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Friday, June 21, 2013


Schedule Highlights
Why You Should Attend:

INFRASTRUCTURAL - Learn from industry stakeholders and policy makers
Affordable Health Care 101
     What’s promised?   What’s offered?  What’s the Cost? 

     Alphabet Soup 1 HHS, IRS, DOL
                a.   Implementation, Oversight & Support
                b.   Small Business 1-50, CENSUS TRACT & Neighborhood-based
                c.   Small Business 1-10, CENSUS TRACT & Neighbor

     Alphabet Soup 2 - HMO, PPO, POS & FFS
                a.            Health Care Providers and Health Care Practitioners
                b.            Suppliers and GPOs      
     Alphabet Soup 3Insurance Companies
    a.                   Explanation of the “APPLICATION”
    b.                  Business Navigators and Business Call Centers
    c.                   Consumer Operated and Oriented Plans (CO-OP)

    Alphabet Soup 4 – Academic & Placement (training and Recruitment)

EXHIBITS & MEET-the-American Customer/Taxpayer/Beneficiaries 

FAE – WI Federally Assisted Exchange - What does that mean to 
                                       URBAN Milwaukee?
o    Implementation – Oversight – Support/NAVIGATORS
o    Defining Markets

             ACA Shopping Cart – Individual,special group, Co-op and small group

             Specialty - Medicare Expansion, Dual Eligible, CHIP and Long-Term Care

•             INFRASTRUCTURAL Building - Learn from Census Tract &
                                                                        NEIGHBORHOOD Business

•             INFRASTRUCTURAL Building - MPA LLC 2013-2014 ORIENTATION
                                                                        Conferences and Public Reporting     
Register and MORE

Create real time networking and networks with decision makers on all sides and support All Hands on Deck, WE CAN Initiative for TRUST and success.
Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC



Thursday, June 20, 2013

ALPHABET SOUP in Wisconsin Health Care - HMO, PPO, POS and FFS

MILWAUKEE - (MPA-PPR) -- The date of implementation of the Affordable Health Care law is October 1, 2013 -   Open Enrollment.  The Open Enrollment is a six month process from October 1, 2013 - March 31, 2014.  Full implementation begins January 1, 2014.

Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC (MPA LLC) continues to inform the stakeholders of how they can best prepare for "decision making" in their selection of health care insurance from the marketplace.

What they can put into their Health Care shopping cart that can help avoid "unintended consequences".

Recognizing and defining ACRONYMS are necessary steps to navigate the NEW law and all its evolving parts.  We will start with four (4) acronyms of comprehensive managed care.  They are:  HMO, PPO, FFS and POS.  The managed care providers are to share comprehensive plans with savings and quality to the marketplace.

Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) is health care service restricted to its list of physicians for primary care and referrals to other health care specialists in their network.  You can go outside of the network to another network but, you are required to pay the bulk of the health care services.

Monthly insurance premiums usually cover most visits to the primary care physician, medical treatment and preventive care; with no individual or family deductible for the client.

Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) is a health care service for the public that has a list of physicians and hospitals within its network.  It is more flexible than the HMO in visits outside of the HMO network  with some coverage.  What is offered?  Is there a co-payment?  How much it will cost? What is the process for reimbursements and/or partial payment by the PPO?  These are questions you, the client must find out.

YOU, the client/customer/beneficiary, must do your homework for your benefits.

Point of Service is health care service that combines the HMO and PPO plans.  You must select a physician that belongs to a HMO or PPO to be your primary care physician.  Cost is again dictated by in-network health care practitioners and providers vs one in another when it comes to cost - less cost is with a health care provider within the network you initially choose.

It is important to know that there are other areas of clarity needed relating to dental, vision, prescription drugs, etc.

Fee-for-Service (indemnity plan) is the oldest and most expensive health service plan and preceded the managed care organizations - Health Maintenance Organizations and Preferred Provider Organizations.  HMO and PPO organizations are the most popular.

