To state the facts frankly is not to despair the future nor indict the past. The prudent heir takes careful inventory of his legacies and gives a faithful accounting to those whom he owes an obligation of trust.
John F. Kennedy - 35th President, USA
Trust, but verify.
Ronald Reagan - 40th President, USA

MILWAUKEE, WI - On January 26, 2012, I had the opportunity of catching the last half of the kick-off of the 2012 FEMA THINK TANK online Conference Call hosted by our Urban public university - University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, 2200 E. Kenwood.
Upon arriving outside of the Fireside Lounge (place of event) I was confronted with a lack of Inclusiveness of African American, other People of Color and the Work-Challenged (un-, under-employed; un-, under-degreed and certificated; un-, under-financed neighborhood-level business; disabled; and re-entry - especially those returning from WAR, INCARCERATION, BOOMERANG EMPLOYMENT, BOOMERANG RETIREMENT and DEGREED students without employment).
When I say "confronted", I mean what I saw was a "contradiction" of what it should be – only Caucasian looking individuals – even though there was an individual that appeared to be Latino. The view was pure DISSATISFACTION since Africa American make up a majority block.
It was my thought that this would have been one of the BEST opportunities to address some near-and-dear issues of Milwaukeeans and neighbors to the northeast who have lost homes and school property recently.
We also had a fatality of young Kyle Prelesnik, a 19 year old that drown in the swollen Lincoln Creek flood. Milwaukee had 2 floods in 2010 - an estimate of $28.5 million dollars.
We have over a half-million folk in Milwaukee and NOT a one at the table.
This is a "black-eye" for our visiting Deputy Administrator Richard Serino, his representatives (regional and Milwaukee level) - even though Deputy Administrator Serino shared a list with me after the FEMA THINK TANK Conference Call that included an Invitation to Mayor Tom Barrett, County Executive Chris Abele and Sheriff David Clarke - they were not present.
For the record, each of the three (3) elected officials mentioned had a representative there.
NOT ENOUGH. This is too big of an issue.
We had a wake-up call in 2010, over $28.5 million of damages - not to mention the other ongoing incidents relative to water issues – recently an oil spill in the airport area.
For the record, Community Relation Director Thomas Harris was present. He should be one of the major links for Homeland Security and a direct liaison for County Executive Chris Abele.
City of Milwaukee
According to Steven Fronk, Director, City of Milwaukee - Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, he reached out to ALL alderpersons - NO ONE was present - Not even those alderpersons who had constituents in the flood areas, or East side alderpersons where the North Avenue issue happen and where the event was held. THIS IS A MAJOR EMBARRASSMENT on our area. The elected officials dropped the ball, it is time to get busy.
ALL HANDS ON DECK,WE, Not Me Initiative
Since re-defining, re-branding and un-trapping over a half-million Milwaukeeans from Enduring Concentrated Poverty is the goal of All Hands on Deck, WE, Not Me Initiative (the premier focus of Milwaukee Professionals Association), and since the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has been cited in a formal Discrimination Complaint by Milwaukee Professionals Association; it was an increased point of contention to see an event attached to our U.S. Home Security - FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Agency hosting an event that stated one Mission and engaging in just the opposite.
The room excluded African American and gave the appearance of 100% Caucasian.
Since this is "unacceptable", I immediately placed questions, sought answers from and made a contribution at the "kick-off" conference.
I was assured by External Affairs Officer, Marquita Hynes, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, that the goal of the Conference was to "speak with" and "hear from" Milwaukeeans. She was polite, reassuring and asked that I join the group. I did.
By joining the conversation, I raised the issue of INCLUSIVENESS during the Conference Call, I spoke my concerns face-to-face with visiting Deputy Administrator Richard Serino and he encouraged involvement. Since then, my office has launched a VERIFYING process to ensure that Milwaukeeans and others mentioned in this article are included.
My office has committed to adding the Homeland/FEMA Emergency Management (Preparedness for the People) as another layer to the All Hands on Deck and Rural/Urban North America Initiatives. It is to strengthen re-defining, re-branding and un-trapping Milwaukeeans through Leadership, Citizenship and Problem Solving. If the people are not at the table, informed and taking the lead, we do not have a REAL “preparedness” action plan for Emergency Preparedness for Milwaukee. We do not want to repeat KATRINA - even though some may say we had a mini Katrina in 2010.
If the People do not TRUST the people in a leadership role, the point is the same. Disaster.
Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States said, “TRUST, but verify”.
We will have VERIFYING ALERTS and REPORTS all this week.
Keep coming back.
Mary Glass - Milwaukeean
FEMA THINK TANK Conference Call - UW-Milwaukee, January 26, 2012 has been taped for your benefit.
You can hear my comments if you move the arrow close to the end of the tape – Mary Glass, Milwaukee Professionals Association.
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