2008 Federal Reserve and Brookings Institution Case Studies - 16 Cities in the USA identified as Enduring Concentrated Poverty cities
Milwaukee was identified as one.

December 3, 2011
The City of Milwaukee has over a half-million people.
It is the iconic urban city of Wisconsin - largest city. It garners $$MILLIONS each year based on its population.
It has "hidden talent" that is by-design left out of INNOVATION and state of the art technology employment and neighborhood-level entrepreneurship.
It has been named time-and-time again for its disparities, yet it gets $$MILLIONS annually that are placed in pet projects, outsourced to neighboring suburbs-contractors, and to payback well-connected groups formed by and led by Caucasians.
The population of Milwaukee is majority African American, Latino, American Indian and Asian.
Milwaukee Professionals Association observation from 2005-2010 revealed a pattern of behavior of outsourcing of wealth by those elected-appointed-hired-volunteered and Donor-for-hire.

-- A viable - safe, comfortable, clean environment that promotes sound opportunities of quality of life and economic development.
-- A courteous and knowledgeable Milwaukee delegation of elected officials from city, county, school board, state and federal government.
-- A Milwaukee delegation that do their homework, know the desires of their constituency and represent their district-city with state-of-the-art knowledge and ethical behavior.
-- A Milwaukee delegation that appoint/hire/bring-to-the-table Milwaukeeans that will represent the People, that take seriously the position, that work and report to the people for solutions and keep the elected/appointed representatives informed.
-- A Milwaukee delegation with a high TRUST level in representation of stock/stakeholders' well-being and their resources - land use, real estate, taxes, and public policies.
-- A Milwaukee delgation that promotes education-technology-research attainment of each Milwaukeean with a 2020 competitiveness.
-- A Milwaukee delegation that makes government services accessible to all the citizenry with constant enforcement and upgrades using the in-the-neighborhood/from the neighborhood strategic planning groups.
-- A Milwaukee delegation that seeks and respect the citizenry to guide and monitor uses of HUD/Housing and Urban Development, Department of Transportation, Department of Education, Department of Health Services, Department of Justice, Department of Department of Labor, Environmental Protective Agency and other federal funding resources rather than at-will gifts to cronies, pet projects and election paybacks.
-- A Milwaukee delegation that recommend/appoint/hires and TRAIN Milwaukeeans, especially critical mass of African American, other People of Color and the Work Challeged (un-, under-employed; un-, under-degreed and certificated; un-, under-financed neighborhood-level business; disabled; and re-entry - especially those returning from WAR, INCARCERATION, BOOMERANG EMPLOYMENT, BOOMERANG RETIREMENT and DEGREED students without employment).
-- A Milwaukee delegation that provides a prompt response to inquiries.
-- A Milwaukee delegation that RESPECT the citizenry and promotes high standards in customer care.
-- A Milwaukee delegation that review annually all cabinet employees with decision making departments that provide services at the city, county and school board level - that the evaluations are equal to the review process of the budget selections for the mayor, common council president, county executive, chairman supervisor, and school board president.
-- A Milwaukee delegation that RENEW appointed positions in timely timeframes to help avoid Conflict of Interest.
-- A Milwaukee delegation that HONOR the Oath of office.
-- A Milwaukee delegation that help to ensure that they "self-evaluate" for ethical conduct.
-- A Milwaukee delegation that comes together annually to review common cause, state statutes and Enduring Concentrated Poverty.
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