In the health insurance and the health care industries, FFS occurs when doctors and other health care providers receive a fee for each service such as an office visit, test, procedure, or other health care service.[3] Payments are issued retrospectively, after the services are provided.[4] FFS is inflationary, raising health care costs.[4] It creates a potential financialconflict of interest with patients, as it incentivizes overutilization[5]—treatments with either an inappropriately excessive volume or cost.[6] FFS does not incentivize physicians to withhold services.[7] When bills are paid under FFS by a third party, patients (along with doctors) have no incentive to consider the cost of treatment.[8] Patients can welcome services under third-party payers, because "when people are insulated from the cost of a desirable product or service, they use more".[9] Evidence suggests primary care physicians who are paid under a FFS model to treat patients with more procedures than those paid under capitation or a salary.[10] FFS incentivizes primary care physicians to invest in radiology clinics and perform physician self-referral in order to generate income.[11]
Private-practice physicians and small group practices are particularly vulnerable to declining reimbursement for patient services by government and third-party payers. Rising regulatory demands, such as the purchase and implementation of costly EHR systems, and increasing vigilance by government agencies tasked with identifying and recouping Medicare fraud and abuse, have bloated overhead and cut into revenue. Wikipedia

See table of all four types - At Your Service UC
Visit INSURANCE.COM and,  for more information.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

MPA LLC Affordable Health Care Workplace Wellness Project

2013 Affordable Health Care Proposal


MPA LLC Consumer Protection Group is a subgroup of Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It is a direct residential and commercial arm to the census tract at the neighborhood level.  Our goal is quality of life and economic development sustainability of Milwaukeeans, especially those “by design” left out of designing and implementing the INFRASTRUCTURE that governs WELLNESS and SAFETY on all levels.  CLICK

MPA LLC will help ensure that the implementation of the Affordable Health Care Act, October 1, 2013 and January 1, 2014, is an ALL HANDS on DECK, WE CAN Citizen-Friendly law that is in-partnership with the People – first and foremost.

The service is through MPA LLC Consumer Protection Group department and Citizen Chamber of Business Work Commission. The goal is to codify steps of the Affordable Health Care law, regulations and practices for BEST PRACTICES, transparency and accountability with Milwaukeeans creating the blueprint.
We seek Small Group and Individuals – small neighborhood level employers, Freelance/Independent Contractors, Temp Workers and Work-at-Home business owners for collective membership.

We will provide the following focal points for Affordable Health Care Insurance and Wellness:
·         Causal Chain – Pathway Channel Development
·         Partnership
·         Peer-to-Peer Review
·         Education and Information Technology Attainment
·         Employee/Employer-Friendly Wellness insurance
·         Reward vs Penalty Outcomes

Friday, June 14, 2013

MPA_LLC announces Discussion Penetration @ Census Tract Neighborhood Health Care SUMMIT & FAIR

AUGUST 2-4, 2013
June 14, 2013
MILWAUKEE - (MPA-PPR) -- Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC announced Friday Morning, June 14, 2013, the following:

1.  ALL Hands on Deck, WE CAN Initiative (created 2010) - Affordable Health Care Implementation by MPA LLC.

2.  Affordable Health Care SUMMIT & FAIR, August 2-4, 2013, Topics of Discussions.

The six (6) topics of conversation for BENEFICIARIES, health professionals, legislators, health practitioners, health providers, pharmaceutical and insurance representatives at the 2013 Affordable Health Care Extravaganza SUMMIT & FAIR, August 2-4, 2013 are:



   o Supply & Demand Rents (cost and coverage)
   o Tools


The SUMMIT Briefings will focus on providing valued state-of-the-art understanding of what the national and state Affordable Health Care plans look like - insured and uninsured. 

ALL Hands on Deck, Affordableh Health Care has three phases.  They are:

PHASE I (2011 - 2014)
A.   Introduction - Expectations of the Beneficiaries, the Federally-Assisted Exchange and state legislators in Wisconsin. 

B.   Best Practices - What's promised?  What's the design?  What's administered?  What's Cost?  What's the Accountability?

PHASE II (2014-2016) 
Framing/Reform Phase I, Health care tourism and Stabilization.

Phase III (2016-2020)
Health care stabilization - Growth - Sustainability.

Thursday, June 13, 2013



For Immediate Release – June 13, 2013
Contact: Samuel Rappé, Legislative Assistant
414/278-4234 Office, 414/939-9339 Cell
Twitter: @CntySupDeanna

Ethics rule aimed at Sheriff Clarke is based on hypocritical reasoning

Milwaukee – Since many County Supervisors have admitted distain for Sheriff Clarke, Supervisor Alexander expected some would support changing ethics rules with the aim at ending the Sheriff’s famous public service announcements.  However, Alexander was absolutely floored at the arguments Supervisors used today to make their case.

“My colleagues claimed that using taxpayer dollars is where they have a problem despite the fact that those same Supervisors use taxpayer dollars to donate money to charities they favor, to publish their pictures in newspaper advertisements, and to self-promote themselves and their offices,” Alexander said.

