Special Session Adjourned, Special Interests Not Jobs the Focus
The second special session of the year was abruptly adjourned today. A number of bills were passed as Christmas presents to special interests and big corporations, but despite public pressure job creation was largely ignored. I will discuss this issue in greater detail next week, but I think we can agree that Governor Walker's special session on jobs will go down in history as a failure that moved Wisconsin backwards.
Prohibiting Life-Saving Research, Damaging Our Economy
Another area that would be adversely affected by Assembly Joint Resolution 77 is Wisconsin's research and development sector. Wisconsin has grown to become a leader in the companion fields of stem cell research and regenerative medicine. This road to success began in 1995 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with the first successful culturing of embryonic stem cells from non-human primates, and later with the isolation of the world’s first human embryonic stem cells.
According to the National Institutes of Health, stems cells may be the key to curing many degenerative diseases, including cancer, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries. Through its research, UW-Madison aims to treat debilitating diseases by discovering new medicines and uncovering the fundamental processes that lead to such diseases. As a result, many people across the state, throughout the country and around the world who are or know someone suffering from one of these diseases are counting on Wisconsin's continued progress in this field.
In addition to making landmark discoveries, Wisconsin has lead the way in transforming cutting edge research into high-paying jobs. Experts predict the
stem cell industry sector will reach in excess of $10 billion over the next ten years.
Office Phone: (608) 266-7505
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