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Friday, August 28, 2020

We March to Move Forward - A Piercing Point in History 1963-2020

Friday, August 28, 2020
Once upon a time, August 28, 1963, a historic Call to Order by Dr. Martin Luther King, John Robert Lewis, and so many more of the dedicated 250,000 activists and supporters in America gathered in Washington, DC in front of the Lincoln Memorial.  The subject of Employment - jobs and the economic rights of African Americans.


L-R:  Attorney Ben Crump and Jacob Blake Sr.

Friday's event dubbed the "Commitment March: Get Your Knee Off Our Necks," was organized by the Rev. Al Sharpton, who announced the march on June 4 as he delivered a eulogy for George Floyd, a Black man who died in police custody in Minneapolis.


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

GET Excited Milwaukeeans, You Have Skin in the Game

August 18, 2020
CITY OF MILWAUKEE || Milwaukeeans who live, work, educate, create family, build businesses, worship, pay taxes and bury family is being asked by MPA-LLC/Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC to join in the documentation of present and past history that looks, feels, smells, and capture the DIGNITY and RESPECT of African Americans, American Indians, Asians, Latinos, and Work Challenged (un-, under-employed and at-risk of COVID-N19).

We ask that members of BLACK LIVES MATTER SHOW UP and SUPPORT.

We are about Moving the Needle for EQUITY INCLUSION, removing REDLINING and calling out GENTRIFICATION, DISCRIMINATION, and RACISM that is forced on neighborhoods through by-design disenfranchisement.

$$MILLIONS sent to or gotten on behalf of the city of Milwaukee, real estate, transportation, pet projects, bids, and tax increment financing are a few of the Caucasian-driven funding taken from the key stakeholders, African Americans, American Indians, Asians, Latinos, and Work Challenged - the target population of Milwaukee.

The funding through grants and ALL special funding - Transportation, Stimulus to CARES - is arbitrary, capricious, and systematically given to individuals who live and pay taxes outside of Milwaukee. They are too often Caucasians and a member of the monopoly-oligopoly gang. They are seen in the convoy each morning and afternoon on I-43, I-94, I-794, I-894, and WI-145 to/from Milwaukee.

Skin-in-the-Game is where you will find Milwaukeeans at every turn.  

We start with the takeaways being the "IN MASS" destruction of African American homes with NO compensations for destructions for I-43 and public transportation recently due to having I-Hop forced on Milwaukeeans rather than need of public transportation to facilitate FULL-TIME employment, 

What an auspicious time for this truth-telling, creating history and legacy-building while including an overdue state-of-the-art BROADBAND.

We look forward to Showcasing the bouquet of ideas, partnerships, and NEW DAY of entertainment, affordable housing, real estate development, transportation, economic development, safety prevention, safety intervention, walk-in neighborhoods beyond downtown Milwaukee and near East Side connecting UW-Milwaukee.

Smart Growth
Smart Growth is over 10 years and we will hasten to catch up on many issues and details that Milwaukeeans have contributed to but NOT been at the table for its creativity, authorization of funding, and oversight.

We will secure the offices of Comptroller, Treasurer, Assessor, Inspector General, Department of Administration, Department of City Development, Department of Public Works, Department of Neighborhood Services, City Library, and City Attorney that will reveal the RICH history of those other than Polish and German inhabitants that makes our city a place of excitement, reveal the history that is in our neighborhood smart growth plan. We welcome, acknowledge, and call for immediate change.

Smart growth is an approach to development that encourages a mix of building types and uses, diverse housing and transportation options, development within existing neighborhoods, and community engagement.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

CONGRATULATIONS to America for Joe Biden's correct and wise pick of KAMALA HARRIS, VP

It should be one of the African American women. Why?


African Americans as a MONOLITH were waiting to see if Joe Biden was TRUSTWORTHY.  As President Barack Hussein Obama said, "He nailed it". 

With the correct and wise decision of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., he opened the door wide for the "'power of VOTE" with his selection of Kamala Devi Harris. They will appear in mass with the support of the American voter - families, communities, organizations, and followers.

We know the African American woman has always had to be ready on Day 1.  Kamala Harris comes to the table with the DNA of leadership, citizenship, critical thinking, creativity, sharp decision making, common sense, and justice for all.  

In addition, she comes to the VP table with academic and practicum experiences that are tested, broad-ranged, and state of the art.

To those standing around the table speaking of "being too ambitious" and holding "grudges", let's talk about that.  

I say,  evidently those fat-mouthing forgot that Candidate Kamala Harris was running for the same position as Joe Biden - President of the USA - fair game.   

As far as leaving the campaign when she did, she made an assessment and made a decision with the reality of fundraising about her continued campaign.  The public will notice that Candidate Harris remained in the public's eye as a super positive.  In fact, on August 11, 2020, she was the historic pick by presumptive candidate Joe Biden to be his 2020 running mate.

African Americans "Eye on the Prize" is Flipping the Senate and replacing the White House with Democrats Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.


Let's go to work and put them there - They can be TRUSTED.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Milwaukee Police - The Morales Story - Part I

August 9, 2020

CITY OF MILWAUKEE || Over the last 2 or more years, Alfonso Morales, Chief of Police, has had issues of reoccurring concerns regarding the behavior of Milwaukee Police Department.  

They include the handling of multiple incidents by Morales that includes:

  • the behavior of police regarding Bucks player Sterling Brown in 2018
  • disrespect in the African American and Latino neighborhoods
  • failure to discipline rogue behavior of police
  • dispersing tear gas and pepper spray on protesters
  • failure to fire Michael Mattioli (accused of killing Joel Acevedo)
  • Morales failure to follow directives of Fire and Police Commission
  • 5th District militarized with national guard (deployed by Tony Evers). 


What is the Fire and Police Commission?

Under Wisconsin law and the Milwaukee City Charter, the Fire and Police Commission oversees all aspects of Fire Department and Police Department operations. The Commission sets overall policy while the chief of each department manages daily operations and implements the Commission’s policy direction and goals.  Specific Commission functions also include:

  • establishing recruitment and testing standards for positions in the Fire and Police Departments,
  • hearing appeals by members of either department who have been disciplined by their Chief,
  • independently investigating and monitoring citizen complaints, and
  • disciplining employees for misconduct.

The seven (7) part-time civilian Commissioners and full-time Executive Director are appointed by the Mayor and must be approved by the Common Council. The Commissioners serve as the citizens’ voice in police and fire matters and as a means of ensuring a more responsive and effective city government. Diversity of background and experience makes the Commissioners’ concerns reflective of the community-at-large, and their priorities include initiatives to reduce crime, increase public safety, and maintain effective responses to fire and medical emergencies.  

Commissioners serve overlapping five-year terms, with one appointed each year, and receive a nominal salary of $6,600.00 per year. A thirteen-person staff, headed by the Executive Director, is responsible for carrying out Commission functions.  Staff members are employees of the City of Milwaukee.

Updated:  August 10, 2020