A Homeland Security level for the sustainability of the city of Milwaukee

MILWAUKEE, WI - Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association, is seeking the Investigation of the United States Office of Justice. The request/ask was sent to U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr., the 82nd Attorney General of the United States.

"The 'by-design' decades of racial disparities are disregarded and often used to victimize the People "trapped" by the system. It is also used to get MORE AND MORE federal funding to be distributed in a "miscellaneous and self-serving" fashion; not as intended - no enforcement."
"The visual discriminatory documentations are over decades of disparities - Kerner Commission (1964), 2008 Federal Reserve and Brookings Institution case study naming Milwaukee as one of 16 Enduring Concentrated Poverty in America, Marc Levine, University of Wisconsin, recent 2010 African American male labor market meltdown, countless reports annually of racial disparity from Milwaukee Journal Sentinel to Bloomberg and other journalists of the deplorable and out-of-control racial disparities in the city of Milwaukee."
"The Code of Conduct of elected/appointed/hired/volunteered/donor for hire leaders and/or representatives that request, receive and spend federal funding which is to support/reform/change and administration of the People's business include:
-- appearance of conflict of interest, QUID PRO QUO and conflict of interest
-- arrogance and disregard of reference of breaking the law and/or violation through DISCRIMINATION
-- bait-n-switch mitigations
-- breach of trust
-- cronyism
-- distortions, misrepresentation and cover-ups of the truth
-- exploitation
-- greed and predatory behavior
-- misuse of power
-- refusal to provide public information
-- removal/stealing of research information, Mary Glass
-- wrongful arrest, Mary Glass
-- on and on."
The wrongful acts are across lines, quality-of-life, economic development, law enforcement, education and technology attainment, water related, racial-gender-class and controlled by elected/appointed/hired/volunteer and donor for hire** offices and board rooms. It is public-private-non-government-non-profit.

On March 26, 2011, Mary Glass delivered to Wisconsin State Attorney General JB Van Hollen some findings/research related to wrongdoings and multiple ties of the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents and the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee staff and culture. She asked his office to "investigate" and provide due process. His office response basically said their hands were tied - they represented those my office had a complaint about.

This includes the recent Request by Glass to Governor Scott Walker, Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele, Mayor Tom Barrett, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke and University of Wisconsin Board of Regents for return of removed/stolen property of Mary Glass during a suspicious Arrest Warrant by UW-Milwaukee Campus Police, Milwaukee Police Department and Milwaukee County Sheriff Department on February 15-16, 2012.. NO RESPONSE.
Homeland Security in Milwaukee level
The widespread disrespect and failure to provide due process requires a serious and honest federal investigation to STOP the hog-wild activity that has reached homeland security in Milwaukee levels.
It is to re-define, re-brand and un-trap Milwaukeeans. It is to allow the pursuit of happiness, opportunities to be self-sustaining and to create a more perfect union.
* Work-Challenged is defined as: un-, under-employed; un-, under-degreed and certificated; un-, under-financed neighborhood-level business; disabled; and re-entry - especially those returning from WAR, INCARCERATION, BOOMERANG EMPLOYMENT, BOOMERANG RETIREMENT and DEGREED students without employment.
** Donor for hire is the name given to those wealthy and powerful philanthropic leaders and organizations that are involved at some level with elected/appointed and private real estate barons, University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Milwaukee 7, Greater Milwaukee Committee, Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation, Milwaukee Metropolitan Association of Commerce, Milwaukee Public Schools, Milwaukee Area Technical College and other individuals in a business for profit mode - the appearance of receiving without the authorization of the people and often making decisions on behalf of the people; i.e., federal U. S. Department of Labor WIRED funding decisions and distribution, brownfield projects, tax credits, workforce development, UW-Milwaukee schools of Freshwater Sciences, Neeskay project, Kenwood project, school of nursing, school of public health, school of social welfare, school of business, Innovation Park project, Master Plan, Student Union Generation Project, Energy Project and on and on.
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