Supervisors also compared the Sheriff’s public service announcements to pornography saying “you know it when you see it,” yet the committee took only half an hour to discuss the proposed policy and the only amendment the committee offered was wording that distinctly exempted the board’s own methods of self-promotion.

“I could have supported limiting public service announcements during the time right before an election.  I would have understood if Supervisors wanted to stop electeds from putting out any photos or self-promotion.  But the resolution the committee passed has targeted the County Executive’s and the Sheriff’s practices while exempting County Board’s practices, which are no less ‘like campaigning’ than what they’ve set their sights on ending with this policy,” said Supervisor Alexander.

Supervisor Alexander thanks her colleagues, Supervisors Stamper, Johnson, and Lipscomb for their reasoned arguments and their votes against what she calls “biased, haphazard, hypocrisy-laced rule-making,” that passed by a 4-3 committee vote.


Download the PDF Here

HALYARD PARK, THE FAMILY FRIENDLY Neighborhood has been Chosen

MILWAUKEE - (MPA-PPR) -- Halyard Park Census Tracts and Neighborhood has been chosen by Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC to be the first area to model for the Affordable Health Care implementation Preparedness.

August 2-4, 2013 are the three days of the Affordable Health Care Extravaganza FAIR & SUMMIT in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The Tent FAIR will be held at the 16 acre-manicured site of James Beckum Park, 900 W. Brown Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

It is just across the street from BEECHIE BROOKS, the Quinessential Realtor.  In fact, his house and those in the Halyard Park Family homes are of his leadership.
The neighborhood has a cross-section of people that represent the URBAN Population of Milwaukee - the largest city in Wisconsin.

The population is very young, young, young adults, middle age and seniors.
The population is multi-racial/multi-cultural with a dominance of African American.
The Family-oriented population is retired, employed, un-employed, under-employed, school aged, single parent, married,  entrepreneurial, sectarian and non-sectarian.

The interesting melting pot of folk will come out in mass on August 2-4, 2013 as well as others across the city of Milwaukee and neighborhood cities to receive information about the Affordable Health Care implementation FAIR.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

GEARING UP with OUTREACH to Health Care Beneficiaries - FAIR

CLICK the photo for Enlargement
June 11, 2013
MILWAUKEE - (MPA-PPR), Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC is implementing quality control more and more in providing the 2013 Affordable Health Care Extravaganza FAIR and SUMMIT.  At the top of the list is PREPAREDNESS for IMPLEMENTATION of the Affordable Health Care law at the census tract and neighborhood level - October 1, 2013 and January 1, 2013.

The residential and commercial area of the OUTSIDE Tent FAIR is being held in an URBAN neighborhood that has family and affordable care homes for those who are Milwaukeeans employed, un-employed, under-employed, freelance, professional, retired, disabled, vetted businesses, middle class, poverty level,  dual eligible, have chronic illnesses, uninsured, under-insured and insured beneficiaries.

CLICK photo for Enlargement
 The Affordable Health Care Act seeks health care for all with improvements in "population" health care with cost containment.  The focus is also on "patient-centered" care.

CLICK photo for Enlargement
The OUTSIDE Walk-thru Fair at James Beckum Park, 900 W. Brown Street, Milwaukee, WI is an INNOVATIVE way to introduce "Health Care Service Delivery" to stakeholders of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and especially those who live, work, seek work, create business, grow families and worship.  

It is held in a densely populated URBAN neighborhood  with youth, young adults, adults and senior population that meet the Mission of the Affordable Health Care model for URBAN, POPULATION and CHRONIC care.
The FAIR is about "changing the incentives" for ALL - creating pathways and pipelines for Education and Information Technology attainment; creating options in insurance for 1-50 and 51-100 employers; creating health management at the customer level; training and linking customer with health care practitioners for cost containment and service delivery; using the internet and Smartphones in service delivery,  placing the onus on ALL - receivers, providers, distributors and policy makers to be Health Care CHAMPIONS working in unison.

The design is to provide state-of-the-art health care information that will FORCE the decision maker - Customers/beneficiaries, payers/providers and legislators to the table for KNOWLEDGE-building.

CLICK photo for Enlargement
It is an opportunity for insurance payers, health care providers, health care practitioners, health care professionals, health care employers, neighborhood businesses and legislators to come together in an ALL HANDS on DECK, WE CAN Action Plan.