L-R, Supervisor Gerry Broderick, 3rd District and Supervisor Eyon Biddle Sr., 10th District
February 29, 2012
“This is yet another attempt by the Governor and Legislature to hurt citizens who are trying to make better lives for themselves. I am requesting that the Legislature have a public hearing in Milwaukee on this issue before moving forward. The citizens need an opportunity to weigh in on how this bill would negatively impact Milwaukee.”
“If State lawmakers really want to help the students and programs at MATC, they should restore the 30% funding that was cut for technical schools. If we want to have a real conversation about reform at MATC, let's be sensible adults instead of railroading nonsensical legislation and subverting the democratic process for a power grab. Don't be disgusting.”
Supervisor Eyon Biddle Sr. - 10th District
Milwaukee County Supervisors
“The Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce’s (MMAC) private business agenda is rearing its ugly head once again, and this time MATC is the target. The continuing attack on the taxpayers of Milwaukee County is astounding and unacceptable! Consideration of Senate Bill 275 was done behind closed doors to ensure a minimum amount of public response."
“Milwaukee taxpayers provide 84% of the total funding for MATC and should not have their representation diminished in favor of private business interests. The individuals and businesses pushing this bill clearly do not believe in democracy. Shame on them.”
Supervisor Gerry Broderick - 3rd District
Milwaukee County Supervisors
MILWAUKEE, WI - Supervisors Eyon Biddle Sr. 10th District and Gerry Broderick, 3rd District, released press releases condemning proposed changes for the present selection process of members of MATC/Milwaukee Area Technical College.
Their reasons speaks to representation and taxes contributed by the People in Milwaukee, lack of TRUST and best practices seen by those representing the business arena, i.e., Milwaukee Metropolitan Association of Commerce. We would add two others in this mix for change. They are: The Greater Milwaukee Committee and Milwaukee 7.
"I agree with Supervisors Biddle and Broderick statements."
"My office research/experience show that this body, MATC BOARD, needs to be reminded that it is being "monitored" and are "accountable to the People". "That, this is not about the cronyism model to promote their personal self-interest and pet projects". "Also, that they are to return calls and provide public information post haste" - This includes not hiding behind their attorney. "Lastly, some remain on the board too long - they think they own it."
Press Release 10th District Supervisor Biddle and Press Release 3rd District Supervisor Broderick available through Harold Mester, Public Information Manager
Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, harold.mester@milwcnty.com
2011 - 2012 LEGISLATURE 2011 Senate BILL 275
These are the sponsors:
November 1, 2011 - Introduced by Senators Grothman, Cowles, Darling, Galloway, Lasee and Lazich, cosponsored by Representatives Honadel, Ballweg, Bies, Craig, Endsley, Kooyenga, LeMahieu, Marklein, Pridemore, Rivard, Spanbauer, Strachota and Thiesfeldt. Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Forestry, and Higher Education.
For viewing of State Bill 275. CLICK.
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