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Friday, July 8, 2011

Milwaukee Professionals Association make Public Square request of local NAACP, ACLU, SDC and URBAN LEAGUE

Civil-legal-human rights
MILWAUKEE, WI - Realizing that the plate is full for the NEW administration of the NAACP, I feel that timing is paramount to success in most, if not all, strategic endeavors, said Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association.

"We, the People in Milwaukee have many issues of critique that is critical to the empowerment, advancement and sustainability of African American, other People of Color and the Work-Challenged (un-, under-employed; un-, under-skilled, un-, under-financed neighborhood-level businesses, disabled, reentry individuals, especially those reentering from WAR, INCARCERATION, boomerang employment and boomerang retirement)." "At this time, my office is calling upon the NEW administration of the NAACP to take the lead in becoming a visible collaboration in the public square with the following: ACLU - American Civil Liberties Union, SDC - Social Development Corporation and the Urban League of Milwaukee to address the myraid of issues they collectively share for the empowerment, advancement and sustainability of Milwaukeeans.

City of Milwaukee public square with the following recommendations as starters:

– Provide Safe Haven for Responsible Parents in the Riverwest incident
o Caucus to advise parents (those coming forth) who seek to do the right thing but may become scapegoats dealing with the City of Milwaukee law enforcement and county district attorney’s office.
o Caucus with ACLU, African American attorney association and other legal entities for an opportunity to provide partnership to strengthen efforts.
o Call upon the media (all media) to assist with your outreach (and give them specifics of how to accomplish).

This is a giant opportunity for outreach, collaboration and a platform for not only leadership services in this unfortunate situation but provide direction to the Mayor’s office so that at the end of the day, African Americans can use an Intervention/Prevention plan that comes from the neighborhood-level that is needed to address this type of sporadic volatility that dates back to similar behaviors in the past at the malls (Mayfair and Bayshore) and in the Metcalfe, and Amani neighborhoods.

o Safety-Code of Conduct Intervention/Prevention plan for galvanizing more parents and their children to the table for planning-implementation of behavior modification, training and code of conduct.
o Advise parents for legal options, public health counseling and oversight – a place for their calls of information and problem solving.

Investigate recent death in patrol car of young man in the care of law enforcement
o Seek clarity in facts – alleged robbery to mysterious death. Start file for monitoring and address. Keeping in mind that providing a “previous offense (s)” of the victim is not defense for any type of misbehavior on the part of law enforcement.

Again, an opportunity to “re-brand”, “re-define” and “untrap” – stereotypes.

- Update on response (s) to Call for Audits – Mayor Tom Barrett, County Executive Chris Abele and Governor Scott Walker.

– Get-out-toVote
o Preparation/Preparedness Campaign for ID - upcoming RE-Call
o Preparation/Preparedness Campaign for ID - voting going forward (2012)

Election 2012
o City officials – Milwaukee
o President

Milwaukee Professionals Association through its website ( remains vigilant and working from a platform of INNOVATION to do its part in "CHANNEL DEVELOPMENT" and Strategic Planning for a BOTTOM-UP Recovery program in the City of Milwaukee.

Glass said, "This is one of the prime examples of what the All Hands on Deck, WE, Not Me Initiative is all about." "We will seek the local public schools systems, led by our highest urban public school, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, to be a partner the 2011-2012 to help provide the academic, case study and wellness component."

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