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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

MPA LLC PEOPLE'S Council & Task Force Hearing, September 2018

1st Annual Hearing Commission for BROADBAND & BIAS in Milwaukee
CITY-WIDE MILWAUKEE || Milwaukee ProfessionalsAssociation LLC announced its 1st Annual BROADBAND & BIAS Hearing Meeting will be held in early September 2018.  

"This is a historic event that seeks the venue of Wisconsin Black Historical/Society Museum, at least 10 Guest Commissioners and Witnesses selected by MPA LLC, said Mary Glass, Founder, and Co-Chair of MPC & Task Force. 

On August 24, 2017, Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC launched its 3-year case study called TINN - Team Internet Net Neutrality BROADBAND Initiative for the Underserved (urban and rural residential and commercial stakeholders) with a focus on the southeastern lowlands of Wisconsin located in cities of Milwaukee, Racine, and Kenosha.  

The Hearing Meeting will share findings of Year-One and highlight areas of disparity that lack Justice in Internet access.

The access, literacy, and use for Underserved Users is in part due to the lack of communication, continuity, and enforcement of resources available through the FCC/Federal Communication Commission and WI Public Service Commission. 

On April 15, 2018, two African American males were arrested at a Philadelphia Starbucks.  The arrest went viral on the internet as a Bias arrest with millions viewing and voicing "discrimination" and "racism".

May 22, 2018, MPA LLC started preliminary visits to corporate and licensed Starbucks in the Milwaukee area. 
L-R:  Kevin Johnson - CEO and Emeritus Howard Schultz
Starbucks Corporation

On May 29, 2018, Starbucks held a 4-hour BIAS training for some 8,000 staff members.

On Saturday, June 30, 2018, the first SMART Conversation w/World-style Cafe discussion was held and created the beginning of dialog for the 1-year SMART Conversation Bias Initiative of MPA LLC.  The Bias Initiative focuses on "Bias" behavior, Inclusiveness, and Starbucks Bias training.

The Hearing will have Guest Commissioners to listen to Witnesses with testimony and stories to depict Bias in Milwaukee, Starbucks' corporate and licensed BIAS training, Milwaukee Brewers Sensitivity Training and other organizations with recent notoriety in the media.

Hearing Commission Members
Experts and practitioners in technology and behavior will be selected for the 1st Annual Hearing meeting to give specificity in framing opportunities for improvement in the Broadband industry and Bias Behavior in corporations and organizations. 

In addition to Co-Chair Mary Glass, there will be two other Co-chairs with academic and practicum credentials.


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