S. Ferro, S. Lubar, D. Mash, G. Stoffel
GUESTS: L. Boyd (via phone)
IV. New Business.
A. Review and approve Code of Ethics—Motion was made and seconded to approve
the Code of Ethics document as presented. Members were asked to sign the form
and return to T. Howard. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Review and approve Committee Organization and Procedures—Motion was made
by M. Maass and seconded by T. Luljak to approve the Organization and
Procedures document as presented. After clarification about access to
applications, vote was taken and motion passed unanimously.
C. Review and discuss advertisement, and institutional profile documents-M.
Schwartz explained the purpose of each document and how each was developed.
Discussion ensued about specific areas that needed expanding as well as critical
issues that must be highlighted. It was suggested that a subcommittee revise the
profile document and submit to committee for review at its November 29th
meeting. J. Frederick, A. Smith, T. Luljak, M. Maris and M. Schwartz
volunteered to serve on subcommittee. Committee members were encouraged
to submit suggestions to M. Schwartz who would share with the subcommittee.
Click link below for more . . .
November 10, 2010
1:00 p.m.
UWM Union, Room 240
PRESENT: R. Azen, K. Blaeser, S. Ferro, P. Florsheim, J. Fredrick, A. Ghorbanpoor,
E. Gilligan, A. Lang, T. Luljak, M. Maass, M. Maris, D. Mash, J. Peoples,
H. Rabinowitz, K. Redding, T. Romero-Boeck, J. Salzer, M. Schwartz,
A. Smith, G. Stoffel, R. Strickler, D. Wolfram
EXCUSED: S. Dean-Baar, R. Diaz, S. Lubar
GUESTS: C. Bunting, A. Crist, J. Crain, T. Evers (via phone), D. Davis, K. Reilly,
J. Vasquez
2. Charge to the Committee
President Reilly read the charge to the committee. In the charge he told the
committee that their primary responsibility is to conduct a national or international
search for a diverse pool of well-qualified candidates. At least five candidates shall
be selected from this pool in unranked order and forwarded to President Reilly and
the Special Regent Committee. This unranked list should include the strengths and
weaknesses of each candidate.
3. Review of Search and Screen Process
a. Search Process
Solicit campus and community input. This is an important step because it
shows that the committee is listening to the campus and community.
Chuck Bunting from the consulting firm of Storbeck/Pimental and Associates
will be working with the committee to help find qualified candidates and
resolve differences among the committee members.
A web site and print media should be set up very soon. The public should be
directed to the web site for information.
While many candidates will come from nominations, the committee should
use their networks and contacts to encourage potential candidates to apply for
the position.
President Reilly and the Special Regent Committee will periodically contact
Mark Schwartz, Chair of the UWM Chancellor Search Committee, to offer
help and support. President Reilly said that he will help get qualified people
into the pool of candidates.
b. Screen Process
The selection criteria screen will be based on the announced qualifications in
the position description. Look for inconsistencies and gaps in the candidates’
Conduct reference checks of candidates by using the list that the candidate
provides. Off-list reference checks will be conducted later in the process.
Use roll call voting process for selecting candidates.
First interview round will consist of 10-12 candidates. This list will be
confidential. The five finalists will be publicly announced.
Look at a potential candidate’s academic values. Consider if their
commitment to quality education has a narrow or broad view and will it
complement UWM’s vision. The candidate must be a good fit internally (the
campus constituency) and externally (the community) including:
- a positive commitment to diversity and inclusiveness and be able to bring
more diversity to UWM; - management skills, with an understanding of a complex organization and
be able to keep harmony as projects move forward; - leadership skills, with the ability to move to the next mountain top and
have the support of campus and community; - stamina, and a sense of humor; and
- commitment to public service and understand that everything is open to
public scrutiny.
The UWM search committee should have their work done by April 2011. The
Special Regent Committee and President Reilly will recommend a candidate
to the BOR. The BOR will vote to appoint the new chancellor. The goal will
be to announce a new chancellor by spring 2011 and in place by July 1, 2011.
c. Tips and Advice
It is important that the search committee understand the job of the chancellor.
The chancellor must relate from the vantage point of all faculty, staff, and
students. The committee members must rise above the positions they hold
and understand that the chancellor will represent the entire campus.
Legal issues. M Schwartz has information on the open meeting law and has
discussed it with A. Crist. It is important that the committee be aware when
they are in open meeting and closed meeting. Information about candidates is
confidential until the five finalists are named. If disclosure of candidates is
given too early, it will result in the loss of candidates and weaken the pool. It
will also give UWM the reputation of leaking information. C. Bunting added
that the committee needs to be open with each other within the rubric of
confidentiality in order to protect the committee and its function.
It will be very helpful to have one person as a point of contact with the press.
Committee members may politely refer the press to M. Schwartz.
Salary and fringe benefits were discussed. The salary range is $297,000 to
$363,000. In the past the foundation has contributed to the salary. Fringe
benefits will include a housing allowance, leased automobile, and a fund for
official functions. Spousal or partner appointment as chancellor associate is
UWM pays for the chancellor search
Click link below for more. . .
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