MILWAUKEE, WI - Today is the 'LEAP year" day for the year 2012. It is also the day Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association, has chosen to share why her office launched a MOVEOn.org Petition for support by the People, February 21, 2012, BEFORE sending her Call for Investigation of Discriminatory practices and 'by-design' Code of Behavior for Enduring Concentrated Poverty to U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr.(February 28, 2012).
Glass shared the following as reasons. They are:
-- To embrace FAITH in a GLOBAL way - We welcome our international friends to sign. Everyone.
-- To utilize a People's Petition tool that she often support others in across the nation.
-- To allow the People to examine on-the-merits the issues that I am presenting to the U.S. Attorney General's office and the public square.
-- To promote activism and self-help at the neighborhood level for residential and commerical stakeholders.
-- To help empower other Urban and Rural areas that are "trapped".
-- To ask the "signers" to make this a serious and durable campaign.
-- To help re-define, re-brand and un-trap Milwaukeeans, especially African American, other People of Color and the Work-Challenged (un-, under-employed; un-, under-degreed and certificated; un-, under-financed neighborhood-level business; disabled; and re-entry - especially those returning from WAR, INCARCERATION, BOOMERANG EMPLOYMENT, BOOMERANG RETIREMENT and DEGREED students without employment) that are 'by-design' left out.
-- To let the elected-appointed-hired-volunteered and donor-for-hire representatives know that customer care, transparency, TRUST and "accountability" is always part of the solution-building.
-- To call upon our federal government, U. S. Department of Justice, to exercise necessary powers for this type of cross-lines-boundaries and out-of-control lawlessness.
JOIN us.We are taking the entire month of March, 2012 to SHOW/GET SUPPORT from YOU through this Petition to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.
Our first goal is: 1,000 signatures.
Let's see how quickly we can meet the first goal.
At the present time, there are (4) four signatures.
You will see the bar of 50 signatures is the first "marker" - once it is met, the bar will increase at a rate of 50-100 to increase.
We ask that you sign and that you help us get others to sign.
To see the Petition and "SIGN-THE-PETITION", CLICK

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SignOn is a service provided by MoveOn.org Civic Action to allow anyone to set up their own online petition, share it with friends, and stay in touch with the signers of their petition using email.
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