NOVEMBER 28, 2017
CITY-WIDE MILWAUKEE || MPA LLC Alert kick-off of DEVELOPING STORIES with the Office of City Clerk - The traffic cop for City Hall of Milwaukee. The office is managed by Jim Owczarski, City Clerk (414) 286-2998).
The Common Council appoints the City Clerk for a 4-year term. The Clerk is responsible for providing staff and record keeping services for the Common Council and administering a number of other city functions, including historic preservation, licensing and cable television production. The Central Administration Division maintains the records of the Council and its committees, provides office support to the Council members and performs general departmental administrative tasks.
From time-to-time, the city clerk's office will be mentioned in MPA LLC DEVELOPING STORIES for clarity of operations, resolutions, process and procedure per city codes, and state-of-the-art transitions regarding the legislative, executive and judicial branches.
Developing Stories
Developing Stories will report on the shocking "Parade of Horribles" in our city government of Milwaukee that normalizes authoritarianism and monopoly-oligopoly.
MPA LLC has a NEW offering for the public square that centers on various topics of outrage and shock.
Repeated funds withdrawal by elected-appointed-hired and donor-for-hire partnerships of resources of the city of Milwaukee coffers is OUT OF CONTROL.
Repeated funds withdrawal by elected-appointed-hired and donor-for-hire partnerships of resources of the city of Milwaukee coffers is OUT OF CONTROL.
Growing monopoly-oligopoly takeover of resources (decade funding, real estate gifts, tax credits, tax increment financing, annual city budget, special grant funding, federal funding linked to city funding and support, etc.) and linked resolutions/laws has created ENDURING CONCENTRATED POVERTY and a condition of "ROT" in the city of Milwaukee.
Boards, Committees, Authorities, etc
There are 30 pages of appointed individuals - primarily by Tom Barrett, the mayor - for making decisions about how our tax dollars and other resources are distributed. The appointees include individuals who live OUTSIDE of the 98.63 square miles - the city of Milwaukee.
Some have a 91-year reign in office. Yes. 91 years. Take a look and find the one I am referencing.
Such non-monitoring and oversight by YOU, the Voter, for sure long-term, lifetime, and repetitive positions speak to Enduring Concentrated Poverty and ROT.
That's bogus. Some of the folks sit on boards and governmental seats in neighboring burbs, outside of Milwaukee.
Some are seen as "moles" for heads-up deal-making for personal and business ventures and/or members of the organization representing - conflict of interest.
Some appointees are seen as "pay-off" for election support.
The majority of boards, organizations are not balanced with African Americans and People of Color.
We have enough Milwaukeeans - taxpayers/voters - that can represent the various positions that live within the city of Milwaukee.
The various organizations member-selection have little to no relevance to qualification - rather on referrals seen as cronyism.
Selected individuals seemingly not given
- training
- expectations
- annual evaluation, and
- they are "automatically" given additional time of service.
Click below and take a look at the 30-page wonder list.
What say you?
What are you going to do to STOP this obvious misuse of power, discrimination, disenfranchisement, and DISRESPECT FOR ETHICAL CONDUCT and Public Trust?
We Welcome your comment of Citizenship at: