Dear Friend,
Recently released documents show that Republicans corrupted Wisconsin's redistricting process in order to save their jobs, not yours. Continue reading for more information.
As usual, please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns or opinions you may have about our community or our state.
Chris Larson
State Senator, District 7

Republicans Focused on Saving Their Jobs, Not Yours
This week it was confirmed that Republican legislators have been more committed to saving their jobs, not yours, this session. Startling news was finally brought to light under court order detailing how Republicans worked behind closed doors to craft the new legislative district maps and even signed a secret contract vowing to hide details of their redistricting plan from the public. When all was said and done, Republicans then stuck Wisconsin's taxpayers with a $400,000 tab to cover the fees for the private attorneys they hired to help them protect their jobs.
How the Redistricting Process Works in Wisconsin
The Wisconsin State Legislature is required by Article IV, Section 3 of the Wisconsin Constitution to redraw Senate and Assembly districts every 10 years based upon the results of the federal census to ensure districts provide representational equality for all potential voters.
Wisconsin currently uses a legislative redistricting process, where the maps are drawn up by the majority parties in the Legislature, are voted on by the Senate and Assembly, and are then signed by the governor. If the Legislature cannot agree on a redistricting plan, as is usually the case with split houses, the Supreme Court steps in to finalize the new legislative districts. For the past 50 years, Wisconsin's elected officials have had to work together with bipartisan cooperation or leave the task of redistricting up to the courts. This was the first time in 60 years that one political party had complete control over the redistricting process.

Courts Condemn Secret Process for Drawing Maps
After legislators, advocates and neighbors voiced concerns over the new legislative district maps drawn and hurriedly passed by Republicans earlier this year, two former legislators and 13 others filed a legal challenge. The group raised concerns that the partisan boundaries violate the federal Voting Rights Act and the equal-protection clause of the U.S. Constitution because of the way they treat minority communities, break apart neighborhoods, and shift voters from one district to another.
In September a federal three-judge panel was assembled to hear the challenge. The panel, two of whom are Republican appointees, includes J.P. Stadtmueller of the Eastern District of Wisconsin, Diane P. Wood of the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals and Robert M. Dow Jr. of the Northern District of Illinois.
Republicans introduced several motions attempting to keep the process used to craft the maps secret. Not only did the three-judge panel rule against these attempts, but they issued a scathing opinion saying the following:
"Quite frankly, the Legislature and the actions of its counsel give every appearance of flailing wildly in a desperate attempt to hide from both the court and the public the true nature of exactly what transpired in the redistricting process."
The court went on to say that the taxpayers should not have to pay for the sanctions it issued and instead ordered the Legislature's attorneys to cover the $17,000 in costs accrued from that legal challenge because they are "those ultimately responsible for the sandbagging, hide-the-ball trial tactics that continue to be employed."
CLICK here to read the court's full decision.
Whose Jobs are More Important?
Wisconsinites remain frustrated at the lack of job growth that our state has experienced. Under Governor Walker's leadership, which began in January 2011, the number of jobs Wisconsin has created is quickly approaching zero as we have lost jobs every month since his budget went into effect. Over the past year, Governor Walker has created only about 1% of the jobs he promised.
Republicans have had a year to try and improve Wisconsin's economic outlook and focus on job creation, but failed to make any headway in two special sessions and the regular session. However, at the same time Wisconsinites were struggling to get by, Republican legislators spared no expense to hire attorneys with $400,000 in taxpayer money to craft a secret plan to protect their jobs and create a one-party monopoly in Wisconsin for at least the next decade.
Office Phone: (608) 266-7505
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