Today's date: December 6, 2011
Saving Lives One Step at a Time

This week I introduced legislation to take a significant step towards making Wisconsin’s streets safer. This proposal will strengthen our state’s drunk driving laws through increased use of ignition interlock devices (IIDs). The proposal already enjoys bipartisan support. Our lax drunk driving laws and record number of binge drinkers has thrust Wisconsin into the national spotlight keeping us ranked as one of the worst states for drunk driving offenses in the country.
Wisconsin’s drunk driving laws have failed to protect the safety of Wisconsin’s drivers and passengers. According to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (DOT), alcohol-related crashes killed 238 people and injured nearly 4,000 in Wisconsin in 2009. Additionally, approximately 45 percent of all fatal traffic crashes in Wisconsin in 2009 were alcohol-related. These staggering statistics do little to give our driver’s peace-of-mind while on the road.
In the past, the solution has simply been to take away the driver’s licenses of convicted drunk drivers. However, we know that doing this does not prevent them from driving. DOT estimates for 2010 show that over 32,000 people were convicted of driving drunk in Wisconsin. Of these, nearly 32 percent were repeat offenders. IIDs, on the other hand, have forced offenders to change their behavior by separating drinking from driving. Individuals with an IID installed will be prevented from starting their vehicle if their blood alcohol content (BAC) is above .02. IIDs are supported by drunk driving prevention advocates as they are proven to reduce drunk driving recidivism by 67 percent, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
The Legislature expanded the use of IIDs to first-time offenders with a BAC of .15 or higher and all repeat offenders during the 2009-2010 Legislative Session. Unfortunately, over the past year we have learned of cases around the state where first-time OWI offenders successfully plea bargain their BAC level below .15 in an effort to avoid the installation of IIDs.
It is time that we do more to stop the fatalities, injuries, and property loss caused by drunk drivers. The legislation I introduced is another step in the right direction towards making our streets safer for all Wisconsinites by requiring that all first-time convicted drunk drivers install an IID in their vehicle.
There is growing support in the Legislature for strengthening Wisconsin’s drunk driving laws through greater monitoring, treatment and enforcement. I am calling on members of the Legislature to whole-heartedly support this bill that will serve as a significant step towards reducing drunk driving in Wisconsin and in-turn increase public safety. However, legislation is not passed by legislators alone. Therefore, I also would like to encourage our fellow Wisconsinites to contact their state senator and representative and urge them to support this life-saving legislation.
To view a copy of this bill, please CLICK HERE.
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